Lord of All Gods

Chapter 740

The lameness is evident in the sit-ups.

But Su Miaoyin\'s face was livid with anger.

It must be uncomfortable for anyone to be bought and sold as a commodity.

Seeing his expression, Ye Liuyun admired her acting skills in his heart.

As soon as the lame voice fell, Ye Liuyun and the dragon girl behind him released their coercion at the same time.

"Lame, there is a first-come-first-serve basis for everything. Why, are you afraid that I won\'t be able to pay you?"

Ye Liuyun looked at Qian Yuan and the others with a worried look on his face, obviously worried that Qian Yuan and the others would compete with him.

"Do you want to use force? In this post city, if you dare to hurt a hair of Mr. Qian, you will not have a good life in the future!"

Someone beside Qian Yuan immediately threatened.

Ye Liuyun also showed a hesitant expression, and gradually withdrew his coercion.

When Qian Yuan and the others saw it, they felt more confident!

Qian Yuan said to Su Miaoyin and Wu Qingcheng: "Girls, I have no other intentions. I just admire the demeanor of the two girls. They just draw their swords to help when encountering injustice. Please also believe in me, and I can solve all the problems. "

Su Miaoyin and Wu Qingcheng looked at each other, seeming a little at a loss.

"Qingcheng, I brought all my wealth for you! There will be no change in what you promised me, right?"

Ye Liuyun anxiously said to Wu Qingcheng.

"Forget it, you! Don\'t you want to take advantage of others? Make yourself look like a gentleman!" A person beside Qianfeng sarcastically said.

Wu Qingcheng thought for a while, and seemed to agree with that person\'s statement, as if she had made up her mind, and said solemnly: "Master Ye, what I promised you, of course it counts! But it\'s not just for you. Who can save you today? Miaoyin, Yu\'er and I will marry him!"

These words fit Qian Yuan and the others\' wishes. They are so happy now!

The proud expression is beyond words.

Su Miaoyin heard what Wu Qingcheng said and understood what he meant, so she said to Qian Yuan and the others: "No matter what, Miaoyin thank you all for your kindness! Everyone, please come into the courtyard to talk, don\'t stand outside Already!"

Then he also said to Ye Liuyun: "Young master Ye, please come in first! Miaoyin is also very grateful for your coming today!"

So Ye Liuyun, Qian Yuan and others entered the yard one after another.

When the hunchbacked old man saw so many people coming in, he immediately hid in the house, as if he was afraid of people. Qian Yuan and the others didn\'t pay much attention to him.

The lame man looked left, then looked again, then smiled slyly, and said to Ye Liuyun, Qian Yuan and the others: "Now I have a hard time! Both of you want to buy my wife, and I don\'t want to offend either of you. Why don\'t you do this?" Let\'s make your own bids, and the highest bidder wins, how about that?"

"You..." Su Miaoyin was furious, but there was nothing she could do.

"No problem!" Qian Yuan replied confidently. At the same time, he also comforted Su Miaoyin: "Miss Su, don\'t pay attention to him, I will definitely save you!"

Su Miaoyin nodded gratefully to him.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t speak, obviously a little worried.

"What? Don\'t dare? Don\'t pretend if you don\'t have money!" Someone sarcastically said.

"Okay! Just compare!" Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth and agreed.

Seeing this, Qian Yuan and the others smiled knowingly. This time they won! The three beauties will belong to them.

"Haha, good! Come on, my wife, play a song and cheer us up!"

The lame laughed loudly, and asked Su Miaoyin to play another song.

Su Miaoyin frowned, as if she felt greatly insulted.

"Don\'t go too far!"

But Wu Qingcheng persuaded her: "Sister, don\'t pay attention to him. But the flute is your talent, you can take this opportunity to show it. How about this, I will also dance with you, no matter what the result is, just treat it as a thank you Young master, how is it?"

"This... since my sister is willing to dance, I will naturally cooperate with my sister!" Su Miaoyin hesitated for a moment, but reluctantly agreed.

"Okay!" The lame applauded happily!

Qian Yuan and others were also happy to watch their performance.

So one of them played the flute, and the other began to dance.

Wu Qingcheng\'s dancing posture is originally an illusion. Coupled with the sound of Su Miaoyin\'s flute and Yu\'er\'s illusion, the three of them worked together to pull Qian Yuan and others into the illusion.

Seeing that they were all under the illusion, Ye Liuyun was also completely relieved. He waved his hands to the lame man, Thunder Dragon Girl and the others, telling them to evacuate.

Just leave the rest to them.

Seeing that everything went well, Lei Ming jumped up happily, transformed into a human form, followed Lame and others, and went outside the post city to wait for them.

Ye Liuyun started to work, pulling Qian Yuan\'s soul directly into his own soul realm.

"This is where?"

As soon as Qian Yuan entered, he was still a little dazed.

At this moment, in his consciousness, Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin are dancing, and the combination of flute and dance is more beautiful than any song he has ever heard or any dance he has ever seen.

He has already made up his mind, no matter how much money it costs, he will take these three women into his own, and even the people around him will not be allowed to get their hands on them.

However, suddenly, he came to a place like hell.

"This is my soul realm."

Ye Liuyun\'s golden-armored soul appeared, appearing in front of his soul.

"Do you dare to plot against me?" Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s divine appearance, Qian Yuan finally understood that he was plotted against!

However, he thought it was Ye Liuyun who took advantage of other people\'s surprise to attack him. But they didn\'t know that everyone they met tonight was acting for them.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden-armored soul smiled slightly: "Be honest and be my slave!"

As he said that, he didn\'t delay, and directly planted a slave mark on Qian Yuan\'s soul.

And Qian Yuan, who planted the slave seal, would naturally regard Ye Liuyun as his master and obey.

Ye Liuyun released his spirit, and only then did he discover the surrounding situation.

Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin held Ye Liuyun\'s arm from left to right and stood beside him. Yu\'er is smiling on the other hand.

Those who came with him stood there dumbfounded, their eyes blurred.

"Master, what\'s going on?" Seeing this, Qian Yuan couldn\'t figure it out for a moment.

For the convenience of future actions, Ye Liuyun gave him a general overview of the process.

"This is a game, specially set up for you. We rented this yard temporarily. There are formations around the yard, and only you can see what\'s going on inside. The sound of the flute and the dance are all illusions to confuse you!"

Only then did Qian Yuan realize that those people just now were all prepared to plot against them.