Lord of All Gods

Chapter 714

In this secret realm of the miraculous battlefield, both spiritual energy and barbaric energy are relatively strong. For him, it is also an excellent place for cultivation.

Surrounded by rolling hills, covered by large forests.

His consciousness was released, and he found some various weapons and armor left everywhere. It really looked like an abandoned battlefield, but there were no dead bodies.

"Even if it took a long time and the bones were weathered, they couldn\'t disappear so completely!" Ye Liuyun felt that there was something weird in this secret realm.

After exploring, he compared the map Elder Song Yan gave him, and went straight to the destination.

Marked on the map is a small three-story building, which stores various exercises and secret books.

Ye Liuyun learned from chatting with other people before that he is not the only one who has a map, so he has to race against time to get there as soon as possible. In order to prevent the lower half of Qiankun\'s palm skills from being taken away by others first.

He rushed over directly through the void, so the speed is very fast.

But even so, when he arrived, many people had already rushed there. Especially the second-ranked wooden sword is impressively listed.

At the entrance of the three-storey building, there is a row of stone puppets. Whenever someone wants to enter the library, a stone puppet will come out and fight with that person.

This can be regarded as a kind of test. Only after defeating the stone puppet can he enter the Library Pavilion.

However, it is very difficult for ordinary people to pass the stone puppet level.

Not only are they powerful, they can fight endlessly, but their realm can also change. Each time adjusted to be three realms higher than the challenger.

For Ye Liuyun, these stone puppets have neither blood nor soul, and his several advantages cannot be brought into play.

At this moment, Mu Jian was concentrating on fighting a stone puppet, while everyone else was watching.

It is not a big problem for a wooden sword under normal circumstances to fight across the triple realm.

But the strength of this stone puppet is higher than that of ordinary martial arts. So the wooden sword tried its best, but it couldn\'t take advantage of it, and it became a stalemate with the stone puppet.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil has discovered that the wooden sword has bred the seeds of sword intent.

But it was still difficult for him to judge, the wooden sword or the stone puppet, who would win in the end.

Seeing that no one was going to challenge the stone puppet, Ye Liuyun stood up and walked towards Zangshu Pavilion.

"Ye Liuyun is going in too? This newcomer is quite courageous!" Immediately, someone behind him made a soft comment, and there was even a burst of laughter.

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he thought that these people were timid and did not dare to challenge the stone puppets easily, so he didn\'t care too much.

However, just as he moved, before he took a few steps, he felt a sword intent coming from the direction of the wooden sword.

He was startled, and immediately retreated to avoid it.

This sword was issued by the wooden sword. He didn\'t want to hurt Ye Liuyun either, it was just a warning, otherwise Ye Liuyun wouldn\'t be able to avoid him easily.

"What do you mean?" Ye Liuyun looked puzzled at the wooden sword that was fighting with the stone puppet again.

"I want to go in first!" Mu Jian said indifferently.

Only then did Ye Liuyun understand why the people who came first stood aside and waited, and no one dared to go in.

It turned out that the wooden sword was too domineering to allow others to enter first.

"Really? Then you have to have that strength!" Ye Liuyun said, taking off the demon-slaying knife on his back.

"It\'s time to fight!"

"This Ye Liuyun is really fierce, even dare to challenge the wooden sword!"

The disciples who were waiting on the side immediately became interested and retreated one after another to give them room to fight.

Mu Jian also frowned: "Don\'t you know good and bad?"

Without any hesitation, Ye Liuyun didn\'t care whether the wooden sword was fighting or not, and directly chopped out his strongest sword intent with one blow.

His saber intent is obviously much stronger than that of the wooden sword. Moreover, the power of heaven and earth in it has also been greatly improved after his practice these days.

At the same time, he also operated the secret technique of Yuanling to drain all the aura around the wooden sword, reducing the power of his heaven and earth power.

His sword intent was extremely domineering. As soon as he made a move, both the wooden sword and the stone puppet felt it and withdrew one after another.

But Ye Liuyun\'s knife went straight to the wooden sword.

Ye Liuyun also knew that although his saber intent was strong, his own realm was not enough. So after making a slash, he began to mobilize his strength and activate the guardian seal.

Under the gathering of various forces, Hunyuan God of War slashed out again. This knife can\'t help but the knife\'s intention is strong, and the various powers it carries are almost doubled, and it slashes at the wooden sword again domineeringly.

As soon as Ye Liuyun slashed at the wooden sword, he felt that Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent was very strong, even stronger than his sword intent.

Just when he was startled, he felt a stronger saber intent attacking again.

This time, not only was his power of heaven and earth not mobilized smoothly, but his blood was also directly suppressed. Especially his strongest attack, sword intent, was almost completely suppressed by Ye Liuyun\'s domineering strike.

He secretly said that it was not good, and quickly summoned all his strength, summoned his patron saint seal, a long sword, and met Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

But his patron saint seal, many powers have also been suppressed. It can only be said that it is much stronger than not opening it.

But Ye Liuyun\'s sword not only contained the sword intent and the power of heaven and earth, but also contained terrifying power in the blood thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Fire.

Before the knife arrived, Mu Jian already felt the horror of this knife!

"His sword intent is actually a level higher than mine!"

Mu Jian had already realized that it was not good, and immediately released all his true energy to protect himself.

There was a roar of "bang".

Ye Liuyun slashed at the seal of the guardian spirit of the wooden sword, and the blood thunder and the golden crow holy fire blasted the seal of the guardian spirit of the long sword, splitting it in half.

But the knife intent of that knife still moved forward, and with a "boom", it slammed on Mu Jian again!

If Mu Jian hadn\'t sensed that Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent was stronger in advance, and mobilized all his true energy to protect him, he wouldn\'t have been able to catch this saber!

Even so, the wooden sword was blasted far away, spitting blood, and was directly thrown out of the range of Zangshu Pavilion.

Ye Liuyun then withdrew his knife and said to Mu Jian lightly: "Stop me, you are not qualified yet!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his leg again and walked towards Zangshu Pavilion.

"Ye Liuyun is so strong! The wooden sword was blown away with two moves!"

"Then doesn\'t he have the strength to compete with Mo Yang for the first place?"

Behind Ye Liuyun, there was another chattering sound.