Lord of All Gods

Chapter 700

Tuoba Qi was dressed in a python robe, with a majestic demeanor.

After seeing them, with a smile on his face, he got up to greet them.

Ye Liuyun also hurriedly greeted the city lord, and everyone sat down.

"In our post city, you are the second person to win fifty consecutive victories!" Tuoba Qi praised Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s not as good as the city lord. The city lord is the number one!" Ye Liuyun said modestly.

"Hahaha!" Tuoba Qi laughed loudly: "Let\'s stop flattering each other, let\'s talk about it, I can help you if you have any requests."

Tuoba Qi\'s enthusiasm also made Ye Liuyun and others relax a lot.

Seeing Tuoba Qi going straight to the point, Ye Liuyun was not polite, and said directly: "I\'m going to the Central Continent, and I want to borrow the teleportation array. The farther it can teleport me, the better!"

"Most of the people passing through the post city are going to the Central Continent. But why do you use the teleportation array? Every time the teleportation array is activated, it consumes a lot of energy!"

Although Tuoba Qi was asking Ye Liuyun, he was not particularly surprised by his request.

After all, many people came to him because they wanted to borrow the teleportation array.

"Curse of the Netherworld!" Ye Liuyun said simply.

He felt that a character like Tuoba Qi should not be too afraid of such things.

Hearing this, Tuoba Qi was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed accordingly.

"You hit that thing?"

Ye Liuyun nodded.

"That\'s really troublesome! Do you feel that they are very close?" Tuoba Qi also thought carefully.

"Yes. I\'ll be here in about five or six days!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything.

Three times he felt the flicker of the nether curse. One time was when the ghost ghost was seen in Qingxiaoyu, one time was before the ghost ship sailed into the sea of ​​fog, and another time was the ghost cultivator in front of him.

Based on the strength of these three times, he roughly calculated the time.

Tuoba Qi pondered for a while, and continued to ask: "Even if I teleport you away, they will catch up with you! Why don\'t you stay first, and I can help you resist the wave?"

"The city lord\'s kindness, I appreciate it!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even think about why the city lord wanted to protect him so well. Although I don\'t understand his intention, at least on the surface, I still want to express my gratitude.

"As long as I can keep the distance, I will have time to grow up. Then I will have my own way to deal with them." Ye Liuyun said confidently.

Tuoba Qi nodded, and chatted with Ye Liuyun.

"Do you know why I proposed to protect you?" He was also worried that Ye Liuyun didn\'t trust him, so he thought it\'s better to say it directly. Otherwise, if he helps Ye Liuyun in the future, he will also have doubts.

"City Lord, please tell me!" Ye Liuyun really wanted to know.

"That\'s because of your patron saint seal!" Tuoba Qi said with a smile.

"My patron saint seal?" Ye Liuyun\'s heart moved, but he didn\'t say much. He must never reveal the secret of the Ten Thousand Gods Token.

Tuoba Qi nodded and continued: "If you go to the Central Continent and have the opportunity to enter the palace of the Great Xia Dynasty, you will see a statue.

This statue was worshiped by all martial cultivators of the Great Xia Dynasty, and was called the Martial God by the Great Xia Dynasty. According to legend, it is a god-level existence. Your patron saint seal is just like this statue.

So I think you should have some relationship with that god-level big shot. "

Tuoba Qi said this, stopped, and watched Ye Liuyun\'s reaction.

"Is there such a thing? So, my patron saint seal, is there really a strong person?"

Ye Liuyun was surprised that the Central Continent also had a statue of that senior Almighty.

Of course he knew that the strong man was real, otherwise how could he have given him the exercises and the Ten Thousand Gods Token. It\'s just that he can\'t show it.

"It seems that you don\'t know either!" Tuoba Qi felt a little regretful, but he didn\'t care too much.

"Maybe when you reach that level in the future, you will know the truth. All I know about this statue are legends, which may not be accurate, so I won\'t mislead you."

Then, Tuoba Qi returned to the main topic.

"No matter what, you have won fifty consecutive victories. I should have agreed to your request. So I promise you now, you can use the teleportation array."

As he spoke, he took out another energy crystal ball and handed it to Ye Liuyun.

"I have admired that statue since I was a child. Since you have a relationship with him, I will help you if I can. I will give you this energy crystal ball, and I will treat you as a friend."

Ye Liuyun quickly stood up and thanked Tuoba Qi: "This gift is so precious! Thanks to the city lord for valuing it, Ye Liuyun will keep this kindness in his heart!"

Ye Liuyun was not polite either.

He needs things like energy too much now. It is urgent to improve the realm and deal with the pursuit of the Nether Hell.

But he also knew that City Lord Tuoba\'s initiative to show his favor was definitely not for his sake, but because he was honored by that senior\'s great power.

Remember words like kindness, he should say what he should say. Otherwise, the city lord will think that he will not take others seriously because of the statue.

City Lord Tuoba nodded, and then asked Ye Liuyun, "When are you going to leave?"

Ye Liuyun calculated the time. "Five days later. My original boat is wrecked. Two new boats are ordered. It will take some time."

Tuoba Qi also happily replied: "Then you are in a hurry! I will prepare the teleportation array. If there is any change in your time, please let me know at any time!"

"Thank you, City Master!" Ye Liuyun did not expect that the matter of borrowing the teleportation array would be solved so smoothly.

"Is there anything else you want to know? I can tell you." Tuoba Qi took great care of Ye Liuyun.

After Ye Liuyun thanked him, he also asked Tuoba Qi about the situation outside the region and the situation in the Central Continent.

Tuoba Qi also gave him a general introduction.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun asked about some powerful sects and the techniques for cultivating clones.

Tuoba Qi also told Ye Liuyun what he knew.

While chatting, Tuobaqi suddenly said: "I think, you can enter a powerful sect! This way you can not only resist the pursuit for a while, but also learn some skills. In fact, it won\'t waste much time."

After Tuoba Qi said it, Ye Liuyun was also a little moved.

Tuoba Qi continued: "It just so happens that I have an old friend in Ling Xiaozong, who can make a recommendation for you. Moreover, Wuyang Domain is also the farthest distance I can teleport in this post city. You escaped the first wave of pursuit there. , learn some exercises, and it’s not too late to continue on your way.”

"Will that take a lot of time?" Ye Liuyun asked worriedly.