Lord of All Gods

Chapter 770

Ye Liuyun and the others followed the guidance of the artifact, and finally came to a huge cave.

The cave was very empty, and even the sound of their footsteps would echo.

There is almost nothing in the cave, only a stone platform with a skeleton on it.

The skeleton is dressed in a monk\'s robe, with Buddhist beads hanging around its neck, and has no hair. It looks like a monk.

The posture of the skeleton is also like practicing meditation.

Somewhat strangely, he stretched out one hand, and stretched out a finger, pointing to the bottom of the stone platform.

Ye Liuyun looked at the skeleton, the stone platform, and the direction of his fingers with his golden pupils, but found nothing unusual.

But at this time, the artifact ball couldn\'t hold back anymore, it broke free from Yu\'er\'s hand, and flew towards the skeleton.

The direction he flew was also the direction that the skeleton finger was pointing.

As soon as the ball touched the skeleton\'s finger, it immediately released light towards the skeleton.

Next, a scene that shocked Ye Liuyun and others happened.

Under the radiance of the sphere, the skeleton gradually began to recover its physical body.

First it grows bloody flesh, then skin, and slowly changes into the appearance of a monk.

"Alive?" Ye Liuyun asked Xiang Qiongqi.

Qiongqi shook his head: "No. It should be this artifact that summoned a powerful projection."

Hearing what they said, the monk actually looked over, smiled at them, and nodded.

Immediately with one hand, he sucked the ball into his hand, took it in his hand, and stroked it gently.

"The connection between the artifact and me is broken!" Yu\'er used her spiritual sense to transmit voice to Ye Liuyun.

"It seems that this ball is indeed the treasure of this monk!"

Seeing the monk\'s nostalgic expression, Ye Liuyun already guessed a little bit.

Now that Yu\'er confirmed it again, he was even more convinced.

Unexpectedly, the ball brought them here because they wanted to return to the hands of the original owner.

"I am no longer in this world, you can accompany your new master well!"

The monk suddenly opened his mouth and spoke to the ball.

The ball seemed to understand, and flew into the air from the monk\'s palm.

Flew a few laps around the monk.

The monk smiled: "Forget it, I will give you a chance!"

Then he also looked at Ye Liuyun and the others kindly, and said to them: "Since you are here, it is fate, and I will give you a chance too."

"Thank you, master!" Qiongqi responded immediately, bowing to thank him.

"Master, there are still two of us, in the storage space, can we let them all be covered together?"

When Ye Liyun heard that the monk wanted to give them a chance, she immediately thought of Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin, and didn\'t want them to miss it.

"Haha!" The monk smiled, nodded immediately and said, "Okay, giving away one person is also giving away, and it doesn\'t make any difference if there are two more!"

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, and released Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin, letting them accept this opportunity together.

Although I don\'t know what it is, since it is a gift from a senior expert, it will definitely benefit them.

Seeing that they were all ready, the monk didn\'t speak any more, and immediately the whole body burst into light, as if the light was burning.

Immediately, all the rays of light rushed towards the artifact ball.

And the monk himself returned to the state of a skeleton in an instant.

Ye Liuyun looked at Qiongqi puzzled, wanting to ask what was going on.

Qiongqi didn\'t wait for him to ask, knowing that he didn\'t understand, he explained to him: "The energy is exhausted! In order to fulfill us, his projection sacrificed itself!"

Only then did Ye Liuyun realize that what the monk said to give them a chance was to sacrifice his own projection and distribute energy to them.

"That\'s not right! That monk gave all his energy to that artifact!"

When Ye Liuyun looked at the artifact ball again, he couldn\'t help feeling worried.

The ball absorbed all the energy projected by the monk.

I don\'t know if it\'s because of too much absorption, or something else.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound from the artifact, and cracks appeared on the surface of the ball.

"Damn it! Is the artifact going to be destroyed?" Yu\'er was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Ye Liuyun gave her this artifact, but he was willing to use it. But out of curiosity, she came here with the artifact.

If the artifact is really destroyed, she will naturally blame herself very much!

"Don\'t worry! Wait to see how the artifact changes!" Although Qiongqi was puzzled, he felt that the monk would not joke with them like this.

Ye Liuyun and Yu\'er felt a little more relaxed when they heard this. But still staring at the ball very nervously.

With more and more cracks on the surface of the ball, gradually, some debris began to fall down.

Next, more and more debris fell, and Ye Liuyun and Yu\'er finally saw clearly that the thing protruding from the center of the ball turned out to be a colorful peacock.

The peacock is alive with fire, it is obviously made of stone, but it seems to be alive.


The peacock let out a long cry and flew into the air, and then its whole body shone with colorful lights.

Only now did Ye Liuyun and the others know what the monk said was giving them a chance.

That opportunity is this colorful glow!

Under the bath of Xiaguang, Ye Liuyun only felt comfortable all over his body, as if he had experienced washing his tendons and cutting his marrow.

The impurities in the body are being excreted by the multicolored rays of light. Spirit, blood, true essence, two kinds of flames, blood thunder and other powers are all being purified and compressed.

He compressed all kinds of power by himself, but he couldn\'t achieve this effect at all.

Moreover, the whole process is not as painful as washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, and it is so comfortable that people can fall asleep!

Ye Liuyun and the others were all bathed in the multicolored sunlight, enjoying it intently.

The colorful peacocks were also flying in the air, hovering above their heads.

In the end, the colorful peacock turned into a colorful glazed statue and fell into Yu\'er\'s hands. Xiaguang also disappeared immediately.

Everyone waited for a long time before waking up from the process of intoxication just now.

"What is this colorful glow?" Ye Liuyun asked Xiang Qiongqi.

He checked his situation and found that his current strength could be improved by at least 20-30%. When you meet a strong man with the nine levels of yin and yang again, you can really fight hard.

Everyone else is the same, amazed at the effect of this multicolored glow.

After bathing in the glow this time, they can\'t help but improve their realm, which is also of great benefit to their future cultivation speed.

"It is said that the peacock is a Buddhist sacred object. It should be related to the power of the Buddha\'s light. Anyway, it has the effect of purification, so it is a good thing!"

Qiongqi had never seen a peacock before, he just heard about it. But in any case, it is true that everyone benefits.