Lord of All Gods

Chapter 734

After Ye Liuyun replenished his true essence, he began to cultivate his soul again.

With the application of various powers, his spirit couldn\'t keep up.

Before, because he had too many ways to attack, he had to use some secondary spirits to participate in the attack, which affected the replenishment progress of the true essence.

Anyway, there is plenty of time in the Xuankong Stone. He went out too early, and the two masters would be amazed at the speed at which his true essence replenished, so it\'s better to take the opportunity to strengthen the soul again.

His soul has actually improved somewhat. The use of this kind of super strength is a kind of training and improvement for the soul.

However, Ye Liuyun felt that the speed of improvement was not fast enough.

So this time, he still focused on cultivating the soul, and let the soul complete more tasks, increasing the difficulty little by little.

This time, with the previous tempering, the soul improved a lot faster.

Ye Liuyun checked for omissions and made up for the vacancies, and improved all the deficiencies in various strengths.

His Netherworld Will-o\'-the-wisp absorbed another Xuanyin Qingyan, and has already begun to absorb the next one.

At this time, he came out from the Xuankong Stone. Songyan and Qianfeng have been waiting impatiently.

According to Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation speed, he should have come out a long time ago. Therefore, they also guessed that Ye Liuyun was hurrying up to improve other powers.

They have nothing to guide Ye Liuyun now. He needs to constantly explore and improve himself in actual combat.

So they could only accompany Ye Liuyun and protect him.

It has been nearly two days since Ye Liuyun entered the Baizhan Arena.

The two of them, just watching outside, didn\'t feel bored, on the contrary, they watched with great interest.

Ye Liuyun came out from the Xuankong Stone again, which brightened the eyes of the two of them again.

They all felt that Ye Liuyun was not only more energetic, but also more aggressive.

This has something to do with his constant fighting and killing. Although the one who killed was not a real person, the dangers involved were all real.

The arena of all battles is really deadly.

Every battle requires Wu Xiu to go all out to kill.

Now that Ye Liuyun thought about entering the Baizhan Arena again, he was full of energy. The murderous aura and domineering aura in him were also brought up.

Therefore, the aura on his body alone can now deter martial artists of the same realm.

Songyan and Qianfeng were also looking forward to Ye Liuyun\'s next performance.

As soon as Ye Liuyun played this time, he met an opponent who was as strong as himself.

He held a knife in one hand and the palm of heaven and earth in the other. At the same time, Jin Tong attacked, and he did his best when he came up. With one attack, the opponent is directly killed.

Then use the power of space, the golden body of Buddha and demon. In short, the power he can use is being used in turn to hone and improve.

Fighting to the fifty-fifth round, the arena of hundreds of battles finally manifested an opponent with seven levels of yin and yang. He was three levels higher than Ye Liuyun.

Moreover, this realm is already at the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm, and its strength is more than a little stronger than the opponents at the sixth level of Yin-Yang.

Even Songyan and Elder Qianfeng outside became nervous.

Qianfeng\'s hand is always placed on the energy filling place that controls the ring. Once Ye Liuyun is in danger, he can withdraw the spirit stone in time.

Ye Liuyun also felt the pressure.

His opponent is not bad in itself. Taken out alone, even in Ling Xiaozong can be called a disciple of Tianjiao.

Now the realm is threefold higher. The strength of the opponent has far surpassed Mo Yang.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to use Divine Soul and Divine Weapon. In that case, there would be no point in continuing to fight.

"Alright! Only by truly experiencing danger can I improve faster!"

Ye Liuyun immediately made up his mind and began to use his golden pupils to assess the opponent\'s characteristics.

Although the opponents in the battle arena are all transformed by spiritual energy, the circulation of the true essence in the body is the same as that of normal people, and can be observed by him.

"As expected of the seven levels of yin and yang, the quality of the true essence is so high!"

After Ye Liuyun discovered his real essence, he couldn\'t help but compare it with his own.

He discovered that his own true essence could be further compressed.

The more the true element is compressed, the greater the density and the higher the quality of the true element.

After Ye Liuyun discovered the problem, he immediately started to improve it.

Ye Liuyun could learn something from every opponent. At least, it can remind Ye Liuyun which direction to improve.

At the same time, he was also thinking about how to defeat this opponent.

Every palm of this opponent carries overwhelming force. Not only is the power of the true essence much stronger, but also the power of heaven and earth is much stronger than the opponent Ye Liuyun encountered before.

If he used the previous method again, not to mention the high consumption, he could at most draw a tie.

Facing such a strong man, his physical body also endured a lot of pressure. Every time the opponent\'s attack, part of it seeps in, and he needs to resist it with his body.

So he himself knew that it couldn\'t last too long. After a long time, he will be really dangerous.

If he wants to win, he still needs to use some new methods!

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun used the old method to fight against his opponent, and at the same time tried to use the method of the second stage of the Yuanling secret technique to control the aura.

Not only does he want to prevent the opponent from absorbing the aura, he also wants to use the aura to attack the opponent.

Ye Liuyun was also inspired by the battle arena.

Since Baizhan Arena can use aura to transform his opponent. Then he could at least transform the aura into arrows to attack by using the Yuanling secret technique.

Thinking of this, he began to practice.

He first controlled the aura around the opponent, gathered them together to form an arrow, and shot towards the opponent.

It\'s just that the arrow made of spiritual energy is not tight enough. The coercion released by the opponent will shatter the arrow, and it is not a threat at all.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry either. If it doesn\'t work once, just do it again.

This time, he gathered the aura more closely before attacking the opponent.

Although the result was much better than the last time, it was scattered by the other party casually.

Although his attack is not effective, it can at least distract the opponent, and it is not completely useless.

So Ye Liuyun continued to improve again and again, gathering arrows, and shooting at the opponent. While improving the skills of the spirit control stage, he also continued to interfere with the opponent.

Moreover, the speed at which he condenses arrows is getting faster and faster, and the frequency of his attacks is also getting higher and higher.

Now, his opponent didn\'t dare to be careless, and had to devote all his energy to defend against the arrows. The pressure Ye Liuyun faced immediately eased up a lot.

Outside the arena, Qianfeng shouted excitedly: "Okay, okay! Did you see, my apprentice is amazing, right? They have started to use spirit control to launch attacks!"

Regarding this, Song Yan had to admit that Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation talent was indeed far stronger than some of the arrogances in the sect.

They could all see that Ye Liuyun started to practice this move step by step from scratch.