Lord of All Gods

Chapter 702

"Yes! I\'m going to Lingxiaozong to find an elder Songyan." Ye Liuyun replied.

"Elder Songyan?" Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang said at the same time, staring at Ye Liuyun in surprise.

"Yes, Elder Songyan. What\'s the matter?"

Seeing their surprise, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help being curious.

"It is said that Elder Songyan has been in seclusion for many years and has never seen outsiders!" Qiu Tianyang said: "I have been in Lingxiaozong for so many years, but I have never seen him."

Qu Xuefeng also said: "I have seen it once. But Elder Songyan has a very high status, he is one of the four elders of our sect."

"Oh. I just handed him a letter. It\'s best if I can see it, and it doesn\'t matter if I don\'t see it."

Ye Liuyun thought more openly. Tuoba Qi is just helping to recommend, as for whether it can be successful, he just needs to try his best. Ling Xiaozong can enter as long as he can. If he can\'t get in, then he will continue to go to the Central Continent.

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s attitude, Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang agreed to take the same boat with him back to Lingxiaozong.

After all, that kind of elder is not something they can meet casually. They were worried that Ye Liuyun would insist on seeing Elder Songyan and make things difficult for them.

The spiritual stones of the teleportation array have been filled in advance. At this time, it has been slowly started.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun felt that the ghost curse on his soul began to flicker again, and it was very strong.

"They\'re outside the post city!" Ye Liuyun estimated the distance.

"It\'s a good thing we were ahead of schedule, otherwise we would have been blocked by them!" He was also secretly rejoicing in his heart.

The teleportation array was activated immediately, sending Ye Liuyun and the others away from the post city.

Outside the post city, a ghost ship appeared thousands of miles away.

At this distance, the ghost ship can arrive in a blink of an eye. But they wanted to enter the city, but they couldn\'t drive in directly.

Every post city has a protective formation, which is not something they can easily break through.

"Huh? Why did it disappear!" Xueya\'s heart moved, and he opened his eyes to look at the black crystal ball in front of him.

He already knew that Ye Liuyun was staying in the post city, so he was in no hurry to hurry.

They first went to check on the dead star-eating beast to see what Ye Liuyun had done to get to know him better, and then they drove here.

The black crystal ball can feel the distance of Ye Liuyun\'s position.

And just at that moment, the crystal ball suddenly dimmed.

This shows that the distance between Ye Liuyun and them is quite far now, and they can\'t feel Ye Liuyun\'s position at all.

The witch on the side also opened her eyes and looked at the crystal ball.

The bone beast raised its skeleton head with a "click, click", looked at the crystal ball in puzzlement, and at the same time moved the skeleton of its whole body, stretching its waist.

"Teleportation array?" The witch looked at Blood Fang.

Xueya thought for a while, then nodded, and then cursed bitterly in a childish voice: "Damn this kid, he dared to waste our time!"

As he said that, he shot out a line of true energy and poured it into the black crystal ball.

Soon, a teleportation platform appeared in the black crystal ball. Ye Liuyun and the others had just been teleported there and were still in a dazed state.

"Five Suns Region? This bastard ran so far!" Blood Fang yelled.

He also regrets now that he didn\'t come here sooner. Even if he came an hour earlier, he wouldn\'t have passed Ye Liuyun by!

"It\'s all your delay!" The witch\'s cold voice sounded.

"Sailing at full speed, we must reach the Wuyang Region within three months!" Blood Fang glared at the witch, and shouted angrily at a group of ghostly shadows.

The witch closed her eyes, entered a cultivation state, and stopped talking.

"Yes!" A group of black shadows agreed, and immediately activated the ghost ship.

The ghost ship once again disappeared into the void.

Tuoba Qi in the post city, looking at the direction where the ghost ship disappeared, couldn\'t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"This kid\'s luck is really good! The time is just right. If it is a little later, it will be really dangerous!"

The entire post city also felt this gloomy coercion, but many people didn\'t know what happened, they only knew that this coercion disappeared after staying for a while.

As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s feet stepped on the teleportation platform of the Five Suns Region, the imprint of the Nether Curse immediately dimmed.

"It\'s risky! I\'ll be intercepted by them a little later!"

He was also secretly rejoicing in his heart. I am even more grateful to Tuoba Qi and Boss Wu.

"A normal year\'s journey, with the pursuit speed of the gang in the Netherworld, I\'m afraid it will take three or four months to catch up. I still don\'t have much time!"

Ye Liuyun actually wanted to see what was chasing him and why it was so fast!

But he also knew that if he saw it, he probably wouldn\'t be able to run away!

"Let\'s go! Let\'s go directly to Lingxiaozong!" Ye Liuyun suggested.

He dared not waste any time now.

"When we left Xinghuoyi City just now, it seemed that there was a gloomy coercion covering us, did you feel it?" Qu Xuefeng\'s blood power was more sensitive, and he caught the breath of the Nether Ghost Ship a little bit.

But other people don\'t know what to say. Ye Liuyun didn\'t say anything, so he just pretended not to know. Qu Xuefeng didn\'t investigate further, thinking that he himself was too sensitive.

Qiu Tianyang suggested: "Brother Ye just arrived in Wuyang Region, aren\'t you wandering around in the post city?"

"No, I\'m still in a hurry. I\'ll go to Ling Xiaozong to do business first, and then I can continue on my way." Ye Liuyun declined politely.

"Alright then, we will accompany you back to Lingxiaozong!"

Qiu Tianyang and Qu Xuefeng also followed Ye Liuyun on board their newly purchased third-tier battleship.

Taking this battleship, they will return to Ling Xiaozong in three to five days, and they are also happy to save time.

Leaving the post city of the Five Suns Region, Cyclops released the newly bought Tier 3 battleship.

Ye Liuyun could tell that he really liked ships, his eyes sparkled when he looked at this battleship.

"Get on board!"

One-eyed shouted excitedly, calling everyone to board the ship.

"The third-tier battleship, it feels different!" The little beggar was also boarding the ship, looking left and right, excited.

After the battleship started, even Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang felt different.

"This battleship seems to be much faster than ordinary ones!" Qiu Tianyang said with emotion.

"That\'s right! Our warship is custom-made!" Cyclops said proudly.

Ye Liuyun did not go back to practice, but accompanied Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang, chatting in the control room, and learned more about the situation of Ling Xiaozong with them.

The Lingxiao Sect is a giant larger than the Sanyuan Sect. Not only completely surpassed Sanyuanzong in number, but the realm of the elders and disciples was also a level higher than Sanyuanzong!