Lord of All Gods

Chapter 715

Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to pay attention to these spectators.

He wanted to enter the Library Pavilion as soon as possible, so as not to attract more and more people after a while, and then attract stronger people.

The wooden sword that was blown away in the distance also looked at Ye Liuyun blankly.

"It turns out his strength is so strong!"

He also heard that Ye Liuyun had defeated Zhou Heng. But Zhou Heng, in the eyes of Tianjiao\'s top three, is also a waste. So they didn\'t pay much attention to this newcomer.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun crushed him as soon as he entered the secret realm. And it is the crushing of absolute strength.

The wooden sword was defeated by Ye Liuyun, completely convinced. Ye Liuyun\'s sword intent is at least one level higher than his sword intent.

Apart from sword intent, he has no other strengths. So even if he tried his best, he would not be Ye Liuyun\'s opponent.

When Ye Liuyun approached the stone puppets, he suddenly felt that the stone puppets were sizing up his realm and strength.

However, to everyone\'s surprise, all the stone puppets suddenly exploded with a yin-yang ninefold aura.

Ye Liuyun was also startled by the situation. "What\'s the matter? Are they all aimed at me?"

For a moment, he was a little overwhelmed and froze there. If he finds danger, he is ready to turn around and run immediately.

Next, a scene that surprised everyone even more happened.

All the stone puppets were neatly lined up in two rows, and at the same time, they raised their right hands to stroke their chests and bowed to Ye Liuyun!

Immediately, the door of Zangshu Pavilion opened, as if welcoming Ye Liuyun in.

This scene left everyone dumbfounded.

Ye Liuyun also didn\'t know why. I don\'t know what\'s going on, and I\'m hesitating whether to go in or not.

But he also found that although these stone puppets exuded a yin and yang pressure, they all bypassed him directly and deterred others.

So he carefully tried to walk a few steps forward, and after finding nothing unusual, he walked a few more steps until he entered the Library Pavilion, where the stone puppet remained in a bowing posture without any change.

After Ye Liuyun entered, the door of the Library Pavilion was closed immediately.

The realm of those stone puppets outside has not changed, they are all yin and yang, enclosing the Library Pavilion. It seemed to be protecting Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense also discovered the situation outside, and he was even more puzzled.

"What\'s the matter? Why are they bowing to welcome me in?"

Ye Liuyun thought for a long time, but still couldn\'t figure it out. In the end, he resolutely stopped thinking about it, and directly started to search for the lower half of Qiankun Palm.

There are not many books in this book collection pavilion. There are nearly a hundred books on each floor, all of which are all kinds of secret arts.

Ye Liuyun went straight to the third floor. According to Elder Songyan\'s memory, the lower half of Qiankun Palm is on the third floor.

There are stone puppets guarding each staircase. But after seeing him, they all bowed to him in the same posture without any hindrance.

Ye Liuyun came to the third floor smoothly. It was easy to find the lower half of Qiankun Palm.

He could see that some books were missing from the bookshelves, probably taken away by the previous people.

The Qiankun Palm may not have been picked because only the lower half was left.

He directly put the lower half of Qiankun Palm into his storage ring.

According to Songyan, each person can only pick one book, not more. Otherwise, the stone golem will attack.

Ye Liuyun originally planned to leave, but he suddenly saw that the stone puppets between the second and third floors were still bowing.

"They welcome me like this, is it possible that I get a few more copies, and they don\'t care?"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but want to try it.

He didn\'t take another book away, but picked it up and flipped through it to see the stone puppet\'s reaction. Seeing that there was no movement, he put the book away.

Then put your whole body on alert and prepare to escape.

But to his delight, those puppets did not respond at all.

So Ye Liuyun struck while the iron was hot, put all the books on the third floor into his storage ring, then stared at the puppet with all his attention, and walked down the second floor.

"Safe! It seems that these stone puppets will not attack me."

Thinking of this, he packed up all the books on the second floor.

The higher the floor, the higher the level of the skill. But it was for nothing anyway, Ye Liuyun didn\'t mind taking all these exercises away. Even if he can\'t use it himself, he can use it for others in the future.

Seeing the stone puppet still did not respond, he went down to the first floor and put away all the books on the first floor.

All the books in Zangshuge were covered by him alone!

You must know that the books in the Zangshu Pavilion, even the books on the first floor, are all treasures if you take them to Lingxiaozong.

Ye Liuyun has collected more than 300 exercises in one fell swoop!

He vaguely thought that the welcome of these stone puppets might be related to the Ten Thousand Gods Order in his sea of ​​consciousness.

But these puppets have no consciousness, and he can\'t communicate.

"Anyway, everything is in hand, I\'d better get out of here quickly!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun went directly to the door of Zangshu Pavilion.

The door of Zangshu Pavilion opened again, and Ye Liuyun walked out unscathed.

And only then did he see that a fellow disciple outside the door had been bombarded and killed by a stone puppet. The others, at this time, hid far away.

It turned out that after seeing him go in, someone tried to challenge the stone puppet again.

But the realm of the stone puppet did not change this time. With the realm of the nine levels of yin and yang, it directly killed the challenged disciple, scaring everyone else away and not daring to approach.

After Ye Liuyun came out, he even sized up the stone puppets.

"It would be great if we could take these stone puppets away!"

But he looked at it for a long time, but he didn\'t find out how these stone puppets were controlled, so he had no choice but to leave in search of other treasures.

Mu Jian and the other disciples all watched Ye Liuyun come out and sized up the stone puppet, their eyes widened in shock.

In his heart, he felt that Ye Liuyun was too courageous to provoke the stone puppet with nine layers of yin and yang.

Then, just like when Ye Liuyun entered, those stone puppets, as soon as they sensed Ye Liuyun approaching, immediately withdrew their coercion and let him look at them at will.

It wasn\'t until Ye Liuyun left that the stone puppets returned to their original positions. The door of Zangshu Pavilion was also closed tightly again.

"What\'s the matter with these stone puppets? It seems that they respect Ye Liuyun as their master!"

"What is this kid up to?"

Everyone was talking about it, but no one dared to step forward and try it lightly.