Lord of All Gods

Chapter 712

The entire Martial arts arena was completely silent at the moment. It was so quiet that they could even hear the sound of Zhou Heng\'s body exploding.

The people present did not react until Ye Liuyun withdrew his hand and withdrew the seal of the patron saint.

"Is this the end? Zhou Heng was killed?"

During the battle between the two of them, only those elders really saw the way. Others, those with high realms just took a rough look.

The ones in the lower realm just saw Ye Liuyun make a move first, then ran behind Zhou Heng, and punched him to death. Of course, they could also feel the fluctuations in their souls during the period, but they didn\'t know who was attacking whom.

Ye Liuyun\'s strength surprised some elders.

Although the suppressive power of his bloodline that he had just erupted was well controlled by him, these elders could still feel the power of his bloodline.

Some elders also thought that Ye Liuyun\'s soul was much stronger than his realm.

There is no absolute advantage in pulling other people\'s spirits into one\'s own spirit realm, and it is definitely impossible. This is enough to show that Ye Liuyun\'s soul power is not a little bit stronger than Zhou Heng\'s.

Some elders noticed that Ye Liuyun had used the Yuanling secret technique, which was obviously the true inheritance of Qianfeng.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s Blood Thunder and Golden Crow Holy Flame also made these old guys come to marvel.

"You two old guys, you really found a treasure!" Some elders congratulated the two elders, Songyan and Qianfeng.

They don\'t care about dead disciples at all. For them, those with high realms who can\'t beat those with low realms are trash, and they deserve to die.

Elder Yaotian\'s complexion is extremely ugly at the moment.

He didn\'t realize how strong Ye Liuyun was until the moment Ye Liuyun shot. But it\'s too late!

He sent his apprentice to die with his own hands!

However, Qianfeng has no intention of saving face for him.

"Hahaha, Yaotian, how is it? Do you have any other apprentices? Let them all come and try?"

Yaotian held back for a long time without speaking. Finally, he looked at Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun walked off the ring at this moment, just like when he went up, there was no fluctuation of true energy in his whole body. That kind of calm demeanor gives people a powerful demeanor at first sight.

"The old man\'s eyes are dumb!" Yao Tian sighed, flew up into the sky, and didn\'t care about Zhou Heng\'s body, but returned directly to his residence in the back mountain.

In Ye Liuyun\'s hand, he still held the storage ring that he took off from Zhou Heng\'s body when he just stepped off the stage.

His consciousness discovered that there was an artifact inside, but Zhou Heng didn\'t even have time to use it.

He originally thought that Elder Yaotian would definitely ask him to take the artifact back, but unexpectedly he just left!

"So generous? You don\'t even want the artifact?"

Ye Liuyun was a little taken aback, but immediately put away Zhou Heng\'s storage ring.

"Liu Yun, from now on you will be No. 4 on the Tianjiao list! It\'s a pity that the top three didn\'t show up today! Hurry up and go back to practice, don\'t slack off!"

Song Yan instructed Ye Liuyun. In fact, he also told others. It is equivalent to announcing the result of the game for the deacon referee.

But this is also a fact, and the deacon referee can\'t refute it.

He was just shocked by the result of the game and forgot to announce it.

Ye Liuyun agreed, and followed the two elders, Song Yan and Qian Feng, and left the martial arts arena directly.

As for the qualification to enter the secret realm, he is naturally the only one. With the respect of these two elders, no one would dare to play tricks on him.

It wasn\'t until they left that everyone started talking about it.

Gu Changyun said to Qu Xuefeng with a little fear: "You only said that he is stronger than you, but you didn\'t say that he was so strong?"

Qu Xuefeng also shook his head helplessly and said: "I don\'t even know where his bottom line is? He hasn\'t used a knife yet!"

Hearing this, Gu Changyun patted his chest and sighed, "It\'s a good thing I wasn\'t the one on stage, otherwise my end would be worse than Zhou Heng\'s!"

Qu Xuefeng looked at Ye Liuyun\'s direction in a daze, and murmured, "He seems to be stronger than before!"

He didn\'t know anything else, but he could definitely feel the blood power that Ye Liuyun suddenly erupted. He was very sensitive to the power of blood.

Ye Liuyun\'s blood burst now, not only much stronger than last time, but also much faster. So he never expected that Ye Liuyun had secretly learned his exercises.

All the disciples were quietly discussing, if Ye Liuyun met the top three on the Tianjiao list, who would be stronger. After that, no one came up to challenge again.

The qualifying competition for entering the secret realm also ended here.

Ye Liuyun also became famous because of this battle!

All kinds of legends about him also spread throughout Ling Xiaozong.

Many people came to inquire about Qu Xuefeng, making him extremely annoying. In the end, he simply closed the door to thank the guests, and hid himself to practice.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he immediately returned to the Xuankong Stone and continued to practice.

He needs to practice the Yuanling secret technique to the second stage first, and then practice the first palm of the Qiankun Palm, Yin-Yang Rotation, to achieve great success. Then practice the power of space and the power of heaven and earth.

These are the requirements of his two masters.

So he is also very busy and has no time to care about other things.

Inside the Xuankong Stone, everyone else is hurrying up to practice. Dragon Girl is even starting to practice the second Yuan Dan.

Ye Liuyun gave the artifact obtained from Zhou Heng to Longnu. Of the few people with strong combat effectiveness, only the Dragon Girl has no magic weapon.

It was a deformable glove. After the dragon girl put it on, even if it turned into a real body, it would still fit on the dragon\'s claws, and it was just right for use.

With this artifact, Ye Liuyun will be more assured of her safety if she asks the dragon girl to help fight in the future.

Zhou Heng also has a lot of net worth. The high-grade spiritual stones are piled up like a hill, and there are many high-ranking treasures.

Ye Liuyun handed over everything to Wu Qingcheng to handle, and let those in need choose by themselves.

Then he began to concentrate on cultivation.

After a month in the Xuankong Stone, Ye Liuyun\'s Yuanling secret technique finally reached the second stage. Afterwards, he released Xuankong Stone and began to practice Qiankun Palm.

Qiankun palm needs constant practice. His current strength is too strong, Xuankongshi can\'t bear his strength, so he can only come out to practice.

Fortunately, after ten days of uninterrupted practice, he finally mastered the yin-yang cycle.

After getting Elder Songyan\'s approval, he returned to the Xuankong Stone and continued to cultivate the power of space.

This time, he did not directly travel through the void to practice, but directly expanded his space world to strengthen his space power.

The process of expansion is also a process in which he continues to comprehend and utilize the power of space, so there is no delay.

It wasn\'t until he expanded the space world to a radius of about ten miles that he finally stopped.

As he becomes more proficient in understanding space and using the power of space, the speed at which he expands the space world is getting faster and faster.