Lord of All Gods

Chapter 771

Ye Liuyun looked at the monk who had turned into a skeleton again, and walked over to salute and thank him first. The others were also grateful and thanked the dry bone.

The colorful peacock didn\'t move any more, and was put into the storage ring by Yu\'er.

Although no treasure was found in this exploration, the benefits for everyone were undoubtedly the greatest.

"Even if you can\'t find other treasures or resources, this trip is worth it!" Su Miaoyin was very content.

"How is it possible! There are still a lot of resources waiting for us to get, hurry up, don\'t dawdle!"

When Qiongqi was not satisfied, he immediately urged them to come.

Ye Liuyun and the others also left the cave immediately, taking the time to continue rushing to the stronghold of the alien evil.

At this time, in the entire Fragment Continent, there are constant battles everywhere.

All the alien monsters also realized that the human martial arts had dispersed and entered here, so they began to take the initiative to search for their traces. Aliens in twos and threes are everywhere.

Ye Liuyun and the others encountered many alien races along the way. They were all wiped out as soon as they met, and took away the storage ring and Yuan Dan.

When they arrived at the stronghold, there were not many foreign races stationed there. Except for two or three strong men in the realm of good fortune, the other foreign races were easily wiped out by Ye Liuyun and others.

Therefore, wherever they went, only Qiongqi, who was dealing with the alien race in the realm of good fortune, seemed to be the busiest. As for Ye Liuyun and the others, it was as if they were picking up treasures.

In more than three days, they raided the four larger strongholds of the alien evil.

The four alien evil creatures with four levels of good fortune were also wiped out one by one by Qiongqi.

The resources in each alien stronghold are also different. The first thing they harvested was a whole vein of high-grade spirit stones.

The second is a piece of fire marrow and a whole vein of fire crystal. He and Qiongqi split it equally.

The treasure at the third location is a spirit-gathering tree, which can condense and generate aura. It was directly transplanted by Ye Liuyun into his own space world.

In the fourth location, they gained even more, including two extremely cold ice sources, and thousands of frozen beasts in the realm of yin and yang, and the realm of good fortune.

Ye Liuyun, the source of extreme cold ice, directly gave it to Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er. Correspondingly, more spirit stones were given to Su Miaoyin.

These frozen beasts are all high-quality meat, and Yuan Dan can also be used to absorb them.

Ye Liuyun gained the most. There are still many magic stones in the storage space of the alien evil, which he can also use to absorb.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that these resources could allow him to break through to the level of yin and yang.

Everyone was delighted with the harvest in front of them.

Only Qiongqi is still not satisfied: "Look at your beggar mentality! You are satisfied with only such a small amount of resources? No wonder you all improve your realm so slowly!"

"Uh... These resources are indeed enough for us for a long time!" Ye Liuyun retorted.

"There are a lot of resources, but you also have a lot of people!" Qiongqi also knew that after Ye Liuyun returned, he would definitely distribute them to others.

"Don\'t stop, there is still the largest stronghold of the foreign race, and there are three other treasure locations that the foreign race has not controlled! There are still six days, we have to hurry up!"

Qiongqi urged Ye Liuyun, and was very dissatisfied with his mentality of getting rich when he is a little rich.

Ye Liuyun smiled, and of course he would not let go of the remaining treasures. He just felt that the harvest this time was not small.

For the rest of the exploration, even if there are some risks, he will strive for it with all his strength.

Ye Liuyun immediately put Wu Qingcheng and others into the storage ring, and hid in the void with Qiongqi, rushing to the largest stronghold of alien evil.

There are alien guards at the fifth level of good fortune, and even Qiongqi dare not be careless.

Ye Liuyun opened the golden pupils across the sky, and observed the movements of the stronghold from a distance.

There are still about 300 aliens there, most of whom are in the realm of yin and yang.

There are four other powerhouses in the realm of creation. Two fortunes are triple, and two fortunes are one.

"I want to set up some formations first, you have to find a way to attract their attention!" Qiongqi said to Ye Liuyun.

"Five strong men in the realm of good fortune! You want me to attract their attention? How long will it take you? Then can I run away?" Ye Liuyun instantly felt pressured.

Qiongqi said relaxedly: "You can go directly and challenge a foreign race with the first level of good luck! I guess I am almost done after you are done fighting!"

"I\'m only at the fifth level of yin and yang, and I\'m going to challenge the strong in the realm of good fortune? Isn\'t that going to give away the head?"

Although Ye Liuyun is confident in his own strength, he can fight against the Nine Layers of Yin and Yang. However, the gap between the Nine Levels of Yin-Yang and the First Level of Creation is not even a tiny bit. He is still very self-aware of this!

"Otherwise, when I was fighting that alien race with five levels of fortune, you stopped the other four?" Qiongqi asked slyly.

"Uh... forget it then. I\'ll go. Let me think about it first!"

Ye Liuyun also knew that Qiongqi couldn\'t deal with so many alien races in the realm of creation all at once.

In the end, Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth and jumped out of the void.

With one knife, with the pure blood thunder and the Golden Crow holy fire, he directly attacked a foreign race with eight layers of yin and yang, splitting him to pieces.

The aliens present were startled and looked at him warily.

The powerhouses of the good fortune realm also rushed over immediately and surrounded him.

Ye Liuyun was able to resist the coercion of the strong in the realm of good fortune with the command of the gods.

But at this time, facing the five strong men in the realm of fortune, his heart has been beating drums!

"My little life is entrusted to you, you old guy, hurry up!" He urged Qiongqi through the soul contract in his heart.

"Understood, you can concentrate on fighting the enemy!" Qiongqi said perfunctorily.

Facing these powerful aliens, Ye Liuyun calmed down.

He pretended to look at the five fortune-telling powerhouses around him, and provocatively pointed at a foreign race with the first level of fortune with the demon-slaying knife.

"You, come and practice with me!" Ye Liuyun said carelessly, as if this foreign race was his training partner.

These alien races are also strange, a human martial artist with the fifth level of yin and yang dares to challenge the alien race with the first level of fortune.

They also immediately became interested, and they all backed away a little, leaving room for the two of them to fight.

"Human beings, I really admire your courage!" The foreign race with the first level of good luck said to Ye Liuyun.

This alien race is covered in black scales, with four claws, a tall body, bull\'s eyes, and two fangs bared.

Just looking at his face, Ye Liuyun felt that this guy looked a bit like a wild boar.

This kind of alien Ye Liuyun has seen it before, and he has no special power, so he was chosen.