Lord of All Gods

Chapter 741

Qian Yuan said with some tears in his eyes: "Master, I\'m the eldest son of the Qian family! If you use me to threaten the Qian family for money, I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to leave if you get the money!"

"You misunderstood! I didn\'t want to hold you hostage and ask your Qian family for money. I wanted you to help me steal the Qian family\'s ore vein!" Ye Liuyun explained.

"But the spirit of the mine vein is guarded by the rich and powerful. Even I can\'t approach it at will." Qian Yuan replied truthfully.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to confirm with him, and started to search for the soul and the memory in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This action scared Qian Yuan to death. The soul search he knows more about is that the person being searched will become an idiot in the end.

He thought Ye Liuyun was going to abolish him.

But after Ye Liuyun collected the information he wanted, he found that he hadn\'t become stupid.

"Master, what a magical soul searching technique!" He really flattered Ye Liuyun like a slave.

Ye Liuyun is also very satisfied with the effect of the slave seal this time.

"I understand your situation, and you can just do as I tell you in the future. Now stand back to your original position, continue to accept the illusion, and finish this big show."

After Qian Yuanzhang returned to his original position, the illusion he saw was not the same as that of other people.

He was watching others go through an auction.

In the illusion, they fought Ye Liuyun for the rich, and took out all the valuable things they carried on their bodies, and blocked them.

Ye Liuyun really put away all their things outside the illusion.

Unfortunately, they ended up losing. They didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun carried so many spirit stones with him.

And their spiritual stones and other supplies were also lost to Ye Liuyun, and the last few left in despair.

Qian Yuan followed them back to the teahouse.

It wasn\'t until they entered the teahouse that Wu Qingcheng, Su Miaoyin and others cast illusions on them completely disappeared.

Now in their sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Liuyun has already won away Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin, and even the valuables they carried with them.

Several people were a little downcast for a while. One of them said angrily: "I\'ll get the spirit stone when I go home, and then go find that kid! Maybe there\'s still time!"

When he said this, the other people immediately regained their spirits.

Qian Yuan also took advantage of the situation and said: "That\'s right, I\'ll go back too, and then I\'ll come to settle accounts with this kid! Those beauties can\'t all be cheaper than that kid!"

So they agreed to go back to raise money first, and then meet at the teahouse.

It\'s just that the Qian family where Qian Yuan lives is far away from here. It takes at least five or six days for him to go back and forth.

After they broke up, Qian Yuan left the post city directly. As soon as he left the post city, he boarded Ye Liuyun\'s battleship and rushed towards Qian\'s house.

Ye Liuyun took Wu Qingcheng and others, and had already returned to the battleship to wait for him. As soon as he arrived, the battleship set sail and rushed to Qian\'s house.

After Qian Yuan got on the battleship and saw all these people, he fully understood how they were tricked into the bait!

It turned out that everyone they met was an actor arranged by Ye Liuyun!

"Master is really clever!" He couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

"Okay! I can\'t see that you, a prodigal son, are quite good at flattering!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that a prodigal son who seemed arrogant would not feel blushed at all when he flattered him.

"You go and make an imitation according to the appearance of the soul, the more similar the better. Let\'s do a trick!"

Ye Liuyun arranged tasks for him.

"I\'m afraid this... imitation can\'t be fooled for long, right?" Qian Yuan asked suspiciously: "The realm of guardian elders has eight levels of yin and yang, can they fool him?"

"You don\'t need to lie to him for a long time, a short time is enough!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t tell him too much about the plan, for fear that he would have resistance after knowing.

"Yes!" Qian Yuan agreed and went to work.

Lame was also called in to help. When it comes to casting, Lame is better at it.

After the imitated soul marrow was ready, Ye Liuyun compared it repeatedly with the soul marrow in Qian Yuan\'s sea of ​​knowledge.

After he thought it was ok, he asked the hunchback to arrange a formation outside, so that the fake spirit seemed to emit a lot of spiritual energy. It is not so easy to see through at a glance.

After everything was ready, they were not far from Qian\'s house.

Ye Liuyun put all the people around him into the storage ring, then asked Cyclops to lead the crew, control the battleship to continue its course, and agreed with them on the meeting point.

After that, he followed Qian Yuan, took Qian Yuan\'s flying boat, and returned to Qian\'s house.

Qian Yuan would occasionally bring friends back, so he didn\'t attract too much attention.

In this way, Ye Liuyun successfully sneaked into the Qian family.

"Find an excuse to go into the mine tonight. I\'ll be your servant, you go and find me a servant\'s clothes. Then you find a way to attract the attention of the elder who guards the spirit essence, and I will change the spirit essence."

"This... can this work?" Qian Yuan was still a little worried.

"Let\'s look at the situation first. Tonight is mainly to investigate first, and I also want to absorb some spiritual energy from Shunlian to improve my next level." Ye Liuyun comforted him.

"That\'s good!" Qian Yuan felt that he could still do it if he probed and absorbed some spiritual energy.

So he went out directly to help Ye Liuyun find suitable clothes.

The corner of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth twitched slightly.

He\'s going to do it tonight!

Because in the past two days, he felt that the curse of the netherworld had reacted again. It should be that the people from Nether Hell are about to catch up with him again.

He has no time to procrastinate any longer!

He was even ready to fight hard.

Not long after, Qian Yuan found a set of servant\'s clothes for him.

He changed his clothes and prepared the fake spirit marrow. After dark, he followed Qian Yuan, like a servant, to the Lingshi mine.

The elders guarding the mines of the spirit veins all knew Qian Yuan, and thought he was just here to get some spirit stones, and no one paid any attention to him.

Even a few elders greeted him, but no one stopped him.

Ye Liuyun followed Qian Yuan and smoothly entered the mine vein passage.

In front of them are the entrances of multiple vein passages.

"Master..." Qian Yuan was about to talk to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was sure that he could stop him with his spiritual sense.

"Use your spiritual sense to transmit sound, don\'t open your mouth to talk to me!" Ye Liuyun reminded him, lest their conversation be heard by others.

"Yes!" Qian Yuan also used his spiritual sense to reply to Ye Liuyun.

He was planted with a slave mark, and Ye Liuyun could instantly feel his thoughts.

"Master, should we look at the spirit marrow first, or absorb some spiritual energy first?"

As Ye Liuyun\'s slave, Qian Yuan couldn\'t feel Ye Liuyun\'s thoughts and didn\'t know his plan.

"Absorb the spiritual energy first. But the closer to the spiritual essence, the better!" Ye Liuyun ordered.