Lord of All Gods

Chapter 710

Just based on Ye Liuyun\'s fifty consecutive victories in Yicheng, Qu Xuefeng can tell that Ye Liuyun is a decisive person and will never show mercy.

It\'s just that Ye Liuyun\'s performance is not ostentatious, he just looks very low-key.

Until now, Qu Xuefeng still regretted not making friends with Ye Liuyun because he underestimated Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils also swept towards the people around Qu Xuefeng.

He judged at a glance that these people should all be Tianjiao\'s top-ranked people.

It\'s just a pity that it seems that Tianjiao\'s top three people are not there.

"I don\'t know if they will come!"

Ye Liuyun was a little worried. If those people don\'t come, he doesn\'t have much interest in fighting with them.

Zhou Heng\'s strength is good, but Ye Liuyun didn\'t regard him as an opponent at all before, and now he looks down on him even more.

And he felt that with such narrow-minded people, one should either not do anything, and once they do, it is best to kill them directly, lest they have the opportunity to retaliate behind their backs.

The people around Qu Xuefeng were also asking him about Ye Liuyun\'s situation.

"Junior Brother Qu, how strong is this Ye Liuyun?"

Gu Changyun, who is ranked fifth in Tianjiao, is also in the fourth level of yin and yang, and he immediately became interested in Ye Liuyun.

"Much stronger than me!"

Qu Xuefeng answered truthfully.

Gu Changyun laughed and said, "He\'s in a higher realm than you, of course he\'s better than you! I\'m asking how he compares to people of the same realm?"

Qu Xuefeng recalled Ye Liuyun\'s 50 consecutive victories, sighed and said: "He has killed martial artists with five levels of yin and yang!"

"You mean when you were in Yicheng?" Gu Changyun still had a contemptuous tone. "How can those ordinary martial artists compare with our Tianjiao leaderboard?"

The news that Qu Xuefeng and Ye Liuyun had fought in the post city also spread somewhat.

These days, some people who are interested in Ye Liuyun knew that Ye Liuyun was brought by Qu Xuefeng, and they also asked him. It\'s just that Qu Xuefeng didn\'t say too many details.

Qu Xuefeng didn\'t explain anymore.

He knows Gu Changyun\'s ability, but he doesn\'t know how strong Ye Liuyun is.

He always felt that Ye Liuyun still had a stronger strength that he hadn\'t brought into play.

Soon, the trials began.

This time, the Lingxiao Sect will select a hundred disciples from the whole sect. Except for the top ten of Tianjiao who do not need to be challenged, the rest of the top 100 rankings of Tianjiao need to accept the challenge of their disciples.

Those who were challenged the most were in the 80s to the 100th place. There are also some disciples who are also on the list, but they also want to take the opportunity to challenge the top-ranked people, so for a while, there are still many people fighting, and several arenas are competing at the same time.

Seeing this, Songyan and Qianfeng didn\'t let Ye Liuyun take the stage. The disciples currently fighting on stage are too low-level, and they are not Ye Liuyun\'s opponents at all.

Qianfeng muttered unsatisfactorily: "These disciples are too weak! It\'s really not as good as one generation!"

Song Yan didn\'t say anything, but he was obviously not interested in the fighting of these disciples, and didn\'t even bother to watch.

At this time, a red-bearded elder beside them said: "You two, don\'t you just want to show off the newly recruited apprentice? Who can\'t see it? Let my apprentice accompany him to do two tricks in a while. My apprentice Zhou Heng, Tianjiao Number four on the list, does it catch your eyes?"

"Yaotian, don\'t brag! Of these miscellaneous fish present, one counts as one, and no one is my apprentice\'s opponent!" Elder Songyan said proudly.

The other elders also knew that Songyan and Qianfeng were showing off their disciples. It\'s just that these two elders have not accepted disciples for many years, and finally accepted a satisfactory disciple, showing off, which is also normal.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect at first that these elders were just as vindictive as children.

But when he heard that it was Zhou Heng\'s master, he was a little tempted. He was thinking of a way to force Zhou Heng to fight to the death.

Elder Yaotian said unconvincedly: "You don\'t even look down on the fourth place on the Tianjiao list? I don\'t know what level your apprentice is. Why don\'t you see him challenge you? Or don\'t you dare to go up at all?"

Ye Liuyun answered calmly from the side: "I am afraid that the attack will be too heavy, so I will kill Zhou Heng directly!"

Elder Yaotian almost jumped up when he heard the words: "Young man, don\'t talk big, if you can kill him, it can only show that he is a waste! Do you dare to sign the life and death certificate?"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, deliberately provoking Elder Yaotian: "I\'m afraid Zhou Heng won\'t dare to sign!"

"Hahaha!" Qianfeng also laughed loudly: "See? We are afraid that you will not dare to sign!"

"Okay, I want to see who is afraid!"

As Yao Tian spoke, he called Zhou Heng over: "Sign the life and death certificate with Ye Liuyun, and go to the ring."

Zhou Heng was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Master, what happened?"

Ye Liuyun, Songyan, Qianfeng and the others were all looking at their master and apprentice with a smile.

"Why do you ask so many questions? You dare not sign?" Yao Tian reprimanded dissatisfied, a little embarrassed.

"Why would I be afraid of him?" Zhou Heng was a little confused.

But Yao Tian urged without hesitation: "If you are not afraid, sign quickly!"

"Yes!" Zhou Heng didn\'t dare to ask any more questions, and directly signed the life and death certificate.

Yao Tian took the certificate of life and death and threw it to Ye Liuyun: "We have finished signing. Do you dare to sign?"

Ye Liuyun smiled inwardly, and also signed his name on the life and death certificate.

His strategy worked, and Zhou Heng was proud, and indeed this master was the same!

After signing the certificate of life and death, he can rest assured, and he can also verify the results of his cultivation these days.

Zhou Heng\'s strength also happened to be his opponent. Neither strong nor weak, he can control the situation of the battle.

As soon as the two of them signed the life and death certificate, it immediately caused a sensation. Most people are not optimistic about Ye Liuyun.

Zhou Heng was not only in a higher realm than Ye Liuyun, but also in their hearts, he was already an invincible existence.

"I think this new boy is looking for death? Fighting Zhou Heng, how dare he sign a life and death certificate?" Gu Changyun said to Qu Xuefeng with a mocking smile.

And Qu Xuefeng looked at Ye Liuyun from a distance with a calm expression, exactly the same as when he won fifty games in a row in Xinghuoyi City.

He secretly said in his heart: "Since he dares to sign, he must have a way to win Zhou Heng!"

But he didn\'t say it. Anyway, if you say it, no one will believe it. Just let others wait to be shocked!

At this time, Zhou Heng knew the ins and outs of the matter from Yao Tian\'s mouth.

"This little bastard, you are so angry that you are a teacher! You don\'t want to be merciful, you can kill as much as you can. In a fair competition in the ring, even if you kill his two old bastards, you won\'t make a move." Yao Tian finished talking. Forgot to tell Zhou Heng a word.

"Master, don\'t worry! I will never let him live when he comes on stage."

As he spoke, he still looked at Ye Liuyun with disdain.