Lord of All Gods

Chapter 772

Even though the boar\'s head had no special power, the quality of the true energy in the good fortune realm and the power of the attack were not something Ye Liuyun could resist now.

So he decided to attack it first, use the artifact to attack it, and then use the artifact to protect himself, trying to buy time for Qiongqi.

Ye Liuyun took the risk to challenge the strong alien monsters in the first level of fortune, but he could only win by sneak attack and artifacts.

As soon as the battle started, he released his yin and yang domain and enveloped the wild boar in it, trying to weaken his attack with the power of Buddha\'s light.

This does have some effect, but not enough.

Soon the alien race also began to fight back, releasing their own realm of good fortune.

Its domain is completely pitch black, filled with devilish energy and evil aura. The wild boar-headed alien swelled up again in the field, and attacked Ye Liuyun.

He didn\'t dare to take it hard, and hastily took out the death knell to resist.


When a bell rang, the wild boar\'s head was startled.

Ye Liuyun had already seized the opportunity to slap the wild boar\'s head with all his strength, and at the same time, he slashed out with the demon-slaying knife, sending it into the body of the alien race with the power of space.

His timing was just right. The Qiankun Palm and the Devil Slayer Knife both struck before the alien race could react. The foreigner took two solid blows.

The power of the Buddha\'s light in Qiankun\'s palm almost dispersed the devilish energy in his body. And the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Flame carried by the Devil-Slaying Knife bombarded and burned in his body.

In order to prevent other people from taking action, Ye Liuyun immediately put away his yin and yang domain, so as not to be destroyed by others.

The whole set of movements is smooth and smooth, which was designed by him before.

By the time the other powerful alien races reacted, Ye Liuyun had already put the death knell in his hand.

With a scream of "Aw", he fought Ye Liuyun against the alien race, fell to the ground and rolled.

The damage done by the Devil-Slaying Knife to alien races is basically irreversible. Coupled with the destruction of the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, Ye Liuyun can be sure that this guy has no power to fight anymore.

Even if he could not die in a short period of time, it would be supported by his realm, but it wouldn\'t last long.

"A sneak attack with an artifact! Shameless human!"

A foreign race with a third level of fortune scolded angrily, and slapped Ye Liuyun with a palm.

Ye Liuyun immediately released the demon-sealing tablet, pressing it towards a foreign race with a fifth level of good fortune, and at the same time threw out the death knell to block the palm.

"How much longer?" Ye Liuyun urged Qiongqi.

He knew that once he threw the Demon Sealing Tablet, the other alien races would definitely attack it.

All he has left now is the death knell, but he can\'t stop the attacks of so many strong aliens.

"Hold on for another quarter of an hour! There is an altar here, I want to destroy it first!" Qiongqi replied.

"Half an hour!"

Ye Liuyun was going crazy!

Facing the siege of three alien races, you have to persist for half an hour!

He didn\'t expect to put himself in such a dangerous situation. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life!

Fortunately, Fengmobei didn\'t disappoint him this time, and took the initiative to suppress the strong man at the fifth level of fortune!

Otherwise, Ye Liuyun would really be dumbfounded!

A foreign race with a third level of good fortune saw the demon sealing tablet pressing down his leader, and immediately attacked the demon sealing tablet.

"kill him!"

The alien who was crushed under the Demon Sealing Tablet shouted an order.

The remaining alien race who was at the third level of good luck and the first level of good luck also immediately went all out to kill Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to use the death knell to block the attack of the third-level powerhouse, and at the same time use his soul attack to pull the soul of the first-level alien master into his yin and yang domain.

At the same time, it was also the first time for him to take risks, let his sub-soul rush into the opponent\'s sea of ​​consciousness, and fight away, intending to destroy its sub-soul.

If he doesn\'t, he won\'t be able to stop its physical attack.

Fortunately, the opponent is at the first level of fortune, neither the main soul nor the secondary soul is too strong.

Ye Liuyun\'s power of Buddha\'s light and ghost fire just came in handy and immediately made him stop his attack to resist Ye Liuyun\'s attack.

In this way, Ye Liuyun only needs to face a strong man of the third level of fortune, and block it with the death knell.

Just as he felt relieved, the foreigner who went to rescue his companion suddenly released the main spirit and attacked Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

He thought that Ye Liuyun\'s two souls were fighting, and he could take the opportunity to sneak attack and destroy Ye Liuyun in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his main spirit rushed into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, it was immediately covered by the golden light of the Ten Thousand Gods Order, and could no longer escape.


The soul of the strong man was wiped out in an instant, spewing out a mouthful of black blood like ink.

The Ten Thousand Gods Token seems to be particularly sensitive to the spirits of alien races and evil creatures, and the speed of destroying their spirits is much faster than that of ordinary spirits, and the alien race will be backlashed immediately.

And at the moment when his soul was damaged, the Demon Sealing Tablet took the opportunity to pull it into his control.

The foreigner immediately felt that his strength was draining, and struggled desperately.

But the Demon Sealing Tablet, how could it be allowed to escape, within a few breaths, the alien race completely lost its strength and could no longer struggle out.

He let out a series of growls, apparently communicating with his kind.

"Are you ready?" Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to urge Qiongqi.

"Persevere!" Qiongqi simply replied.

It seems that he should also have reached a critical moment.

Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth and continued to insist.

The foreign race with the third level of fortune outside also immediately stepped up their attacks on Ye Liuyun.

At the same time, its main fighting spirit rushed towards Ye Liuyun\'s Yin-Yang domain.

It was probably reminded by its companions that it did not dare to rush into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, but it could help its companions and destroy his main soul in Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang domain.

"Same!" Ye Liuyun smiled slightly.

At this moment, in his yin and yang domain, the main battle spirit of the first level of good fortune is already dying. Completely lost the ability to fight.

Therefore, although the divine soul of the triple alien race is much stronger than it, it is still much inferior to Ye Liuyun\'s divine soul.

"I\'ll kill as many as you come!" Soon, Ye Liuyun began to press down on the main battle spirit of the third level of good fortune to fight again.

The power of Buddha\'s light, ghost fire, and blood thunder kept bombarding.

The divine soul of the triple alien race regretted it after entering it!

It didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun\'s soul power to be so strong.

But after it came in, it wanted to go out again, but it couldn\'t find the boundary.

Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang realm seemed to be a boundless hell, filled with blood thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Fire, and he couldn\'t see the end at a glance.

It gritted its teeth and flew in one direction, thinking that with its own high level, it could quickly reach the boundary.

But what it didn\'t expect was that when he first entered Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang domain, he had already fallen under the illusion.

It thought it was flying in one direction all the time, but in Ye Liuyun\'s view, it was just going around in circles.