Lord of All Gods

Chapter 780

Since the treasure wanted to play hide-and-seek, Ye Liuyun simply stopped looking for it, and waited for the treasure to be delivered to the door automatically.

The old tree in the courtyard, with luxuriant branches and leaves, formed a path by itself, and he was sitting under the tree.

The reason why Ye Liuyun chose to go under the tree was also because he felt that the old tree contained a powerful force, but even his golden pupils couldn\'t see what was inside.

If it weren\'t for his strong spiritual sense, he might not have noticed the strangeness of this old tree.

Ye Liuyun was going to wait for a while, if there was still no movement, then he would split the tree open to check the situation inside.


A sigh suddenly came from the old tree behind Ye Liuyun.

"No fun! Young man, impatient!"

Even though Ye Liuyun was prepared, he was startled by the sudden voice from behind.

"Tree demon?" Ye Liuyun immediately stood up, looked at the old tree and asked.

An old man came out from the big tree. Nodding towards Ye Liuyun, he admitted his identity.

"Are you here to hunt for treasure?" the old tree demon asked aloud.

"Not bad!" Ye Liuyun admitted without hesitation. "Also ask the seniors to give pointers!"

Even the dryad is the master here. Now that there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, Ye Liuyun dare not be negligent, it is better to be polite before fighting.

The old man pointed to the wooden chair and signaled Ye Liuyun to sit down.

He himself was not polite and did it directly, obviously wanting to chat with Ye Liuyun.

Seeing that he was not hostile, Ye Liuyun immediately sat down and listened to what he had to say.

"I\'ve been trapped in this secret realm, and I don\'t know how many years have passed. Have you noticed that the aura here is about to run out?" the tree demon asked Ye Liuyun.

When he asked, Ye Liuyun realized that the aura here was indeed relatively thin.

His attention was all on the treasure, and he didn\'t pay much attention to the richness of the aura here.

"After you said it just now, I realized that the aura here is indeed relatively thin." Ye Liuyun replied respectfully.

"Yes! That\'s why I want to move out of here and go to a place with rich aura." After the tree demon finished speaking, he stopped and looked at Ye Liuyun.

"Senior, do you want me to take you out?" Ye Liuyun guessed what the old man meant.

The tree demon nodded and said: "Not only take me, but also take the whole island out, and find a place with plenty of spiritual energy to settle down!"

Then, the tree demon added: "My kind of tree is weak in nature and harmless to humans and animals. You can rest assured."

Ye Liuyun thought for a while and asked, "What if I can do it?"

He didn\'t come to help others, but to hunt for treasure. Without treasures, he doesn\'t want to just be a good person.

"The treasure here is the fruit of my tree, which only bears one fruit every ten thousand years."

The old man obviously wanted to use the fruit of this tree to make a deal with Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun glanced at the old tree next to him. He really didn\'t know what kind of tree it was.

So he had no choice but to ask: "I don\'t know what the name of the fruit senior said! I don\'t know much about it, so please forgive me!"

"Haha! You are a real baby." The old man was not unhappy, but felt that what Ye Liuyun said was very real.

"My tree looks very ordinary, but in fact, not many people have seen it, and most of them don\'t know the name. If it\'s a fruit, maybe an expert can recognize it!" The old man said to himself. Bragged up.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to follow him and said, "Please tell me, senior! Also, how many fruits does senior have?"

"Okay, I won\'t let you guess, I\'ll tell you directly! See if you know the purpose of this fruit."

The tree demon paused, and said word by word: "This tree is called Wanhua Jinling Tree, and the fruit is called Wanhuajin Lingguo."

"I only have one fruit now. But if you know how precious this fruit is, you will definitely not think it too little. If it weren\'t for the lack of spiritual energy here, there should be two!" The tree demon said with some regret.

"Is it the Myriad Transformation Golden Spirit Fruit used to cultivate the avatar?" Ye Liuyun blurted out.

He never expected that he would encounter such a rare treasure here.

He originally thought that he would have to go to the Central Continent to encounter this kind of thing.

"Well, you\'re pretty good at it, kid! Although our Wanhua Golden Spirit Tree is not particularly precious, the number is extremely rare. As far as I know, there are only five or six trees in the entire continent. After so many years, the mainland It collapsed, and I don\'t know if the other trees are still alive..."

As the tree demon talked, his mind was a little distracted, as if he was lost in memories.

Ye Liuyun was also in a daze. Encountering Wanhua Jin Lingguo here made him feel a little inconceivable.

In the whole continent, there were originally only five or six such fruit trees.

In addition to being destroyed, it is really possible that there is only this one left!

And that Myriad Transformation Gold Spirit Fruit might also be the last one!

Rare things are more expensive. The value of this Myriad Transformation Golden Spirit Tree and its fruits is already immeasurable!

After a while, both of them came back to their senses.

"Okay. I promise you. Move you and this island into my space world. There is enough aura in it, enough for you to continue to survive."

Ye Liuyun directly agreed.

"You are only in the realm of the five layers of yin and yang, and you built the space world by yourself?"

The tree demon\'s eyes lit up when he heard the words, but after all, he had just met Ye Liuyun, so he still couldn\'t trust him.

"My realm is not high, but the power of space is not weak. If you don\'t believe me, senior, you can go and see it first!"

Ye Liuyun also knew that it was impossible for him to believe it just by talking about it, so why not just let him see it.

The dryad hesitated. After all, if he enters other people\'s space world, he will be controlled by others, and he may not be able to get out!

"Senior, if you don\'t believe me, we can sign a soul contract first!"

Ye Liuyun was also worried that the tree demon would attack his space world, so he simply proposed to sign a contract, which would protect both parties.

"That\'s good!" The tree demon also agreed with this approach.

So the two signed a contract, and they promised not to hurt each other. Then Ye Liuyun brought the tree demon into the space world.

There is a gathering spirit tree inside, and the original power is also very sufficient. The ferocious beasts inside are not particularly aggressive.

After looking around, the dryad felt very satisfied.

So after they came out, the tree demon moved the entire island in.

The two of them once again signed a soul contract. Ye Liuyun asked the tree demon to move the entire island in to provide the tree demon with a living environment.

The Dryad gave Ye Liuyun the Wanhua Jin Lingguo. And it\'s not just this one fruit, all future fruits will be handed over to Ye Liuyun.

In this way, the two of them reached an agreement to move the entire island into Ye Liuyun\'s space world.