Lord of All Gods

Chapter 742

"Yes." Qian Yuan agreed, and led Ye Liuyun into an inconspicuous passage.

After walking for a while, he stopped.

Where they stopped, top-grade spirit stones were everywhere.

"The size of the Qian family\'s vein is really not small!" After Ye Liuyun saw it, he couldn\'t help feeling secretly in his heart.

The scale of the Qian family\'s mine is as large as the four or five mines elsewhere. It is no wonder that the Qian family is so rich.

"Master, the distance from here to the spirit marrow is already the closest!"

Qian Yuan reported to Ye Liuyunhui.

"Well, now go and see the marrow. Try to spend as much time as possible with the elder who guards the marrow." Ye Liuyun sent Qian Yuan away.

"Yes!" Qian Yuan agreed, and continued to walk forward.

Ye Liuyun could feel his location through the slave seal, so he was not worried about not being able to find him.

He didn\'t waste any time, and immediately activated the Yuanling Secret Art, and began to suck in spiritual energy.

The aura was like seawater pouring into the Yuandan, and was quickly transformed into real essence by him.

At the same time, he was still digging for spirit stones and putting them in his storage ring.

If it wasn\'t for the fear of being discovered by the spiritual sense of some elders, he would have called Lei Ming and others to dig together.

Some elders scanned over with their spiritual sense and found him digging for spirit stones, thinking that it was a coolie hired by Qian Yuan.

It\'s not the first time Qian Yuan has come to dig up spirit stones, and the Qian family doesn\'t lack his spirit stones, so no one cares.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul itself is very powerful. As soon as his spiritual sense swept over him, he immediately stopped cultivating, and then slowed down the speed of digging the spirit stones, like a normal servant.

After sweeping his consciousness, he continued to practice and speed up his digging.

And he wasn\'t digging in one place all the time.

He was constantly moving along the veins, digging layer by layer.

In this way, a big hole will not be dug, and it will not easily arouse the suspicion of the guardians.

At this time, Qian Yuan had already arrived at the spirit marrow, and chatted with the elder who guarded the spirit stone.

The spirit marrow was there, and he had seen it long ago.

Ye Liuyun also felt this information through the slave seal.

However, Ye Liuyun asked him to stay there and chat with the elder.

In the first half of the night, Ye Liuyun had been absorbing and digging the spirit stones non-stop.

His realm was also elevated to the late stage of the fourth level of yin and yang by sufficient aura.

"It\'s almost there, ready to do it!" Ye Liuyun looked at the spirit stones he dug again, and there were quite a few, so he stopped.

He sat cross-legged on the spot, running the Yuanling secret technique, and moved towards Qian Yuan\'s direction, and suddenly absorbed it, no longer caring about being discovered.

Qian Yuan was chatting with the elder when suddenly both of them noticed that the aura was gathering outward. Both were taken aback.

"What the hell is Master doing?" Qian Yuan felt a little guilty.

"What\'s the situation?" The elder was startled, and immediately stretched out his consciousness to check.

Normally, his consciousness would not be able to detect the space area he was in.

It\'s just that the abnormality affected him this time, so he went to test it out.

After looking at it, he found a servant not far from him, sucking in spiritual energy.

"Did you bring this servant?" The elder looked at Qian Yuan and asked.

"What servant? I don\'t know!" Qian Yuan followed Ye Liuyun\'s instructions and pretended not to know. His spiritual sense is not as strong as that elder\'s, and it\'s normal if he can\'t see it.

Then he pretended to be nervous: "I\'ll go and see the situation!" After saying that, he ran towards Ye Liuyun.

"Pretend? Yin-Yang quadruple realm? Young Master is no match!"

Thinking of this, the elder immediately disappeared into the void and ran towards Ye Liuyun to prevent Qian Yuan from having an accident.

He thought that it would only take a moment for him to kill Ye Liuyun.

However, his space power can only allow him to enter its seventh floor space.

The moment he approached Ye Liuyun, he suddenly discovered that the seventh floor of void where he was was locked. Around him, the power of space froze.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, took the opportunity to use the ability to move objects through space from the eighth level of void, and directly replaced the real soul essence with a fake one.

At this moment, the elder is mobilizing the strength of his body, breaking through the blockade around him, and walking out from the void.

Everything Ye Liuyun did was done in an instant, even the elder didn\'t notice.

At this time, Qian Yuan also rushed over.

"Elder! I brought this servant!" Qian Yuan shouted.

"What?" The elder was a little dazed when he heard the words just about to attack Ye Liuyun. "Didn\'t you say you didn\'t know?"

"Misunderstanding!" Qian Yuan explained pantingly: "He is actually a guard I hired, not a servant!"

Ye Liuyun also stopped practicing at this time, and stood beside Qian Yuan, like a guard.

"I\'m in Wuyang Post City. I offended a lame master recently, so I hired a guard and promised to bring him to practice. Just now you said servant, I didn\'t realize it all at once!"

Qian Yuan added to the elder.

The elder didn\'t say a word, his spiritual sense immediately swept to the spirit marrow first. He felt that Qian Yuan was very suspicious tonight. I usually don\'t talk to him for so long.

But he found that the spirit was still there, and he was relieved. But let them leave quickly.

"Young master, I think you should try not to bring outsiders here. It\'s already late, you all leave quickly!"

Although the elder was polite to Qian Yuan, he had the final say here.

He felt that Ye Liuyun, a stranger, was too close to the spirit marrow and was not safe.

"The elder taught me the lesson, I\'ll take him away!" Qian Yuan followed Ye Liuyun\'s instructions, bid farewell to the elder, and led Ye Liuyun out of the mine vein.

"Leave Qian\'s house!"

After leaving, Ye Liuyun continued to give Qian Yuan orders.

"Ah? Don\'t you want the spirit marrow?" Qian Yuan was a little puzzled.

"Yes. Go! The sooner the better!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t give him too much explanation, but kept urging him.

"Yes!" Qian Yuan didn\'t dare to ask any more questions, and took Ye Liuyun out of Qian\'s house directly.

After leaving, Ye Liuyun searched for Qian Yuan again.

This time, he actually erased Qian Yuan\'s memories of this period of time!

Qian Yuan only knows now that like everyone else, he lost to Ye Liuyun in the bidding process with Ye Liuyun. He has taken the spirit stone now, and he wants to go back to Ye Liuyun to settle the score.

He has just entered the mine vein and has dug enough spirit stones with his servants, and now he is going back to Wuyang Post City!

Ye Liuyun had wiped out all other memories, and to him, it was as if nothing had happened.

The reason why Ye Liuyun took so much effort to deal with his memory was also to completely solve his worries.

Even if the Qian family chased them to Wuyangyi City, they would at least need some time to investigate clearly.

At that time, they had already left the Five Suns Domain!