Lord of All Gods

Chapter 737

"But having said that, Wuxiu is fighting for resources! Whoever has the ability will get the resources, right?" Gan Feng and Song Yan pretended to chat, but in fact they were talking to Ye Liuyun.

"Yes! In the world of martial arts, strength is the most important thing!"

Songyan and Qianfeng, they come and go, talking happily.

When Ye Liuyun heard this, his head was also full of black lines.

"These two masters obviously want me to grab other people\'s resources!"

Now that he saw the two masters winking and chatting, he had the urge to laugh.

"Yes, this disciple understands Master\'s painstaking efforts."

Ye Liuyun also quickly expressed that he understood the meaning of the two masters.

Then he said sternly: "The disciple has almost cultivated. After two days, the disciple will leave the Lingxiaozong and go out for a while! The disciple will bid farewell to the two masters first. When I come back from the Central Continent, I will come to visit the two Master."

When Songyan and Qianfeng heard the words, even their laughing expressions gradually disappeared.

"Are you going to leave so soon?" Qianfeng was a little bit reluctant.

"Okay! You can go there boldly. Before you leave here, remember to reserve enough resources! You can go to Qian\'s house to have a look, even if you don\'t want to grab it, you can still visit it!"

Song Yan thought about it, and was not reluctant to let him go. I just reminded him, let him not forget to dig out the Qian family\'s mines before leaving.

"Yes! The disciple will definitely go!"

Ye Liuyun smiled and agreed. Then he returned to his residence and continued to practice, first absorbing all the crystals of the golden winged monster.

While absorbing, compressing the true essence. After taking out some spirit stones, he managed to elevate his realm to the middle stage of the fourth level of yin and yang.

Then, he supplemented his true energy with the secret technique of Yuan Ling, and after consolidating and familiarizing with other powers, he bid farewell to the two masters.

Although the two masters, Songyan and Qianfeng, didn\'t have much time to teach him, they helped Ye Liuyun a lot.

Not only pointed out the direction of his cultivation, but also helped him improve his strength.

Before Ye Liuyun left, he also expressed his gratitude to the two masters.

In the end, it was Qianfeng who drove Ye Liuyun away, otherwise he would have been thankful forever!

Ye Liuyun left Ling Xiaozong, used the power of space he had newly mastered, to hide in the void of the eighth level, stepped out, and when he reappeared, he was already tens of thousands of miles away.

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, so he didn\'t need the flying boat at all, and traveled directly in the void.

This speed is not slower than Feizhou, and it can also allow him to master the power of space while driving.

Ye Liuyun rushed to Wuyang Post City first. The direction of the Qian family was going to the Central Continent, so Ye Liuyun planned to take Cyclops and the others with him first, and rob the Qian Family along the way, and then headed straight to the Central Continent without turning back.

Before entering the post city, Ye Liuyun released Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and the others, letting them go into the city together to relax.

As soon as Lei Ming came out, he naturally clamored for something to eat.

So Ye Liuyun, Duyan and the others met, and brought everyone to a restaurant, ready to have a big meal.

After ordering, Ye Liuyun chatted with Duyan about the situation in Wuyang Post City.

"Do we have a chance to borrow the teleportation array in Wuyang Post City?"

One-eyed sighed: "Don\'t even think about it! I\'ve already asked for you, 30 million high-grade spirit stones to activate a teleportation array! This city lord only recognizes money, and says nothing else is useless!"

"Thirty million? High-grade spirit stones?"

Only now did he realize that it took so many spirit stones to activate a teleportation array.

From this point of view, Tuoba Qi is really interesting to him!

"It doesn\'t take that much to activate the teleportation array, 20 million high-grade spirit stones are enough. But the city mainly relies on this to make money, so an extra 10 million is added!" Cyclops explained.

Ye Liuyun said with emotion: "Twenty million high-grade spirit stones is not a lot! Tuobaqi helped me once at a critical moment, and I will remember this favor."

As for the 30 million transmission fee, he didn\'t need to think about it at all. Even if he could make enough, he wouldn\'t spend all the spirit stones here!

They were lamenting the high cost of transmission when there was a sudden noise outside.


There was a crisp applause.

Then, they heard a loud roar that would make the whole restaurant buzz.

"Hurry up and find a private room for our Young Master Qian, otherwise you will never even think about opening this shop in the future!"

Everyone frowned, very dissatisfied with this Wu Xiu\'s behavior.

"The Qian family?" Ye Liuyun\'s heart skipped a beat when he heard the word Qian\'s family.

"Who is it? You\'re so unqualified!" Lei Ming muttered dissatisfiedly in the private room.

"Let\'s just eat what we have, don\'t meddle in our own business!"

Ye Liuyun instructed everyone, but didn\'t even let anyone go out to check.

His own consciousness detected it, and found that the shop clerk was knocked to the ground, lying on the ground and not daring to get up.

The store owner is bowing his head to a young man.

"Master Qian Yuan, the new guy, I don\'t know you, don\'t be as knowledgeable as him. My private room here has been reserved for you a long time ago! Please!"

That young man has red lips and white teeth, he looks like a good-looking talent, but it\'s a pity that his realm is a little lower, and he is only a yin and yang.

Around him, there were also four or five Wuxiu who looked like sons and daughters, all of them were in similar realms, and they were all laughing and watching.

Qian Yuan didn\'t even bother to look at the shop owner, and said proudly, "If you do it again next time, don\'t open this shop!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Master Qian Yuan, please!" The boss agreed repeatedly, with a smile on his face, and invited Qian Yuan and others to a separate private room upstairs.

Not long after, the shop assistant who was just beaten came over to serve Ye Liuyun and the others.

Ye Liuyun seized the opportunity and chatted with him.

"Dude, who hit you just now? Isn\'t this bullying?"


The guy looked back at the open door, and closed the door behind him, as if afraid of being overheard.

"Oh, it\'s my bad luck that I met the eldest son of the Qian family! Guest officers, be careful what you say, if they overhear you, you may not even be able to get out of this post city!"

"Which Qian family is so powerful?"

Ye Liuyun pretended not to understand.

"You must not come to Wuyang Post City very often. Those who come here often know it! Who else can have the Qian family? In this Wuyang area, everyone knows about the Qian family. It is just such a family of ancient martial arts! There are spirit stone mines in the family , is a rich man in this area! His surname is not ordinary..."

Seeing that someone sympathized with him, the shop clerk complained endlessly.

Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to ask the Qian family\'s address, and confirmed that his target was the same Qian family.

"Hey, we ordinary people, it\'s better to stay away!"

Finally, Ye Liuyun sighed with deep sympathy.