Lord of All Gods

Chapter 733

Ye Liuyun has already fought in the 42nd match in the Hundred Battles Arena.

From the previous few rounds, his opponents were already one level higher than him.

But even so, he played with ease. His yin and yang palm, in addition to his own blood and true energy, also combined the power of Buddha and demon, two kinds of flames and the power of heaven and earth, almost a collection of all his powers.

Once it is used, even if the opponent is higher than him, they will not be able to hold him for three palms at most.

But the opponent in the forty-second match was really too strong. Facing Ye Liuyun\'s Qiankun Palm, he could easily resist it.

So Ye Liuyun stepped up again, using the guardian seal. From the seal of the guardian god, launch the Qiankun Palm to attack.

The opponent also activated the seal of the patron saint to fight, but the result was a crushing defeat.

His patron saint seal is not as strong as Ye Liuyun\'s. Under the confrontation, he couldn\'t hold on, and Ye Liuyun directly smashed his patron saint seal.

But Ye Liuyun also realized his own shortcomings. He found some loopholes in his Patronus seal.

So in the next battle, he would perfect his patron saint seal while fighting. As his patron saint seal gradually improved, he finally defeated his opponent.

But he consumed a lot of real energy this time, and the real energy in one Yuan Dan was already empty, and he couldn\'t replenish it for a while.

So in the forty-fourth battle, he used the internal circulation of the blood to suppress the opponent\'s blood.

"How long do you think my apprentice can last?" Qianfeng asked Xiang Songyan.

"My apprentice!" Song Yan corrected dissatisfied.

Then he said with some concern: "Maybe he can last for two or three games! His true energy is too late to recover!"

Qianfeng shook his head. "It\'s useless for him to still have strength!"

"Oh?" Songyan looked at Qianfeng after hearing the words, a little puzzled.

"Did you forget? Space power! Can\'t beat him, can\'t he still run?" Qianfeng laughed.

"Yes! This kid has too much power, I forgot about it!" Song Yan suddenly realized.

"I don\'t usually see him use it, I didn\'t remember it for a while!"

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also thought of the power of space.

However, his usage is different.

He didn\'t just think about escaping, but used the power of space to blast the Qiankun Palm directly onto the opponent, and at the same time hide himself in the void to avoid the opponent\'s attack.

In this way, not only can it cause heavy damage to the opponent, but it can also have more time to recover the true essence.

In his current battles, the opponents are all similar in strength to him, so each battle consumes a lot of real energy.

But now he has the Yuanling secret technique, and he recovers much faster than before. As long as there are more gaps in the battle, he has the hope to continue to hold on.

He used this space power to defeat three opponents in a row, and in the eighth game, the opponent also had the same space power.

"In this battle arena, what kind of opponent really can be created!"

Ye Liuyun looked at his opponent and couldn\'t help but feel a little troublesome.

This kind of opponent who knows the power of space is even more difficult to fight, because the opponent will hide in the void in times of crisis!

Fortunately, Ye Liuyun had practiced moving others before. So when the opponent couldn\'t hold on anymore and hid in the void, Ye Liuyun moved him out again and slapped him apart with one palm.

"Haha! This trick is really clever! How did this kid come up with it!"

After Qianfeng saw it, he couldn\'t help applauding.

Song Yan couldn\'t help laughing, but he didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to use this move to directly move his opponent. But unexpectedly, the effect is very good!

Ye Liuyun\'s victory in this match was quite thrilling. If it weren\'t for the fact that most people would not think of this trick, he might really have to spend a lot of effort.

Except for the blood thunder and the power of the soul, he has already used everything else.

He doesn\'t plan to use his soul power yet. As soon as he uses the power of the soul, he will not be able to exercise himself.

Therefore, he put all his attention on integrating the blood thunder into Qian Kun\'s palm.

However, the two forces of yin and yang are difficult to integrate Xuelei alone.

Blood thunder is the most rigid force, and there is no most soft force to reconcile it.

"What a pity!" Ye Liuyun felt a little regretful.

But since he couldn\'t fuse it into Qiankun\'s palm, he didn\'t waste it. Instead, he used the golden pupil again, and used the golden pupil to directly release the bleeding thunder to attack.

Just when Qianfeng and Songyan thought that he had finished displaying all kinds of power, the two of them remembered that Ye Liuyun and Jin Tong were useless.

And the blood thunder released by Jin Tong suddenly caught the opponent by surprise.

In particular, he also used the power of space to send the blood thunder directly into the opponent\'s body. Three consecutive opponents were bombarded by him by surprise.

Next, when Ye Liuyun fought against his opponent, he used his golden pupil to release the Golden Crow and Blood Thunder, and combined with the Qiankun Palm, he would give him a severe beating if he caught the opponent.

His golden pupils are equivalent to giving him an extra assistant.

And he himself is also running the guardian deity seal, and he has also opened the golden body of the Buddha and Demon, which strengthens the attack while not forgetting the defense.

With these forces gathered together, every battle, even Song Yan and Qian Feng were dazzled by seeing Ye Liuyun\'s many methods.

Soon, the Baizhan Arena made adjustments, and the opponents who reappeared were two levels higher than him.

This time, Ye Liuyun used his own body to participate in the defense. At the same time, he used the Qiankun Palm with one hand and the Batianshen Fist with the other.

When attacked, they also share the resistance with the Buddha\'s demon golden body and the physical body.

The fight was extremely fierce, and the release of various forces was also very exciting!

This battle can be said to be the most comprehensive display of Ye Liuyun\'s strength besides his soul power.

His own true energy was almost exhausted. So after this battle, he voluntarily withdrew and asked for a rest.

Songyan and Qianfeng nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad! Your progress is so fast! It\'s already fifty-two games!" Song Yan was full of praise.

Qianfeng didn\'t hit Ye Liuyun again this time, and after complimenting him, he asked him to go back to replenish his true energy.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he immediately entered the Xuankong Stone, absorbing the crystals of the Jinyi alien evil.

The crystal element of the alien evil is the Yuandan of human martial arts.

Only Ye Liuyun\'s Xuanyuan Qi Refining Art can absorb this kind of power, and can transform and absorb the evil power in it.

The realm of this alien evil is in the middle and late stage of the realm of good fortune, so the energy is enough for him to advance to the first realm.

But Ye Liuyun was only using it to replenish his true energy. After replenishing the true essence, he stopped absorbing it. He put away the remaining energy and used it again when fighting.

He wanted to use all his energy in the arena to improve his strength as soon as possible. As for the realm, it can break through at any time.