Lord of All Gods

Chapter 773

Not long after, the master spirit of the third-level foreign race couldn\'t fly, so he had to fall down to defend.

But its defense is useless.

The power of the Buddha\'s light has consumed too much of it, and the ghost fire of the ghost has already burned on it.

Until now, Ye Liuyun could really breathe a sigh of relief!

"It has to rely on the power of the soul! Otherwise, I really can\'t beat these few strong people in the realm of creation."

He has now determined that the soul of this alien race is also destined to be in its pocket.

With the changes in the battle situation, Ye Liuyun was not just defending anymore.

He was still trying to take advantage of the gap in the opponent\'s attack, and took the initiative to smash the opponent with the death knell.

The foreigner didn\'t know the death knell, and was still avoiding it at first.

But with the whine of the foreign race at the fifth level of good fortune, the power was absorbed by the demon-sealing tablet. And that foreign race with the first level of good luck, the main and auxiliary spirits were all wiped out, and fell to the ground completely.

The foreign race of the third level of good fortune also had red eyes, and rushed towards the death knell, flew into it, punched the death knell in vain, and then attacked Ye Liuyun.


Seeing Ye Liuyun, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, these alien races are relatively stupid, and they don\'t know how powerful this death knell is!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s words fell, the foreign race shrouded by the death knell, with the sound of "dong", their souls had been shaken away by the demon sealing tablet!

The body lay erect among the death knells.

Ye Liuyun took back the death knell, sucked out all the Yuan Dan of the foreign race and put them away.

Looking up at the Demon Sealing Monument again, it had already changed its position, pressing the alien race with the third level of good fortune under the monument, constantly absorbing its power.

"This magic tablet, the more it absorbs, the stronger it will be!"

Ye Liuyun wasn\'t reluctant to part with those two Yuan Dans from other races either.

The Demon Sealing Tablet has become stronger, so it can better help him deal with alien races in the future. So he didn\'t take back the Demon Sealing Tablet and let it absorb it.

The Demon Sealing Tablet can finally be unrestrained. After absorbing the alien races in the good fortune realm, it took the initiative to press down on other alien races in the yin and yang realm, and it always started to deal with the strongest ones first.

After absorbing one, the next one will come at a speed that is not much slower than Ye Liuyun\'s speed of killing aliens.

The stronger it is, the faster it can absorb the power of other races.

Ye Liuyun smiled, released the skeleton puppet, Wu Qingcheng and others, and asked them to join the battle.

He himself swung the Devil Slayer Saber and killed him. After all, with so many alien races, they couldn\'t all be absorbed by the Demon Sealing Monument. He also needs to gain something more or less.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that without Qiongqi\'s help, he would wipe out all five alien races in the realm of creation by himself.

However, he also understands that his own strength lies in the fact that his soul power is stronger than these alien races. Thanks to his strength, it happened to restrain the aliens.

Others, the Ten Thousand Gods Order and the Demon Sealing Monument also helped him a lot.

Ye Liuyun\'s mentality was much more relaxed when he fought against the remaining alien races after eliminating these strong men in the realm of good fortune.

Whether it is the soul attack or the yin and yang domain, it can easily deal with alien races with nine levels of yin and yang.

As for the Yin-Yang eighth level and below, he can kill them directly with the Demon Slaying Knife.

Ye Liuyun brought a stone tablet, a skeleton, and three women, and fought crazily against thousands of alien races.

Those alien races all rushed towards them, and they would rather die than retreat in front of them, preventing Ye Liuyun and others from approaching the altar.

"That\'s good, we can buy Qiongqi some more time!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

He has persisted until now, in fact, it has been more than a quarter of an hour.

But since Qiongqi didn\'t call to stop, he didn\'t know the situation, so he had to keep fighting.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to ask, for fear of disturbing Qiongqi.

Maybe Qiongqi is also in danger!

If he continues to urge, it will only distract Qiongqi.

Anyway, there is no danger now, just be tired if you are tired!

So, he didn\'t care about Qiongqi, and concentrated on killing the aliens in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

For the rest, he gave them to Skeleton Puppet, Wu Qingcheng and others to practice.

After killing all the alien races in the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm, the Fengmobei also took the initiative to return to Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, despising that the rest of the alien races were too low in realm.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t do anything anymore either. Now he also dislikes the low level of those alien races, and he doesn\'t bother to do it. Just stood aside and watched Wu Qingcheng and the others fight.

Wu Qingcheng and the others also put away the artifact after hitting them.

Otherwise, the artifacts in their hands could wipe out all these alien soldiers.

The battle between Ye Liuyun and the others lasted for nearly an hour before they almost wiped out all the alien races here.

There has been no movement at Qiongqi\'s side, and he doesn\'t know what he is busy with.

He knew that Qiongqi could sense the progress on his side, and since he didn\'t make a sound or ask for help, it meant that Qiongqi could handle it by himself, so he didn\'t ask again.

Occasionally, a few alien races in the Yin-Yang realm rushed to his side, and he just slapped them out with the Yin-Yang Wheel. It\'s as easy as swat a fly.

"The Yin-Yang realm that was once unattainable is finally easily destroyed by me!"

Ye Liuyun watched the aliens fall one by one, and couldn\'t help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

Those martial artists in the Yin-Yang realm that he once looked up to are no longer his opponents!

"Sooner or later, even the god of the underworld will be trampled under my feet!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help feeling much better.

"What beautiful things are you thinking about?" Qiongqi\'s voice suddenly came from beside him.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even look at him, but hearing his voice was very relaxed, he knew that he should have settled the matter.

"I thought you died inside! You almost killed me just now, do you know that?" He complained casually.

"Didn\'t I give you a chance to increase your confidence!"

Qiongqi smiled meanly: "Actually, I\'ve already finished my work. I\'ve been watching you destroy those five guys!"

"I\'m going! You\'re too stupid! What if something happens to me?" Ye Liuyun almost blurted out and cursed.

"This scammer really cheated me to death!" Ye Liuyun cursed secretly in his heart.

"I\'m hiding in the void, how can I let them hurt you! If you don\'t force you, you will never know how strong you are!" Qiongqi laughed.

Ye Liuyun nodded when he heard the words, thinking that what Qiongqi said made sense.

If Qiongqi hadn\'t forced him, he really wouldn\'t have dared to provoke so many strong men on his own initiative!

Seeing that he admitted it, Qiongqi also nodded with a smile: "You can teach a child!"

As he said that, Qiongqi took out a huge crystal ball.

"I don\'t know where these alien races found it, the original power of a secret realm. You can keep it and put it in your space world!"

"Is it full of energy?" After Ye Liuyun took it, he probed with his consciousness and found that it was full of energy, not like it had been used.

"That\'s right, I haven\'t used it yet!" Qiongqi confirmed.