Lord of All Gods

Chapter 736

A martial artist with eight layers of yin and yang, he also understands the power of space.

This time, Ye Liuyun used the power of space to lock down his opponent, but it didn\'t work.

His power of space is not as strong as that of his opponent. The opponent can break it at will, and even lock the space around him.

The opponent locked the space around Ye Liuyun, and before he could attack, Qianfeng had already removed all the spirit stones and rescued him.

The locked space around him was also opened immediately.

Qianfeng was more experienced than Ye Liuyun, seeing that Ye Liuyun was no match for him, he had already withdrawn the spirit stone in advance, so as not to hurt Ye Liuyun.

But Ye Liuyun experienced the death threat just now, and felt the difference in the power of the space around him at that moment.

At this moment, he had already fallen into a state of epiphany, and he stood there motionless, as if he had been frozen.

This kind of epiphany opportunity is very rare. If he was really fighting, then he might really suffer a lot.

For Wu Xiu, every epiphany is the best time to comprehend various powers. It was Wu Xiu who had accumulated a certain amount of power and suddenly became enlightened under tremendous pressure.

This kind of sudden enlightenment is much more efficient than Wu Xiu\'s self-cultivation and exploration for many years. This is an opportunity that every martial artist dreams of, but it is rare to meet.

And the longer the epiphany lasts, the more Wu Xiu benefits from it.

Fortunately, both Song Yan and Qian Feng had rich experience, and knew that he had entered a state of epiphany, so they not only didn\'t bother him, but also took on the duty of protecting him.

What Ye Liuyun saw in his eyes at this moment was a three-dimensional and multi-dimensional space world.

As his understanding of the space world gradually deepened, this epiphany also allowed him to finally see the whole picture of the space structure.

He lingers in the space world. In addition to memorizing the spatial structure, I also tried the application of various forces and observed the corresponding changes in the space, completely forgetting about time.

Songyan and Qianfeng, seeing Ye Liuyun\'s figure, became illusory for a while, and disappeared suddenly for a while, they already guessed that what he had realized was the power of space.

"The power of space is too difficult to practice!" Song Yan said excitedly: "Once it is practiced, its strength is far beyond that of ordinary people."

"This kid\'s cultivation talent must be fine! The power of space is much stronger than ordinary power. If you master this kind of power, you will have a great advantage whether it is attacking or escaping."

Qianfeng also felt that if Ye Liuyun could make a breakthrough in the power of space, it would at least make him safer in the future.

Ye Liuyun had an epiphany for an hour before recovering from it.

"What just happened?"

When he just recovered, his consciousness was still a little confused.

He felt both that he was fighting and that he had been in the space world for a long time.

"You were in a state of epiphany just now. Hurry up and go back to practice and consolidate what you just comprehended! The battle in the battle arena, it\'s enough to stop here." Song Yan reminded him.

"Yes!" Ye Liuyun agreed, and hurried back, entering the Xuankong Stone to practice.

He wanted to recall everything he had just realized.

As soon as he concentrated, the things he had just memorized came to mind again.

"First transform my own space world."

Ye Liuyun had a better understanding of the space structure this time, and found that there were still many problems in the space world he built.

So I want to use what I have learned in my own space world.

Taking advantage of that space world is not very big, it is relatively easy to transform it. It took Ye Liuyun less than two days to not only transform the basic structure of his space world into a more solid structure, but also expand the original size of ten miles to tens of thousands of miles.

With a solid foundation, he can expand more quickly.

Now his space world already has a little secret feeling.

It\'s just that the space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles looks a little empty, and it seems too desolate.

"Let\'s do this for now, and when it gets bigger, I\'ll put some things in it."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have time to decorate it now, so after filling it with some spirit stones, he continued to cultivate the power of space, trying to move towards the eighth level of void.

The space barrier on the eighth floor is much stronger than that on the seventh floor.

This took Ye Liuyun a lot of time, and every time he entered it, the space pressure inside made Ye Liuyun feel very heavy.

In the end, although he didn\'t enter for a long time, it has been proved that his space power is no worse than some strong people in the Creation Realm.

"It seems that I still need to get used to it for a while." Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry.

Afterwards, he locked the space, tried to improve various applications such as space squeeze, and then temporarily put down the cultivation of the power of space.

He came out from the Xuankong Stone and went to report the results of the battle to the two masters, so as not to worry the two masters.

After listening to Ye Liuyun\'s speech, Song Yan and Qian Feng kept nodding their heads.

"Very good! Your progress has far exceeded our expectations." Song Yan said with satisfaction.

Qianfeng also said: "You have been in Lingxiaozong for less than two months, and it is really rare to make such progress. However, your realm must always be improved, after all, realm is also part of strength."

"Yes, disciple understands!" Of course Ye Liuyun knew the importance of realm.

But now even the wafers of the golden winged monster have been almost consumed. Even if Ye Liuyun absorbed it, he would be able to reach the middle stage of the Yin-Yang Fourth Layer at most.

To break through the first level, he needs more energy.

Qianfeng looked at Ye Liuyun and smiled slightly: "I know you have insufficient resources! When you were practicing, we already inquired for you. There is a high-grade spirit stone vein in the Wuyang Region, which belongs to an ancient martial family, the Qian family. It is said that this vein , derived from a piece of high-grade spiritual marrow."

As Qianfeng said, he also sent the location information of this vein to Ye Liuyun.

In addition to the location of the mine veins, this information also includes information such as how many people guard the mine veins, how they are arranged, and their state.

"Master, is this asking me to grab the spiritual marrow?"

Ye Liuyun thought to himself, looking at Elder Qianfeng with some puzzlement.

But Qianfeng stared: "What do you think I am doing? I just told you some information, and I didn\'t say that you should grab it! As your master, how can I teach you to do bad things!"

Song Yan also smiled and said: "Yes, the Qian family is a relatively well-established ancient martial family. Although our Ling Xiaozong is not afraid of them, after all, we have frequent contacts with them and have a good relationship. Therefore, we can\'t encourage you to use their resources. .”