Lord of All Gods

Chapter 717

"Even if I sacrifice a few people, as long as I can break through to the center of the lake, those sacrifices are worth it."

As expected, Chang Hao regarded everyone else as cannon fodder, thinking more about his own interests.

So when their team encounters a strong person, they are destined to suffer more damage!

What Chang Hao was fighting now was an electric eel with six layers of yin and yang, with the power of lightning all over his body, which was comparable to him playing drums. Let Chang Hao have no time to care about him.

It was miserable for the others, and it didn\'t take long for them to fall down one after another, being devoured by these ferocious aquatic beasts.

They can\'t get through at all. The water in the lake was densely packed with ferocious beasts, and they couldn\'t even kill them, not to mention that the level of these ferocious beasts was not low.

Before they reached the center of the lake, there were beasts with six levels of yin and yang coming out. In the center of the lake, there may be some powerful beasts there!

"Senior Brother Chang, retreat quickly, we can\'t hold on anymore!" The disciple who reprimanded Ye Liuyun before couldn\'t help shouting.

"Well, there are too many beasts in the lake! Let\'s retreat!"

Chang Hao made a few fierce attacks, forced the opponent away, and led them back to kill.

But it is easy for them to come in, but it is difficult to get out. The electric eels behind couldn\'t help chasing after them with the aquarium, and the crocodiles and other fierce beasts they had beaten away in front were still blocking the way.

In the end, when they managed to fight back to the shore, there were only six people left beside Chang Hao, and they were all exhausted. As soon as they landed, they all lay down and rested.

Ye Liuyun smiled and did not mock them, but walked towards the center of the lake with Lei Ming and Longnu.

The crocodiles on the shore saw someone coming again, and immediately attacked Ye Liuyun and the others again.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t panic and was dissatisfied, he opened his golden pupils, and pulled the soul of the crocodile headed into his soul domain. After a fierce beating, he directly branded him with a spirit and let him be his mount.

Ye Liuyun also took Lei Ming and Long Nu, and sat directly on the back of the crocodile, letting the crocodile lead the group and open the way for him.

Of course, Chang Hao and the others were also paying attention to Ye Liuyun\'s movements. They originally wanted to watch a good show, but they didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to tame the crocodiles directly.

Now the crocodile group that Ye Liuyun is leading is comparable to their formation last time.

"This kid is really disgusting, he has the ability to tame animals, and he is watching our jokes!"

Chang Hao blamed Ye Liuyun for his failure just now.

"Senior Brother Chang, we don\'t have to be polite to this kid. Why don\'t we follow this kid and take advantage of him?" The disciple who reprimanded Ye Liuyun earlier suggested.

He was afraid that Ye Liuyun would take advantage of them, so he followed them. Now, he wanted to follow Ye Liuyun, and he said it confidently.

Chang Hao was also moved in his heart.

"Not bad! This idea will save us a lot of effort. Come on, let\'s keep up with them."

Under the leadership of Chang Hao, these people got up again and followed Ye Liuyun far away.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense discovered them, the corner of his mouth raised, and he thought to himself: "You want to borrow light from me? Do I agree?"

However, he kept his composure and continued to steer the group of crocodiles forward, fighting with the next group.

He helped the group of crocodiles with Void Slash, and quickly opened a passage.

Until they met the electric eel who fought against Chang Hao again.

Ye Liuyun clearly felt that the crocodile under them was a little timid and did not dare to go any further.

"Dragon Girl, try the coercion of the Dragon Clan first and see if it works?"

Ye Liuyun asked Lei Ming and Longnu to try the coercion of the dragon clan first. If it worked, he would not need to take out the skeleton puppets to fight.

When the dragon girl heard the words, she immediately vacated and manifested her main body.

A black dragon several tens of feet long coiled around Ye Liuyun and the others. The dragon\'s head pointed at the electric eel and let out a long roar.

The dragon girl displayed the aura of the real dragon and the dragon energy all over her body, and immediately suppressed the realm of the electric eel to the sixth level of Tiangang, which completely lowered the realm by a big one.

In fact, the real dragon not only has a suppressing effect on the realm of the aquatic people, but also has a suppressing effect on the beasts on land.

It\'s just that the dragon girl is familiar with the aquarium and understands this habit of the aquarium.

The electric eel actually whined, begging for mercy repeatedly, and at the same time dodged to get out of the way.

Those aquariums around him were also intimidated to sink to the bottom of the water, not daring to show their heads.

"What about those tails at the back?" Dragon Girl asked Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

"Let them follow in and deal with them!" Ye Liuyun replied to Longnu.

The dragon girl didn\'t change back to her human form, she just vacated to open the way ahead, and continued walking with Ye Liuyun and a group of crocodiles.

Chang Hao from behind couldn\'t help salivating when he saw the real body of Longnu.

"This kid actually tamed a real dragon!" Chang Hao secretly planned in his heart that he must kill Ye Liuyun and snatch the real dragon if he had the chance.

"Senior Brother Chang, this is a real dragon! When we find the treasure with this kid, you can..." The disciples around Chang Hao began to give him bad ideas again.

Chang Hao reached out to block him

"Don\'t talk, hurry up and follow."

With a wave of his hand, he led the people around him and quickly crossed the encirclement of electric eels.

Ye Liuyun and the others are not far from the center of the lake now.

"Under the water, there is an octopus with eight layers of yin and yang!" Ye Liuyun reminded the dragon girl with his spiritual sense.

At the same time, he also prepared the skeleton puppet, ready to be thrown out to fight at any time.

When it got close, the octopus really rushed out of the water. Ye Liyun directly threw the skeleton puppet at it and stopped it so that it would not hurt the dragon girl.

Lei Ming also manifested his figure at the same time, ready to fight.

"This is... the Thunder Dragon Beast?" Chang Hao was even more surprised when he saw the Thunder Dragon Beast!

"The monsters around this kid are all treasures! There\'s also a puppet with eight layers of yin and yang!"

Looking at Ye Liuyun now, his eyes were about to burst into flames. He wished he could kill Ye Liuyun now and take these two monsters and puppets as his own.

But he still had to wait until Ye Liuyun brought them somewhere before he could do anything.

Otherwise, if they encounter someone with a high realm like an octopus again, they will die.

The octopus was taken aback when it saw the skeleton puppet.

It originally wanted to rely on its high realm and the dragon girl\'s low realm, thinking that the dragon girl could not suppress it.

But now there is an extra Thunder Dragon Beast. Although its realm has not been lowered by an entire realm, it has also been suppressed to the fifth level of yin and yang by the two of them. It is no match for the skeleton puppet at all.

It regretted showing itself up a bit!

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have been diving under the water and not coming out.