Lord of All Gods

Chapter 716

"You said, did Ye Liuyun get the exercises?" Some disciples were also curious about what Ye Liuyun had gained.

"It\'s hard to say! He didn\'t go in for a long time. Even if he got it, he could only get it on the first floor!" Someone replied.

"But what if the stone puppet inside doesn\'t stop him?" The disciple continued to ask.

This time, everyone was speechless. It is indeed possible!

It\'s just that it\'s useless for them to guess. They have no way of checking whether Ye Liuyun took it or not, and how much he took.

If they want to rely on force, they are not Ye Liuyun\'s opponents. Even the wooden sword was beaten to their hearts\' content, so they didn\'t even think about it.

Ye Liuyun stayed away from Zangshu Pavilion, and after making sure that he was safe, he finally relaxed.

Although the matter in Zangshuge was weird, Ye Liuyun took advantage after all, so he was very happy in his heart.

Wu Qingcheng has already taken over those exercises, so that everyone can also benefit from it.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have time to take a closer look now. The secret realm is only open for one month, and he has to hurry up and go to other places to hunt for treasures.

The map Elder Songyan gave him was afraid of misleading him. It only marked the Library Pavilion, and let him explore other places by himself.

He let go of his consciousness and golden pupils in the air, and looked around. From a distance, I found a place with particularly abundant energy.

And many disciples rushed there.

So Ye Liuyun also immediately disappeared into the void, moved in space, and rushed towards that place.

He also wanted to strengthen his space power while he was on his way.

Moreover, his Yuanling secret technique has been being used all the time, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy and wild energy in this secret realm.

Yuanling secret technique can absorb these two kinds of energies. For Ye Liuyun, absorbing it for a while is equivalent to transforming a lot of true energy.

After Ye Liuyun rushed to the place, he found out.

His golden pupils pierced through the water and saw a deep pool in the center of the lake. The pool is so deep that you can\'t see the bottom at all.

From the shore to the center of the lake, a large number of aquatic beasts gathered. These ferocious beasts are of different groups, and their realm is still very high.

The closest to the shore is a group of crocodiles, and a few of them have reached the middle stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

These crocodiles also found Wu Xiu approaching, and gathered in groups, ready to attack.

Ye Liuyun saw several disciples forming a team and trying to run towards the center of the lake, but they were all beaten back by the attack of the crocodiles. Two disciples even died on the spot.

He was thinking about how to reach the deep pool in the center of the lake, when the dragon girl suddenly sent him a message with her spiritual sense, saying that she felt the dragon\'s breath.

Later, Lei Ming also confirmed that it was Dragon Qi.

Both of them are cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, once they enter the secret realm, the air in the Xuankong Stone will communicate with the secret realm. They have all noticed the change in the air.

Especially now, both Long Nu and Lei Ming felt the presence of dragon energy.

"It seems that the deep pool in the center of the lake

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun immediately released Lei Ming and Longnu.

The disciples who arrived first also noticed Ye Liuyun\'s arrival. But here he has no acquaintances, and no one invites him to form a team.

So as soon as he released Lei Ming and Longnu, he immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Eh, I didn\'t see it! This kid is carrying two beauties with him!" Some disciples teased and laughed.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to explain to them, but said to Lei Ming and Longnu: "You two feel carefully, is the dragon\'s energy coming from the deep pool in the center of the lake?"

The two of them didn\'t need to feel it, so they replied in unison: "Yes!"

"Okay then, let\'s find a way to go and have a look!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he realized that Chang Hao had also rushed over. Behind him, there were four disciples who apparently formed a team with him to explore together.

Chang Hao glanced around the environment first, then said to Ye Liuyun and other disciples: "There are many fierce beasts in the lake, everyone should get together and kill them. Otherwise, if we spread out, I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to deal with so many fierce beasts Already!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen other disciples immediately leaned over obediently.

Only Ye Liuyun stood still.

Ye Liuyun felt that even if there were more than a dozen people, they were still no match for these fierce beasts, so it was definitely not advisable to fight recklessly.

He didn\'t want to be cannon fodder for others. He wanted to use his golden pupils to control some ferocious beasts and lead them into the lake.

Seeing that he was not moving, Chang Hao couldn\'t help being a little surprised.

"New boy, if I remember correctly, your name is Ye Liuyun, right? Why don\'t you come over?"

"I\'m not interested in reckless fighting!" Ye Liuyun saw that he was not polite, and he didn\'t want to form a team with them.

"What did you say?" Before Chang Hao could speak, a disciple beside him scolded Ye Liuyun: "Brother Chang brought everyone together for everyone\'s benefit! You don\'t mean to follow behind to take advantage of it, do you?" ?”

Ye Liuyun just smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I won\'t follow you, you can do whatever you want!"

"Forget it, he doesn\'t want to, and we don\'t force it! Just let him watch there!"

As Chang Hao spoke, he greeted the others, assigned tasks, and then rushed towards the center of the lake with everyone.

Ye Liuyun looked at their backs and shook his head.

"What\'s the matter, little brother?" Lei Ming asked puzzled.

Ye Liuyun smiled and explained to Lei Ming: "They will definitely not be able to rush to the center of the lake. Let\'s wait until they are beaten back before leaving, lest they say that we are taking advantage of it."

The Dragon Girl interjected: "I think, if I release Longwei, the aquarium here will not dare to embarrass us!"

Ye Liuyun felt that Longnu came from the East China Sea and was familiar with the water tribe. Her suggestion might be feasible.

"Well, you can try it later!"

So the three of them were not in a hurry, and waited on the shore, watching Chang Hao and the others rush in with them.

The highest state of the crocodile guarding the shore is only the four levels of yin and yang. Although the crocodile has rough skin and thick flesh, it is not Chang Hao\'s opponent.

The crocodile group was dispersed by Chang Hao and the others in a few strokes. Chang Hao glanced back at Ye Liuyun triumphantly, and led his men to continue killing inside.

Ye Liuyun just smiled and continued to watch the fun.

When they encountered the next ethnic group, they fought a lot, but luckily, there were no casualties, and they finally broke through.

But there are more and more fierce aquatic beasts in front of them, and their realm is getting higher and higher.

Chang Hao also frowned slightly. He wanted to lead people back directly, but was worried that Ye Liuyun would laugh at them, so he gritted his teeth and led people to continue killing.