Lord of All Gods

Chapter 735

With the interference of arrows, Ye Liuyun\'s defensive pressure has been reduced a lot.

So he has the energy to strengthen the research on arrows.

And what he studied was not just an arrow.

Hitting and hitting, Ye Liuyun suddenly changed his routine.

The next attack was no longer a single arrow, but 20 arrows gathered at once and shot towards the opponent.

The opponent was used to blocking one arrow after another. This time twenty arrows came at once, and he couldn\'t help being a little flustered. Two arrows broke through the defense and shot at him.

It\'s just that the power of these two arrows is not too strong, and they didn\'t cause any harm to him, and they were all blocked by the body protection essence.

But Ye Liuyun found the trick and started attacking with twenty arrows at a time.

After strengthening these twenty arrows to the point where they could hurt the opponent, Ye Liuyun suddenly increased the number.

This time, forty arrows attacked at the same time.

With these forty attacking arrows, Ye Liuyun finally had a chance to breathe. The opponent is too busy to catch him now.

So he was not in a hurry to defeat the opponent, but controlled the arrows and kept attacking the opponent.

And the rhythm of the attack is different!

For a while, forty arrows attacked together, for a while they were shot one by one, and for a while, ten or twenty arrows were shot in batches.

In short, it is to not give the opponent a chance to breathe, so that he has no time to attack Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to make the arrow more refined. The power of each arrow has been increasing.

Until the last moment, Ye Liuyun felt that it was almost done. Immediately use all the spiritual consciousness to control the aura to condense into arrows.

For a moment, the face of the opponent changed.

Hundreds of arrows surrounded him.


Ye Liuyun shouted softly, hundreds of arrows, one of them rained down, and shot around the opponent back and forth, left and right.

Seeing that the opponent was in a bad situation, he wanted to hide in the void, but was moved out by Ye Liuyun.

Then there was a burst of "boom boom boom".

Hundreds of arrows were all bombarded on his protective essence. It was alright at first, his body-protecting essence could still resist for a while.

But then I couldn\'t hold on anymore. As soon as the protective essence was broken, his body condensed from spiritual energy was shot into a sieve by the arrow, and then turned into spiritual energy, which dissipated directly.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother with him, and used the arena to gather the next opponent\'s kung fu, practice manipulating aura, and constantly perfect this rain of arrows-style attack.

As soon as the next opponent condensed, hundreds of arrows had already been arranged in front of him.

Before he could make a move, arrows rained down on him.

His first reaction was to hide into the void to escape.

Songyan and Qianfeng thought that Ye Liuyun was going to remove his opponent again. However, Ye Liuyun changed his tactics this time.

He has no intention of moving the opponent. Instead, it locks the space around the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to enter the void.

This trick, he got the insight from the trick of controlling the spirit.

Controlling the spirit is controlling the aura, and he used the same method to control the void. Use the power of space to lock the space around the opponent so that he cannot hide in the void.

After a try, it turned out to be very useful.

Songyan and Qianfeng were stunned outside the arena.

After a long time, they all said together: "This kid..."

The rest, the two of them are too lazy to say.

This kind of cultivation talent by drawing inferences from one instance is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This is also a habit that Ye Liuyun has developed for a long time.

He didn\'t have a master to guide him before, so every time he learned something, he thought about applying it to other aspects as much as possible, and developed the habit of drawing inferences from one instance.

And he dared to try. Even in battle, he dared to try it out.

This time, without exception, the opponent was shot into a sieve again.

Ye Liuyun began to focus on improving the space lock skill again.

"Two more tricks! Sure enough, I improved faster when I was in danger!"

Ye Liuyun was also very satisfied with his impromptu performance.

He also handled the next battle more easily.

After several consecutive rounds, he became more proficient in using the two new moves of Arrow Concentration and Space Lock.

But the Hundred Battles Arena has also adjusted accordingly.

Ye Liuyun\'s opponent this time turned out to be yin and yang.

This time, Qianfeng couldn\'t help but ask Ye Liuyun directly if he should stop directly.

The strength of opponents in this realm is at least twice as strong as that of the seventh level of yin and yang, and it has already exceeded the limit that Ye Liuyun can deal with.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, but still wanted to try. If it is really dangerous, he can use the artifact to save his life.

"Master, I want to have a try with him!"

Ye Liuyun replied.

"Okay then! If you can\'t do it, just say it right away, don\'t force it!" Qianfeng instructed.


Ye Liuyun agreed, and was already thinking about how to attack his opponent.

He first used the same Space Lock and Arrow Rain to attack.

But this time, the Arrow Rain attack didn\'t have much effect. The opponent\'s true essence was too strong, so the body-protecting true essence blocked all those arrows.

However, Ye Liuyun had no choice but to escape into the void when the opponent punched him.

The moment he hid in the void, he suddenly thought: "You can attack him in the void!"

Although his rain of arrows is useless, but the space is locked, but it is useful.

The power of the opponent\'s space is not that strong.

So Ye Liuyun changed his strategy, condensed a rain of arrows in the void, and then launched an attack directly from the void.

Hundreds of arrows directly appeared in the opponent\'s body.

But the space around the opponent\'s body was locked. Even if he wanted to move these arrows to other voids, he couldn\'t do it.

This made Ye Liuyun able to attack him, but he couldn\'t hit Ye Liuyun.

After a burst of arrows crackling, the opponent was blasted into thin air.

Ye Liuyun also heaved a sigh of relief and ran out of the void.

The two elders, Songyan and Qianfeng, are now numb to the sight.

In times of crisis, Ye Liuyun\'s tricks are endless.

"I think this kid, if he really faces the pursuit, he might be able to counter-kill his opponent!" Qianfeng said with emotion.

Pine Rock agrees with him. "Well! I think this possibility is also very high! When he is facing danger, he is calm and calm in the face of danger."

"Tsk tsk!" Ganfeng exclaimed, "This talent is the best disciple I have ever seen, not one of them!"

"Me too!" Song Yan confirmed after thinking for a while.

In the next battle, Ye Liuyun didn\'t use the rain of arrows, but used the sword intent, and also succeeded in sneak attacking the opponent from the void.

But the next opponent, Baizhan Arena, immediately strengthened the opponent\'s space power.