Lord of All Gods

Chapter 690

One is getting stronger and the other is getting weaker, and the situation is immediately reversed.

Qu Xuefeng had the upper hand, and with one punch, Xingyue Fox vomited blood and surrendered.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil, after carefully observing Qu Xuefeng\'s blood circulation and method, immediately began to improve.

"That\'s great! This is no time wasted to participate in the battle. Even if you can\'t see Tuoba Qi, it\'s worth it just by relying on this bloodline\'s skills!"

In fact, what Ye Liuyun didn\'t know was that the blood circulation technique was passed down from the Qu family\'s ancestors, not the technique of Ling Xiaozong where Qun Xuefeng was.

But even if he knew it, he did not miss the lesson. No matter what skills he has, as long as he can improve his own strength, he will use them for reference to improve his own strength.

After Qu Xuefeng defeated Xingyuehu, he hesitated for a while, but went down to rest.

He was also worried that he would meet a strong man in the next battle, so he didn\'t force himself to continue fighting.

Like Ye Liuyun, Tuoba Qi and other martial artists were also surprised at first, but then they realized it.

"Ling Xiaozong is worthy of being a great sect, and there is such a skill!"

They were the same, they didn\'t know that this exercise was passed down by Qu Xuefeng\'s ancestors, they all thought it was the exercise of Ling Xiaozong.

After Qu Xuefeng left, it was Qiu Tianyang\'s turn to play.

His first opponent was very strong, forcing him to use high-level treasures to barely win.

So he also left the field immediately, and didn\'t force himself to fight any longer.

The goal he set for himself was that once he used the treasure, he would immediately quit without taking any more risks.

The opponents behind will only get stronger and stronger. He is here to make money, not to play with his life.

As fewer and fewer players challenged the winning streak, it was soon Ye Liuyun\'s turn to play again.

This time, Ye Liuyun was thinking about cultivating blood power, so he only fought one battle, and immediately went back to rest.

After three consecutive battles, Lei Ming also went back to recover his true energy.

Dragon Girl went down to rest after two consecutive battles.

Dragon Girl didn\'t practice double Yuandan, so the amount of true essence is much less than that of Lei Ming, so she can no longer compare with Lei Ming in future battles, and needs to rest frequently.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense noticed this, and when Long Nu went back to rest, he directly used his spiritual sense to pass on the cultivation method of double Yuandan to her, and asked her to practice by herself in the future.

Next, Qu Xuefeng played again, and he fought for three consecutive rounds before going down to rest. Ye Liuyun also continued to pay attention to him.

Unfortunately, he didn\'t use any new tricks. Every time he meets a strong person, he uses the power of blood to circulate in his body to suppress his opponent.

When it was Ye Liuyun\'s turn to play again, the main road for blood circulation in his body had just been built, but it was still far from his real operation.

So he directly launched the soul attack again, quickly eliminated the opponent, and then went back to practice.

This makes many people do not understand.

Soul attack does not consume real energy, but Ye Liuyun only fights once every time, and returns immediately.

Not only the audience booed, even Qu Xuefeng and Tuoba Qi were a little puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

But Ye Liuyun completely ignored other people\'s opinions, and still went his own way.

Until Lei Ming had won 30 consecutive victories, he had only fought four games. After that, Qu Xuefeng and Longnv both won 30 consecutive victories.

Instead he became the slowest one.

"This kid, what the hell are you doing!"

Tuoba Qi was also a little puzzled. But he could tell that Ye Liuyun was concentrating on cultivation. But he doesn\'t know what to practice.

So he was not in a hurry, but was looking forward to Ye Liuyun\'s major breakthrough.

What Ye Liuyun has roughly displayed now is the power of the soul, the sword intent, the power of space, the golden crow flame, and other powers, which he has not revealed much.

At least the power of blood, the abundance of true essence, blood thunder and other methods, after showing a little bit, there is no more.

So Tuoba Qi is looking forward to now, someone can force him to show stronger and more strength.

Tuoba Qi was not in a hurry either. Judging by Ye Liuyun\'s posture, it shouldn\'t stop at 30 consecutive victories.

So he also calmed down and waited slowly.

Moreover, the battles between Lei Ming, Longnu and Qu Xuefeng were also very exciting, he didn\'t feel bored either.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun is seizing every moment to build a meridian circuit for blood circulation in his body.

Most of the tasks have been completed so far. He is concentrating on trying to run it, discovering problems and making improvements.

He didn\'t even hear the deacon calling him when he appeared on stage. He didn\'t stop until the deacon called him with his spiritual sense, and entered the preparation area impatiently.

His opponent this time turned out to be a sword cultivator, and it seemed that his sword intent was not weak.

This man looks like he is in his fifties, he is a swordsman, and even the top of his head is pointed.

From the voices of the audience around, Ye Liuyun knew that this sword repair was not easy.

He heard someone call this martial arts sword god.

Moreover, this sword cultivator\'s realm is one level higher than Ye Liuyun\'s.

"Anyone who can be called a "god" should not be weak. At least in this post city, there should be no opponent for him."

So Ye Liuyun immediately adjusted his mentality and treated it with caution.

After the "Sword God" came to the stage, he smiled and said to Ye Liuyun: "Young man, I see that you have good sword skills, so I come to let you teach me a thing or two!"

"You\'re welcome, just shoot!"

Ye Liuyun said calmly. He will not relax his guard just because of a few words from the other party.

As for what the other party said, in fact, he didn\'t pay much attention to it at all. It is useless to talk too much when you come to the stage.

But what he said made the nose of the "Sword God" almost crooked.

"I said I\'m asking for advice, but I\'m being polite to you. You take it seriously! Young man, you\'re really uneducated!" Thinking of this, his eyes became sharper.

This kind of look is what Ye Liuyun thinks should be seen in the eyes of a sword cultivator.

"Sword cultivators should go straight, in line with the spirit of swordsmanship!"

Although Ye Liuyun didn\'t understand swords, he also felt that the artistic conception and principles of swords and swords should be interlinked.

Blade Intent takes a domineering route, while Sword Intent takes a sharp route.

Therefore, no matter whether it is repairing a knife or a sword, people should like to be simple and direct.

"Make a move! Otherwise, I\'m afraid you won\'t have a chance!" "Sword God" said again.

"What a lot of nonsense!"

The goodwill that "Sword God" had just established in Ye Liuyun\'s heart disappeared again.

Ye Liuyun made a sarcasm at him, and immediately slashed at him with a wave of the Demon Slayer Knife.

His knife was just a test, and he didn\'t use all his strength.

The "Sword God" immediately drew out his sword, blocking his blow.