Lord of All Gods

Chapter 693

Ye Liuyun also discovered that there was a bead-shaped treasure hidden in Yanyong\'s Yuan Dan.

It is this treasure that has suppressed his realm, so that he can only display the strength of the fifth level of Yuandan now.

However, he can remove the treasure at any time during the battle, thus suddenly bursting out the strength of the six layers of yin and yang.

"Yan Yong, this is a fighting arena, what are you shouting about?"

The deacon on the side obviously knew him too. But it was also stopped according to the rules of the martial arts arena.

"Ye Liuyun is challenging. If you want revenge, you can directly sign up for the battle. Don\'t shout here."

Upon hearing this, Yan Yong nodded and said, "Okay, I\'ll sign up!"

After speaking, he ignored the deacon and rushed to the rest area to prepare for the battle.

It stands to reason that if Ye Liuyun exposes him, he is not qualified to fight Ye Liuyun.

But Ye Liuyun just smiled contemptuously, since there is a grudge, it is better to settle it on the spot. He didn\'t want to drag it any further.

Even a martial artist with six layers of yin and yang, such a cheater, in Ye Liuyun\'s eyes, is also a clown.

Just when Yan Yong was about to enter the rest area, he suddenly felt the coercion of the spiritual consciousness of a respected and powerful person, sweeping past him.

He was startled: "The city lord is here too? Could it be that I cheated and was discovered by the city lord?"

You know, the rules of the fighting arena are very strict. Once he is found to be cheating, the only result is to kill him directly.

For a moment, he regretted that he was a little reckless. It would be fine to wait for Ye Liuyun to leave the post city before doing it.

In just such a moment, the sweat on Yan Yong\'s head flowed down. His back was also drenched in cold sweat.

But this consciousness is just swept away. Next, nothing happened.

"Fortunately, it was not found!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the rest area with peace of mind.

In the private room, Tuoba Qi smiled slightly: "It\'s quite interesting to increase the difficulty for you!"

The consciousness that swept over Yan Yong just now was sent by Tuoba Qi.

He has a general understanding of all the well-known martial artists in the martial arts arena.

In his impression, Yan Yong should be in the realm of the sixth level of yin and yang, so he went to investigate.

Although he doesn\'t have golden pupils, and he doesn\'t see as intuitively as Ye Liuyun, but with his powerful spiritual sense, he also discovered that Yan Yong was cheating.

It\'s just that he wanted to make Ye Liuyun more difficult. It\'s just that he has won too easily so far, and he can\'t enjoy watching it.

Once Ye Liuyun really loses to Yan Yong. He will make a move when the time comes, and expose Yan Yong\'s cheating on the spot, and Ye Liuyun will not be harmed.

After all, this was unfair to Ye Liuyun. If Ye Liuyun got hurt again, he would feel bad about it.

After Yan Yong entered the rest area, a deacon came over and warned him: "It is not allowed to use force here, and it is not allowed to disturb others to recover their true energy. Otherwise, kill them directly!"

Yan Yong nodded and closed his eyes without looking at Ye Liuyun. In case I can\'t hold back my anger and break the rules here.

He was also a frequent visitor here before and knew the rules here. If he said it was a kill, he would really kill him.

The deacon guarding the rest area is a yin and yang martial artist, and he dare not brazenly play tricks in front of such a strong man.

And he has already cheated, so Ye Liuyun will die sooner or later, and he is not in a hurry.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay any attention to him anymore, and didn\'t take him seriously at all.

As soon as the door of the preparation area was opened, he calmly walked onto the stage, facing Qu Xuefeng from afar.

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other, and started to fight without saying much.

Qu Xuefeng knew that Ye Liuyun was more difficult to deal with, so as soon as he came up, he began to use the power of blood to circulate in his body, trying to suppress Ye Liuyun\'s blood.

When Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil saw him mobilize, it immediately mobilized at the same time as him.

At the same time, for the last time, he checked whether his blood flow was consistent with Qu Xuefeng\'s.


After the blood of the two people ran a cycle, a powerful blood coercion erupted at the same time.

Ye Liuyun was fine, he was prepared.

Qu Xuefeng was taken aback, his face turned ashen instantly.

Ye Liuyun\'s blood power is even stronger than him!

Qu Xuefeng launched with all his strength, unexpectedly, he was suppressed by Ye Liuyun.

20% of his strength can\'t be displayed now.

For a moment, his mind went blank.

He didn\'t guess that Ye Liuyun had learned his kung fu, but thought that Ye Liuyun had other kung fu, which could instantly increase the strength of his blood vessels.

But this has greatly exceeded his expectations.

He himself often uses blood to suppress others. Now it was his turn to be suppressed, and of course he knew what it meant.

He was just hoping that Ye Liuyun\'s blood power would not last long.


Ye Liuyun\'s Tyrant God Fist has already struck.

Qu Xuefeng hastily punched back with all his strength.


After a loud roar, Qu Xuefeng was pushed back five or six feet by Ye Liuyun.

At this moment, his whole body was numb from the blood thunder, and his fist was completely blackened by the Golden Crow Holy Flame. Immediately, there was a sweetness in the throat, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

He quickly shut up, gritted his teeth, and swallowed the blood again.

A "boom" sounded in his ears again, and immediately, he also felt himself flying out again.

With a "poof", the mouthful of blood he just swallowed was finally sprayed out.

This time, it was Ye Liuyun who had just punched, and then directly threw the knife.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil judged the strength of the two sides, as well as Qu Xuefeng\'s foothold, and the score was right.

Qu Xuefeng was directly slashed on his chest by Ye Liuyun, without giving him a chance to breathe.

Before Qu Xuefeng landed, Ye Liuyun\'s figure had already appeared beside him, and another Batianshen fist smashed him to the ground.

Qu Xuefeng, who was originally on his back, was beaten until his head and feet collided, and he accelerated towards the ground.

With a "boom", it hit the ring hard.

This time, if his physical body was not considered strong, it would be enough to break his skeleton apart!

Qu Xuefeng\'s fellow disciple Qiu Tianyang stood up nervously.

At this moment, Qu Xuefeng spewed blood from his mouth, unable to speak, and was beaten by Ye Liuyun\'s three-combo attack, so he couldn\'t admit defeat at all.

He was worried that Ye Liuyun would directly kill Qu Xuefeng. After all, in the previous battle, Ye Liuyun\'s strikes were ruthless enough, killing many people.

However, Ye Liuyun did not intend to kill Qu Xuefeng.

Although he was despised, he understood the situation. Even if he is, there will be times when he ignores people.

Ye Liuyun wasn\'t that stingy either.

After all, this Qu Xuefeng is also a disciple of the great sect, and Ye Liuyun doesn\'t want to incur revenge.

So after he knocked Qu Xuefeng unconscious, he stopped directly.