Lord of All Gods

Chapter 692

In Ye Liuyun\'s forty-first match, the opponent was a yin and yang quadruple martial artist with a weak soul, but he used treasures to defend against the attacks of the soul.

As soon as this martial artist came to the stage, he said confidently to Ye Liuyun: "Boy, don\'t think that there are no masters in the post city! Your winning streak is over!"

Ye Liuyun just smiled. "Then come on!" He was too lazy to talk nonsense, everything depended on the result.

"Okay. Open your eyes and see clearly!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Xiu\'s figure split into two, then two into four, and four into eight.

He used illusion to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun almost laughed out loud.

Of these eight figures, in Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, one is a real image, and the seven are phantoms transformed from true essence. He didn\'t need to look at it at all.

However, defense still needs to be done. After all, the other seven phantoms are also transformed from true essence, and they also have certain attack power, but they are not very strong.


The martial artist shouted, and the eight figures attacked Ye Liuyun together, at least in terms of momentum, it was quite scary!

Moreover, the eight figures are still using different moves, and they can all feel the aura of their true essence.

Without the golden pupils, it would be really difficult for Ye Liuyun to tell which is real and which is fake.

There is a saying that if you divide your strength, you will be weak. The advantage of the opponent\'s illusion is that it is easy to confuse the opponent.

But its shortcoming is also obvious, that is, the dispersion of power. Even with his real body, the attack power can\'t reach the standard of Yin-Yang Triple Layer.

The other phantoms are even weaker, and their strength is only a little higher than that of ordinary yin-yang first-level martial arts.

Ye Liuyun easily turned the golden body of Buddha and Demon to defend, and then punched thunder and fire, attacking the real shadow.

"Boom, boom, boom," after a burst of bombardment, Ye Liuyun was unscathed.

And that Wuxiu was directly sent flying, and a line of blood flew out in the air. The other figures also gradually disappeared.

Before the martial artist landed, Ye Liuyun said to the deacon, "One more fight!"

He felt that his consumption was not large, and there was no need to rest.

The audience boiled up again.

"This kid even wins a martial arts level one level higher than him so easily!"

"How did he tell which of those figures was real and which was fake?"

Most viewers don\'t know what\'s really going on.

They were just watching the fun, hoping that Ye Liuyun would win fifty consecutive victories in one go.

But many strong people have already guessed that Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil may have played a role.

Therefore, Wu Xiu, who came to the stage next, no longer acted first, but waited for Ye Liuyun to make the first move.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, Jin Tong launched a cross-air attack, and a golden-red Golden Crow pierced out of the martial artist\'s chest, burning him into a burning man.

This was Ye Liuyun\'s method of cutting him with the Void Saber, and he used it on the Golden Crow Sacred Fire. Directly release the Golden Crow Sacred Flame into the body of Xuxiu.

That Wuxiu was even worse than the last player. At least the last one made a move and was not killed.

And this one didn\'t do anything, it was directly burned to fly ash.

This scene shocked Wu Xiu in the rest area.

Immediately, several martial artists retreated directly.

Ye Liuyun\'s abilities in all aspects are too strong, no matter what weakness his opponent has, he can deal with it in a way and win at the least cost.

They originally thought that they could fight Ye Liuyun with the treasures that defended against the attacks of spirits and souls.

But looking at it now, they have no chance at all.

Especially those martial arts who doubted that Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils could break through illusory and accurately predict the opponent\'s attack, they dared not stay any longer.

The audience around liked to see this kind of killing scene, they were all cheering and shouting for Ye Liuyun to continue fighting.

Ye Liuyun ignored it, and went straight back to the rest area to recover his true energy.

Although his true energy was not consumed much, for the sake of future battles, he decided to recover his true energy first.

Tuoba Qi also shook his head and smiled in the private room: "This kid has double golden pupils! How can anyone beat him! Unless his strength is much stronger than him, he can\'t be hurt at all."

In the next battle, it was Qu Xuefeng\'s turn to fight.

He is also cautious, taking a break after a game, and no longer challenges one after another.

Suddenly, there was a vacancy in the arena.

Now there are only the two of them challenging the winning streak.

Tuoba Qi has informed the deacon that he will not accept any other martial arts challenges today, just let the two of them fight.

At this time, the fighting arena is already overcrowded. They all heard the news and came to see the lively Wu Xiu.

They all witnessed the four martial artists achieving thirty consecutive victories. They are Ye Liuyun, Qu Xuefeng, Lei Ming, and Long Nu.

Now, they are all waiting to see if Ye Liuyun and Qu Xuefeng can hit a 14-game winning streak, or even a 50-game winning streak.

In terms of the martial arts arena, the martial arts participating in the battle were also screened.

Wu Xiu, who is too weak, is not even qualified to challenge the two of them.

Ye Liuyun and Qu Xuefeng also played very steadily.

Ye Liuyun fights two martial arts each time, while Qu Xuefeng fights one each time. Soon, Ye Liuyun caught up to Qu Xuefeng.

Both of them will win the 40th game in a row in their next battle.

In this battle, Ye Liuyun finally got his wish and faced Qu Xuefeng.

For the two of them, starting from the thirtieth round, most of the martial arts they met were Yin-Yang quadruple.

Two martial artists with triple levels of yin and yang have been able to persist until now, which is already quite good.

And the meeting of these two dark horses also pushed the atmosphere of the fighting arena to a climax.

The odds offered by the casino also tend to favor Ye Liuyun. So his odds are lower than Qu Xuefeng\'s.

But for many gamblers, they are more willing to take risks and win higher odds.

"Forty consecutive victories! This kid is really not easy!"

One-eyed refrained from betting, and sighed in his seat.

"What is forty consecutive victories! Little brother can win fifty consecutive victories!" Lei Ming said firmly.

They all believed that as long as Ye Liuyun dared to continue fighting, he would be sure.

At this time, from outside the fighting arena, a martial artist rushed in aggressively, and shouted loudly as soon as he entered.

"Who is Ye Liuyun? I\'m here to avenge my brother Yan Gang!"

He shouted these words, attracting everyone\'s attention.

Some people who knew him exclaimed.

"Yan Yong! Are you here to avenge Yan Gang?"

"Hasn\'t Yanyong reached the realm of the sixth level of yin and yang?"

The match between Ye Liuyun and Qu Xuefeng hasn\'t started yet, they are waiting in the preparation area.

He also followed the prestige and found that Yanyong\'s realm was a bit strange.

What he clearly displayed was the realm of five levels of yin and yang, but the Yuan Dan and true essence in his body were in the realm of six levels of yin and yang.