Lord of All Gods

Chapter 775

Along the way, Ye Liuyun kept in touch with his own space world, trying to use its power.

He also knows that this cannot be achieved overnight, but it is always right to try more.

On the way, when they saw aliens, they would not let them go.

As long as there is only one of these alien races left, they will prepare to build an altar again, and then send more alien races over.

Fortunately, there are no human martial arts here, and there is no condition for them to cultivate corpse demons, otherwise these alien races would be even more difficult to eliminate.

Ye Liuyun and the others came in for a short time this time, and it was impossible to completely clean up the aliens. But try to eliminate as many as possible to weaken their power.


Just as Ye Liuyun and the others approached the target valley, Qiongqi suddenly stopped everyone!

"What\'s wrong?"

Ye Liuyun asked aloud.

The entire valley was blocked by a mysterious force, which could not be detected by the divine sense.

"In the valley, there are ferocious beasts, and the smell is mixed, there should be quite a few of them."

Although Qiongqi\'s spiritual sense can\'t detect it. But he is a monster, and he is much more sensitive to smell than Ye Liuyun and others.

He sniffed and sniffed the air for a long time.

"It seems that there are no powerful beasts!"

As he said that, he directly revealed his body, turned into a fiery red Qiongqi, and roared into the valley.


Qiongqi\'s roar made the whole valley tremble.

Soon, in the valley, there was also a beast roar. It\'s just that the roar of this beast is much lower than that of Qiongqi. As if responding to Qiongqi.

"Come with me!" Qiongqi greeted Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun immediately put Wu Qingcheng and the puppet away. He knew that Qiongqi didn\'t like carrying others on his back.

Then he jumped directly on Qiongqi\'s back, let Qiongqi lead him, and walked into the valley.

"This valley has a natural formation, except for ferocious beasts, no one can enter." Qiongqi explained to Ye Liuyun.

They walked straight along the valley. Ye Liuyun felt a little resistance on his body.

Qiongqi immediately released the breath of a ferocious beast, wrapping Ye Liuyun in it, and the resistance also disappeared.

After entering, they saw that it was an independent space.

The space range is very wide and the mountains are undulating.

What shocked them the most was that there were fierce beasts everywhere in this space.

They all thought before that all the beasts here were wiped out by the alien race!

Only now did I realize that they were all hiding here.

As soon as they came in, several ferocious beasts of the first level of good fortune also surrounded them and communicated with Qiongqi.

After learning about the situation outside, the ferocious beasts were ready to go out to take revenge and completely wipe out those alien races.

Qiongqi\'s state is the highest, and they want Qiongqi to lead them.

Fierce beasts worship power the most, and they will recognize whoever is strong as the boss.

But Qiongqi still refused. He won\'t stay here for long, and it\'s even more impossible for him to give up the opportunity to search for resources for these beasts.

And with these ferocious beasts in the realm of good fortune, they can also protect themselves.

So these ferocious beasts rushed out under the leadership of those first-level beasts.

Qiongqi found that apart from these beasts, there were no other treasures here. So he asked Ye Liuyun if he wanted to kill a few ferocious beasts in the realm of good fortune and snatch a few yuan pills, it was not a waste of time.

"Forget it! The Yuan Dan of a few fierce beasts will not help us much, it is better to let them destroy the alien race."

If those alien races are not eliminated, they may revive. So Ye Liuyun didn\'t intend to kill the beast at all.

But here, there are still many fierce beasts with relatively docile personalities and no offensive power.

"How about I put some of the remaining beasts into my space world?"

Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi for his opinion.

"That\'s okay. But you have to decorate with other things, such as mountains, trees, and water! It can\'t be empty, there is nothing!" Qiongqi suggested.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun thought about it and did it. Together with Qiongqi, the whole mountain was moved inside, and the beasts on the mountain were moved in directly.

Then, the two of them moved a river into it.

"Okay, it\'s almost done, let\'s move these first, and put them in when we find good things." Qiongqi got tired after working for a while.

"Then let\'s do this first! But you help me set up formations for the original power and the spirit-gathering tree, don\'t be destroyed by those fierce beasts!"

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness can monitor the situation in the space world at any time.

However, just in case, he asked Qiongqi to set up a defensive formation, lest the beasts that just moved in destroy the spirit-gathering tree and the original power.

Qiongqi went in and worked for a long time before coming out.

"Okay! Now the central area, even the monsters in the realm of good fortune can\'t get in!"

Ye Liuyun felt relieved when he heard that.

The ferocious beasts they just moved in are few even in the Yin-Yang realm, and they are still far away from the Creation Realm!

"Aren\'t there any other valuable things here?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi with some regret.

"This is the hiding place of the beast, nothing else. Come with me to the next location.

These monsters have told me. There is a place that hides three artifacts and treasures, and even told me a shortcut, which can be regarded as our reward! "

Qiongqi greeted Ye Liuyun out of the valley.

As soon as these ferocious beasts rushed out of the valley, they divided into several teams, forming a beast tide, rushing away in different directions.

The entire continent was shaken by these beast tides.

Lan Ruobing and the others all sensed the hordes of ferocious beasts and avoided them one after another.

But those alien races took the initiative to kill them, thinking it was an opportunity to kill the beasts, but they were all wiped out by those beasts in the Creation Realm, or they were directly trampled to pieces by the tide of beasts!

Afterwards, these animal hordes also gradually dispersed. But the first task of the beasts is to search for the remaining alien monsters.

They have a keen sense of smell and are very effective in chasing and killing alien races. They vowed to drive out the alien races in this continent completely without leaving any future troubles.

With the king of beasts in the state of good fortune, the robbers did not dare to provoke those beasts.

And those fierce beasts didn\'t have time to pay attention to human martial arts. So the two sides are living in peace for the time being, and are busy with their own affairs.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi also disappeared into the void, rushing to the location of the three treasures.

Qiongqi brought Ye Liuyun to a towering ancient tree and fell down. After turning around and sniffing with his nose, he walked directly to an old tree.

"Follow me in, don\'t hesitate."

Saying that, Qiongqi accelerated and slammed directly into the big tree.

"Ah? What are you doing..."

Before Ye Liuyun finished speaking, Qiongqi\'s figure had disappeared.

"Teleportation formation?" Ye Liuyun thought of this, and immediately followed, disappearing into the tree.