Lord of All Gods

Chapter 711

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness found Zhou Heng\'s gaze, but he didn\'t look at him at all.

To him, the moment Zhou Heng signed the certificate of life and death, he was no different from a dead person.

He is now thinking about what abilities he can exercise later.

Elder Yaotian\'s consciousness was also paying attention to Ye Liuyun.

After realizing that Ye Liuyun\'s face didn\'t change color, he gradually calmed down.

"Could it be that this kid really has that strength?" He doubted for a moment in his heart.

But then he dismissed the idea. "Impossible! The realm is lower than Zhou Heng, and he is a martial artist from a remote island. How can he compare with Zhou Heng. It must be that this kid has never met a real strong man before, and he is too arrogant!"

He also didn\'t think that Ye Liuyun had only been here for a few days, so there would be some changes.

Zhou Heng is the leader of Ling Xiaozong. Although the strength is not as good as the top three in the Tianjiao list, he is also recognized as a strong man among the disciples.

His ranking in the Tianjiao Ranking was also achieved by his own strength, and he still has some proud capital.

So even if he is a little arrogant, no one cares.

Soon, the number of martial artists fighting in the arena decreased.

And everyone is also looking forward to the battle between the rookie Ye Liuyun and the fourth Tianjiao Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng actually wanted to go on stage a long time ago. It\'s just that he saw that Ye Liuyun didn\'t move, so he didn\'t look very anxious.

At this time, seeing Ye Liuyun still not moving, he couldn\'t help it.

"Boy, are you still on the stage? Do you think the contest between us can drag on?" Zhou Heng asked Ye Liuyun to fight.

Ye Liuyun smiled and also moved. While walking, he said, "It\'s a battle of life and death, not a contest! I\'m not interested in playing with you!"

"Haha!" Zhou Heng let out a long laugh, and flew onto the ring in a flash. "Since you emphasize the life-and-death battle so much, then I will satisfy you!"

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, took his time and walked onto the ring step by step. It seemed that everyone was a little anxious.

Martial arts of their realm, how could they step up to the ring step by step.

But there are a few elders whose expressions are getting more and more serious.

They could see that Ye Liuyun\'s aura was restrained, and nothing leaked out. But his whole person seemed to blend into the heaven and the earth, and he was in perfect harmony with the heaven and the earth.

This situation obviously shows that Ye Liuyun is definitely a master. At least in terms of bearing and momentum, he was actually much stronger than Zhou Heng who shouted happily.

Elder Yaotian, seeing this situation, also began to worry in his heart.

But the life and death certificate has been signed, and there is no way to go back on it. And in his heart, he still hoped that Zhou Heng could directly kill Ye Liuyun.

"Hmph, is it because you are afraid of death?" Zhou Heng satirized Ye Liuyun dissatisfied.

Ye Liuyun was unmoved at all.

It wasn\'t until after stepping onto the ring that the deacon referee announced the start of the match that all the blood in his body burst out suddenly.

Ye Liuyun first let the power of the blood circulate quickly in his body, and then used the Yuan Ling secret technique to suck all the spiritual energy around Zhou Heng.

All around him, the power of heaven and earth and spiritual energy began to condense rapidly.

After various improvements in skills, Ye Liuyun\'s activation speed is much faster than before, and it can be said that he has reached the point where he can turn freely.

Zhou Heng originally wanted to attack someone first, but unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun started it too quickly.

As soon as he came up, he felt that the power of his blood stagnated and his strength dropped significantly.

Afterwards, the power of heaven and earth around him also began to decrease, as if it had been sucked away by Ye Liuyun.

If he launches an attack at this time, it will obviously be much weaker in strength.

At the moment he hesitated, Ye Liuyun\'s patron saint seal also condensed into shape. Without giving Zhou Heng any time to think about it, the patron saint imprinted Thunder Fire Batian, the strongest move of Batian Shenquan, and slammed it down at him.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil also launched a soul attack, trying to pull Zhou Heng\'s two souls into his soul domain.

"Don\'t even think about it!" Zhou Heng\'s spirit, while resisting Ye Liuyun\'s pull, gathered strength to activate the guardian seal.

Due to the suppression of Ye Liuyun\'s blood and the reduced power of heaven and earth around him, his strength is much smaller than before.

Moreover, the attack on the soul also distracted him a little.

This means that Zhou Heng has confidence in his heart. If there is another person present, I am afraid that they will all panic.

Zhou Heng\'s usual practice is relatively balanced in all aspects. Especially soul cultivation. His two spirits are relatively powerful.

So Ye Liuyun\'s attack didn\'t work, so he immediately changed his routine and only pulled his main battle spirit into it.

Then he also saw Zhou Heng\'s patron saint seal, which turned out to be a mermaid holding a harpoon!

At this moment, the patron saint seal is holding a harpoon, leading a large piece of sea water to block Ye Liuyun\'s thunder and fire.

Ye Liuyun\'s figure flickered and became unreal.

He himself escaped into the void, immediately turned on the golden body of Buddha and Demon, and dodged directly behind Zhou Heng, letting his Hunyuan God of War hit the sky with thunder and fire, hard to beat Zhou Heng\'s mermaid.

Zhou Heng\'s patron saint seal managed to concentrate his strength and blocked Ye Liuyun\'s frontal blow.

Then he found Ye Liuyun behind him, and he wasn\'t panicked at all. Although his power of space is not as good as Ye Liuyun\'s, at least he can understand.

As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s figure became unreal, he knew that Ye Liuyun was going to use the power of space to attack him, and he was already mentally prepared.

Just as he was letting the patron saint of the mermaid swing the fork back, suddenly his soul was backlashed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a "poof".

At this moment, in Ye Liuyun\'s spirit domain, Zhou Heng\'s main battle spirit had already burned a big hole by the ghostly ghost fire fired by Ye Liuyun\'s golden armored spirit.

And at the moment when his movements froze, Ye Liuyun\'s punch had already arrived.

Originally, the distance was close, and his strength was suppressed, as long as he hesitated a little, it was enough for Ye Liuyun to play!

"Boom" a loud noise!

Zhou Heng\'s mermaid patron saint seal was directly pierced through a hole, and Zhou Heng, who was guarding it, was blasted to pieces in an instant.

Zhou Heng flew several feet away, with blood thunder shining on his body, a big hole in the back of his heart, emitting scorched smoke, and faintly shining golden red flames.

But he also knew that his physical body would not be able to hold on anymore, so he held his last breath, released his soul, and headed straight for Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness!


Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart, stopped helplessly, and withdrew the guardian seal

He wanted to fight again, but now he has no chance.

Ye Liuyun knew the order of the gods in the sea, and directly used the golden light to fix Zhou Heng\'s soul and absorb his soul power.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain is also gradually absorbing his main battle spirit.

Zhou Heng\'s physical body, without the support of his soul, exploded immediately under the pressure of Ye Liuyun\'s blood!