Lord of All Gods

Chapter 774

"What about you? What have you gained?" Ye Liuyun was worried that the busy work would be wasted.

"I won\'t snatch such a small thing from you! Anyway, it\'s your contribution, and I didn\'t do anything. It just so happens that your space world also needs this thing!"

Qiongqi generously gave up all the original power to Ye Liuyun.

"Then I won\'t be polite!"

Ye Liuyun said excitedly. I am very grateful for Qiongqi\'s care.

Qiongqi curled his lips and jokingly said: "Come on, don\'t be sensational! It\'s like you were being polite to me!"

Ye Liuyun chatted with Qiongqi for a while, watching Wu Qingcheng and others take back the Yuan Dan and storage rings of those foreign races.

"Wait for me for a while, I\'ll put this original power into the space world."

Ye Liuyun greeted Qiongqi and entered his own space world.

In the very center of his spatial world, there is only one Spirit Gathering Tree, other than that, everything else is empty.

Ye Liuyun buried the crystal ball of the original power under the spirit-gathering tree.

Supporting the space requires energy consumption, and the aura produced and gathered by the Spirit Gathering Tree can directly supplement the consumption of the original power.

Around the Juling Tree, a faint layer of spiritual energy has already gathered. It seems that the effect of its generation and gathering of spiritual energy is not bad.

"Maybe after a long time, this original power will grow!"

Ye Liuyun secretly looked forward to this space world, which would bring him more surprises.

He didn\'t delay too much, he returned immediately, and together with Qiongqi and others, rushed to the next goal.

They have more than six days left in this continent.

Those three places that even the foreign races haven\'t broken through, probably they can\'t break through easily either. So hurry up.

However, it didn\'t take him that long to experience a huge change in his spatial world.

Ye Liuyun felt that with the complete fusion of the original power and his space world, he seemed to have a special connection with the original power of the space world.


Ye Liuyun stopped immediately and carefully observed the changes in his space world.

As soon as the idea in his mind came out this time, a ray of divine sense directly penetrated in.

Now he doesn\'t need to go in by himself, he can see everything inside.

Ye Liuyun could not do this before. I don\'t know why now, but it just happened.

Qiongqi and the others also stopped curiously and asked him what happened.

Ye Liuyun immediately told Qiongqi all these changes, to see if he knew what was going on.

"What\'s all the fuss about!" Qiongqi was speechless.

"The space world was established by you, and you are the god of that world. Your consciousness can not only see everything, but also control everything in it."

"Can it still be controlled? Then how could I not be able to do it before?" Ye Liuyun hurriedly tried it, using his spiritual sense to control the Juling Tree to move its position.

Sure enough, his consciousness could control the Juling Tree.

"In the past, it was possible that the energy in your space world was insufficient!" Qiongqi guessed.

"Then what is the connection between me and the space world?" Ye Liuyun continued to ask him for advice.

"What kind of connection is it?" Qiongqi asked him back.

"This connection is very subtle. It seems that the space world has become a part of me. I can borrow the power of the space world at any time. But after trying it, I found that I can\'t use the original power at all."

Ye Liuyun tried his best to explain his feelings to Qiongqi.

Qiongqi heard the words, and said directly: "That\'s normal! The space world is yours, you can completely control it, and it\'s normal if you have a connection. As for borrowing power, it\'s just that you still need to work together."

"Do other people also need to adjust? How long does it take?" Ye Liuyun wanted to find some references.

"We have to go through this process. Borrowing the power of the space world also increases gradually by 10% or 20%. There is no one-step process. As for the time required, it usually takes a few years or longer."

Qiongqi explained to Ye Liuyun, but he was also shocked in his heart.

"This kid, how long has it been since he established the space world? He can establish a connection with the space world, and his spiritual sense can control the space world! It will take several years for others to figure it out by themselves. No one taught him! What a genius! Innate monster!"

Ye Liuyun himself didn\'t understand how he could establish a connection!

Anyway, since the energy was sufficient, I suddenly felt this way.

It was Qiongqi who reminded him to use his spiritual consciousness to control the space world. But he succeeded at the first try. This has something to do with his strong spiritual consciousness.

What is left now is to practice borrowing the power of the space world.

"Your space world is too empty. You can try to put more things in it, so that it can multiply by itself." Qiongqi suggested.

"Reproduce?" Ye Liuyun was a little surprised.

Qiongqi was also speechless to Ye Liuyun. He built a space world by himself, but he didn\'t understand anything.

"Of course! A world, of course it has to evolve by itself, you can\'t always rely on yourself to build it!"

Ye Liuyun asked a little puzzled: "But doesn\'t it require certain conditions to thrive? Such as the sun, the moon and other natural conditions."

Qiongqi nodded and continued: "That\'s right! Those are what you need to create. You are the creator of this world, and you are the god of this world.

Your main goal should be to create these conditions for the world, and finally let it run by itself. Only then can it truly become a world, not just a secret realm. "

"Become a real world? And then?" Ye Liuyun wondered what is the use of this space world in the end?

"Then?" Qiongqi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The stronger your world is, the more power you can borrow! The stronger you will be!"

"Oh, that\'s how it is!" Ye Liuyun nodded, and only then did he realize the ultimate meaning of creating a space world.

Then he asked again: "Then if I build a few more space worlds, won\'t it be stronger?"

"Spare yourself! You haven\'t finished any of them, how many more do you want to build? A space world that can reproduce itself is more powerful than a hundred imperfect space worlds.

Do you know how long it takes to build a perfect, self-circulating space world? It is possible for tens of thousands of years! "

Qiongqi was a little too lazy to pay attention to his ignorant thoughts.

"You\'d better build this one up!" Qiongqi waved his hand, ignored him, and walked forward.

"It will take that long?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t think too much when he heard the words, and immediately led everyone to follow Qiongqi\'s footsteps.

Even if he wants to build a few more, he has to build this one well to accumulate experience. It\'s useless to think about it now.