Lord of All Gods

Chapter 701

Tuoba Qi smiled and said: "With your current strength, you can\'t do anything even if you go to the Central Continent. You might as well practice and improve all the way and rush all the way there.

And more than a year is nothing at all. Even my teleportation can save this time. "

Tuobaqi sent Ye Liuyun across domains, which indeed saved Ye Liuyun a lot of time.

"Okay, I\'ll go to Lingxiaozong to study for a while. But, I have to trouble the city lord to introduce you!"

Ye Liuyun got up again and thanked Tuoba Qi.

"You don\'t have to be polite. I introduced you, and they have to thank me! With your talent, you will be scrambled by those old guys when you get there!"

Tuoba Qi smiled, asked someone to fetch a pen and paper, and wrote a letter of recommendation.

"Take this letter and go to Elder Songyan. That guy is my best friend. He will protect your safety and arrange for you to enter the academy."

Ye Liuyun put the letter away, and thanked him again: "The city lord\'s great favor, Ye Liuyun will keep in mind that in the future, he will definitely repay it!"

Tuoba Qi\'s help to Ye Liuyun was already very great.

With Tuoba Qi\'s status, it is very rare to take such good care of him as a backup. He was already very grateful for letting him use the teleportation array.

Now give him an energy crystal ball to help him improve his realm, and recommend the academy to him. Ye Liuyun was also sincerely grateful for these kindnesses.

The words he said were all from the heart, not empty words.

"Hahaha, I\'m very happy if you have this heart. This is all my effort, and you don\'t need to pay back!" Tuoba Qi was also very satisfied with Ye Liuyun\'s words.

"Hurry up and get ready, as early as possible in terms of time. After a day on my side, the teleportation array will be ready, and you can leave at any time."

"Okay, then let\'s take our leave first, and I will notify the city lord after I have fixed the time."

Ye Liuyun also got up immediately to say goodbye.

"Cultivate well, you don\'t need to come here in person. Just ask someone to come and let you know. I don\'t talk about so many vulgar etiquette." Tuoba Qi ordered.

"Okay! Then I will follow the orders of the city lord!"

After Ye Liuyun bid farewell to Tuoba Qi, he took everyone to find Cyclops directly to confirm the time of departure.

As soon as they arrived, Cyclops told Ye Liuyun directly: "Four days at the fastest. But it will cost a lot of money!"

"It doesn\'t matter if you spend more money, try to hurry! Can you confirm now? If you are sure, I will confirm the transmission time with the city lord." Ye Liuyun confirmed with him again.

"I\'ve confirmed it repeatedly! It\'s four days later, no problem!"

"That\'s good!" Ye Liuyun immediately troubled Cyclops to inform the city lord. He led everyone back to the inn immediately, and entered the Xuankong Stone to practice.

With the energy spar given to him by Tuobaqi, he can break through the realm again.

Fifty battles in a row have made his foundation very solid, and breaking through the realm will not make the realm unstable.

There are forty days in the Xuankong Stone, which is enough for him to break through.

As soon as Ye Liuyun entered the Xuankong Stone, he immediately took out the energy ball and absorbed it.

Tuoba Qi gave him this energy ball, although it looked small, but the energy inside was very pure, and Ye Liuyun transformed it into his own true energy with almost no waste.

At the same time, he continued to inject the power of heaven and earth into his true essence.

Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline has been significantly improved since he used the blood of the star-eating beast, so his aptitude is one step closer, and his realm breakthrough is also faster than he expected.

In less than three days, his realm has successfully broken through to the fourth level of yin and yang.

In the following time, he has been consolidating his realm and becoming familiar with the power of the Yin and Yang fourfold.

He also spent more than ten days expanding the space world he built.

Now his space world is ready for people to live in.

Although compared with ordinary space secrets, it is still pitifully small. But he has gradually mastered the method of expanding the space world, and it will be faster and faster in the future.

For the rest of the time, he has been letting go of his spirit and comprehending the power of heaven and earth.

In short, he didn\'t waste any of these forty days, and his strength has improved a lot.

When Ye Liuyun came out of the Xuankong Stone, the breath on his body made Cyclops feel a little depressed.

The boss Wu, the ship merchant that Duyan was looking for, really lived up to Duyan\'s trust in him.

These days, from morning to night, without a moment\'s rest, they finally rushed out the two third-tier warships they needed. The supporting spare parts are also fully prepared.

They were more than three days earlier than expected before entering the post city. It was even a day earlier than the previous agreement with the city lord.

For this reason, Ye Liuyun also paid Boss Wu some extra fees to express his gratitude to him.

The other people around Ye Liuyun were all put into the storage ring by him, ready to leave.

Cyclops stowed the boat, took all the crew, and followed Ye Liuyun to the City Lord\'s Mansion.

The city lord, Tuoba Qi, didn\'t waste any time, and directly asked people to take Ye Liuyun and the others to the teleportation formation, and meet them in front of the teleportation formation.

To Ye Liuyun\'s surprise, not long after they arrived, some people came one after another. Among them were two he knew, Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang.

"These people were also teleported together?" Ye Liuyun asked City Lord Tuobaqi. Ye Liuyun thought they were the only ones to be teleported.

"They borrowed all from you! Anyway, I\'m going to open a teleportation array, so I\'ll release the news in advance, 20,000 high-grade spirit stones per person, so I can earn some money back." Tuoba Qi laughed.

"I\'m afraid that the cost of opening a teleportation array will not be low!"

Ye Liuyun thought in his heart, and quickly thanked the city lord: "This time the city lord has really cost me!"

Tuoba Qi smiled: "Money is something outside of you, so you don\'t have to worry about it. I can only teleport you to the post city closest to Lingxiaozong, and there is still a short distance to Lingxiaozong. But the road is very peaceful, and you should be able to get there smoothly. Can reach!"

They chatted for a while, waited for a dozen more people, and then stood on the teleportation platform together.

Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang bit the bullet and greeted Ye Liuyun briefly.

The two of them didn\'t look down on Ye Liuyun before, and now they are too embarrassed to flatter Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also understood their feelings and didn\'t feel embarrassed. He greeted them with a smile, and invited them to take his battleship and go to Lingxiaozong together.

Qiu Tianyang said: "I\'m afraid you asked the city lord to activate the teleportation array, right? We borrowed all of it! Otherwise, if we want to go back, we will have to sail for at least a year!"

"Are you going to Lingxiaozong?" Qu Xuefeng asked a little puzzled.