Lord of All Gods

Chapter 694

As soon as the deacon announced that Ye Liuyun had won, he immediately stepped down. After receiving the reward, he continued to practice.

For Ye Liuyun, there was no suspense in this battle.

It is also true for Tuoba Qi. He already knew that Ye Liuyun had already learned Qu Xuefeng\'s exercises, but he felt a little boring instead.

But the entire audience was first shocked by Ye Liuyun\'s accurate triple strike, and then burst into applause and cheers.

"Forty consecutive victories are born!"

"This Ye Liuyun has the potential to win fifty consecutive victories! It\'s too easy to win forty consecutive victories!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay any attention to what the audience was saying, but seized the time to recover his true essence.

He launched Batianshenquan twice this time, so the consumption was a bit high.

Just in case, he took out some spirit stones to absorb them.

And all of this was seen by the martial artists who were about to fight against him.

Seeing that he had already started to recover by relying on spirit stones, those who originally wanted to quit stopped in their tracks.

"Maybe this kid won\'t last long!" some people couldn\'t help thinking.

In fact, Ye Liuyun really didn\'t intend to seduce them. He just wanted to recover as soon as possible and be safer.

As for the rest, he didn\'t think about it at all.

What he has to do now is to go all out to maintain the best condition and fight another ten games.

After being carried down, Qu Xuefeng was sent back to Qiu Tianyang after some medical treatment.

His injuries were not very serious, he just passed out after being hit repeatedly.

After he wakes up now, he is still a little absent-minded.

He was really overwhelmed by Ye Liuyun\'s several blows. And he couldn\'t figure out how Ye Liuyun\'s blood power could be so strong!

"If I had known his bloodline power was so strong, I wouldn\'t have to fight at all, just admit defeat!"

But it\'s too late to say anything now. It\'s a done deal, he\'s really ashamed this time! They were beaten like sandbags.

At the same time, he really thanked Ye Liuyun for not taking the opportunity to kill him.

"Do you want to go back and rest?"

Qiu Tianyang was afraid that he would be ashamed, so he wanted to help him find a step down.

Qu Xuefeng shook his head slowly. "Look at his fifty consecutive victories!"

He wanted to see how far he could go if he hadn\'t met Ye Liuyun through Ye Liuyun\'s battle.

But Ye Liuyun\'s next opponent finally made him recognize himself.

Because Ye Liuyun\'s next opponents are all in the realm of Yin and Yang, and each one is stronger than the other.

Take out any one of them, and you can challenge them across levels.

Even if it was as strong as Ye Liuyun, after forty-five battles, even if he used spirit stones to recover, nearly one-fifth of his true energy would not be replenished.

Seeing this, Qu Xuefeng couldn\'t help sighing: "It seems that I didn\'t lose wrongly. Even without Ye Liuyun, I wouldn\'t be able to win fifty consecutive victories."

Ye Liuyun\'s opponents, even if his blood can suppress the opponent\'s strength by one or two levels, he is not an opponent.

The entire audience also set off waves of voices for Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also struggled more and more in the subsequent battles, so the battles became more and more exciting.

Ye Liuyun\'s various methods also began to take turns, and finally made these audiences enjoy watching.

In his heart, Qu Xuefeng admired Ye Liuyun even more.

Even Qiu Tianyang was feeling: "He is so strong, but he was so humble and low-key when he first greeted us, it\'s really rare!"

Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang glanced at each other, both regretting that they missed the chance to make friends with Ye Liuyun.

But both of them also knew that Ye Liuyun had already given them a chance, and if they didn\'t grasp it, it would be impossible for them to become friends in the future.

It\'s that they are not good enough for Ye Liuyun, not that Ye Liuyun is not good enough for them.

If they go to make friends with Ye Liuyun again, it will become a flattery, and the relationship will change.

"There are still five more! These martial arts from outside the territory are really strong!"

Ye Liuyun himself was practicing and recovering while summing up his combat experience.

"Now my opponents, whether it is the power of space or the spirit, it is difficult to form a one-hit kill. And once these people have a chance to make a move, I must consume my true energy to resist."

His opponents were all at a higher level than him. Every time he resisted, he could not help but consume the power of the Buddha Demon Golden Body and consume more real energy than his opponents.

Now Tuoba Qi is even more impressed with Ye Liuyun.

"This kid\'s realm is lower, and his use of the power of heaven and earth is worse. Other powers are not weak. His blood power, soul power, and space power are even stronger than me!"

At this age, Ye Liuyun has cultivated to such an extent, much stronger than he was back then.

He is also very excited now, it has been a long time since he has seen such a powerful young man.

Therefore, in his heart, he believed that Ye Liuyun had something to do with the deity of the guardian spirit seal.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also ushered in the forty-sixth challenge amidst the cheers of the crowd.

In this battle, Ye Liuyun\'s opponent was still a demon cultivator. It\'s just that there is a gloomy ghostly aura about this demon cultivator.

"A local ghost cultivator?" Ye Liuyun was a little surprised.

Ghost cultivation is also a branch of magic cultivation. It\'s just that he hasn\'t seen much, and he doesn\'t know much about the methods of these people.

At first, Ye Liuyun wondered if the demon cultivator was sent by Nether Hell.

But after hearing the comments from the audience around him, he knew that he was a local who had been here for a long time.

Ye Liuyun took a deep breath and stepped onto the competition stage.

He also knew that the next battle would be against the strongest martial artist in Yicheng.

Every match will be a bitter battle, and it will never be as easy as before.

Moreover, his tricks have been understood by these people, and they have prepared defenses in advance.

The strongest ability of that ghost cultivator is to summon ghosts.

As soon as he started fighting, the ghost energy all over his body began to spin, like forming a vortex.

Then, there were ghosts one by one, holding weapons and wearing armor, rushing out of the vortex.

His technique is equivalent to using his own ghost energy to connect to the netherworld. It\'s just limited by his realm, too strong ghosts can\'t get through.

But as soon as these ghosts appeared, Ye Liuyun immediately felt that the imprint of the ghost curse on his soul began to flicker.

And it was a very high-frequency flicker, much stronger than what he felt last time.

The ghost cultivator wanted to command the ghost to attack Ye Liuyun. But what surprised him was that after those ghosts came out, they directly attacked Ye Liuyun without obeying his command.

He has lost control of the shade now!

He himself was taken aback, not understanding what was going on.