Lord of All Gods

Chapter 739

At this time, Qian Yuan didn\'t talk about friendship anymore!

Hearing this, the others also stopped and argued with him:

"Brother Qian, among the three beauties, which one do you like, can you choose first? You don\'t want them all, do you?"

"Yeah! I\'m not greedy either, at least leave that little maid to me?"

These people also didn\'t care about the friendship of wine and meat, and started arguing with each other.

Qian Yuan and the others haven\'t discussed how to distribute the three beauties.

"Roar" came a beast roar.

A thunder dragon, supporting a middle-aged man, ran past them, setting off a gust of wind.

Afterwards, the speed did not decrease, and he rushed directly to the yard, scaring the women in the yard until their faces paled in fright.

Then Thunder Dragon suddenly stopped in front of the yard.

"Hahaha! Are you scared?" The man on the Thunder Dragon laughed loudly.

This man was dressed in brocade clothes and jade robes, and all the accessories on his body were of great value.

It\'s just that these valuable things piled up on him look so incongruous.

It seemed that they were put together on him, no matter how you looked at it, none of them looked like his own.

"Miss Su, I\'m here to pick you up!" The man then shouted rudely.

"Sister Qingcheng just came here, and I\'ll leave with you after I say a few words to her!" Su Miaoyin said with some dissatisfaction.

"You don\'t want to renege on your debt, do you?"

As the man said, he jumped off the Thunder Dragon, limped and pushed open the courtyard door, and sat carelessly at the stone table, causing Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin to stand up in disgust immediately to avoid it.

From the white tiger\'s mouth, there was an angry low bark. But the Thunder Dragon Beast outside gave a low growl, warning the White Tiger. The white tiger was so shocked that he backed away.

"Take care of your mount!" Su Miaoyin patted the white tiger on the head to comfort it, while scolding the lame one.

"Hmph! It\'s also your dowry. If you dare to threaten me in the future, I\'ll just let the Thunder Dragon swallow it..."

The arrival of the lame man made the atmosphere in the courtyard very tense.

When Chen Yuan and the others saw it, they couldn\'t care less about the dispute.

"Brother Qian, let\'s get rid of this lameness first, shall we? Then we each rely on our abilities to win the favor of beautiful women, how about?"

"That\'s right, Brother Qian, otherwise Miss Su will be bullied by that lame man!"

Qian Yuan also frowned slightly, and said with some concern: "The realm of the Thunder Dragon Beast is a fourfold yin and yang! We are not opponents!"

"What are you afraid of! We won\'t fight directly with him. We just need to show the signboard of your Qian family. In Wuyang Post City, who dares to fight against your Qian family!"

"That\'s right! If we don\'t take the initiative to attack him, he still dares to move us! I have never heard of any lame rich man in the city. I guess he is just a guy pretending to be rich and bullying ordinary people!"

"That\'s right, look at that lame outfit, he doesn\'t look like a son of a rich family! I think he can be smashed with a spirit stone!"

Hearing this, Qian Yuan felt that if he didn\'t make a move, then these people would all make a move.

So I had no choice but to say: "Okay, let\'s go talk to him about the conditions!"

Saying that, he walked over first.

But as soon as they got closer, the Thunder Dragon Beast guarding outside the courtyard discovered them, released its coercion, and issued a warning.

Before they could explain, a white-clothed boy with a black knife on his back and a maid who was also in the fourth level of Yin and Yang, flew up in the air and forced the Thunder Dragon Beast\'s coercion back.

The Thunder Dragon Beast seemed to be very afraid of the boy, and immediately put away its coercion and hid aside.

When the young man passed by Qian Yuan and the others, he glanced at them contemptuously.

"Lame! You pet beast, you don\'t want it anymore, do you?"

Qian Yuan and the others stopped immediately when they saw that there was a change.

Whether it was Thunder Dragon Beast or Ye Liuyun, their realm was higher than them, and they didn\'t dare to lose their temper before they knew the situation.

"Master Ye, it\'s great that you came here!" Wu Qingcheng saluted slightly.

But Qian Yuan and the others discovered that whether it was Su Miaoyin or Wu Qingcheng, it seemed that the arrival of Ye Liuyun was not like seeing a savior.

"So it\'s Young Master Ye!" The lame man stood up with a bland smile, and cupped his hands without sincerity. Asked aloud: "What? Young Master Ye wants to have a wedding wine?"

Ye Liuyun ignored him, and said directly to Wu Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, I brought all the spirit stones! You have to abide by the agreement, if I redeem Miss Su, you and Yu\'er will be mine! "

Hearing this, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er both looked a little embarrassed.

But Wu Qingcheng still said: "Don\'t worry, I will definitely do what I said! As long as you can redeem Miaoyin today, I will marry you!"

"Redemption?" Hearing that, the lame quit! "Su Miaoyin has a marriage contract with me. He is mine now! It\'s not a matter of redemption or not!"

"You set a price, and I\'ll just buy it!" Ye Liuyun said directly to the lame.

"Well, I have to think about it!" As he spoke, he sat down again, his eyes rolling around.

When Qian Yuan and the others heard this, they were overjoyed.

"As long as it\'s about money, it\'s easy! Almost no one can be richer than them!"

And at this time Thunder Dragon Beast also hid aside, not daring to be more aggressive. They immediately relied on their courage and walked up directly.

"Girls, excuse me! We were attracted by the sound of the girl\'s flute. We saw the girl in trouble and wanted to help. I hope the girls will give us a chance!"

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun was overjoyed. "The target is hooked!" But on the surface, he remained calm.

"The sound of my flute?" Su Miaoyin pretended to be taken aback for a moment, and then replied a little shyly: "I made the young masters laugh! But we are strangers, and the young lady dare not bother the young masters!"

"Miss doesn\'t know, this is the eldest son of the Qian family, Qian Yuan! Have you heard of the strength of the Qian family? In Wuyang Post City, there is nothing that Mr. Qian can\'t solve!" beside Qian Yuan One person interrupted and introduced.

"The Qian family?" Hearing this, Po Jiao almost jumped up from the stone bench.

Flattery came forward to say hello.

Qian Yuan and others have seen a lot of snobs like lame. When I saw his posture, I felt more confident.

So I didn\'t give him a good look.

Someone directly asked: "How much does this girl owe you, just ask!"

Lame was underestimated by them, and they didn\'t bother. Turning his eyes, he said faintly: "I owed me money before! But we have signed a marriage contract, so it is not a matter of owed money! Now she is in name, but my wife..."

After a lame pause, he said with a smile all over his face: "But if Mr. Qian likes it, I can transfer it! That\'s the price, it\'s not about the money owed to me back then!"