Lord of All Gods

Chapter 691

"Hahaha, young man, with this kind of strength, why do you have to be arrogant!" The sword god easily blocked Ye Liuyun\'s sword, and with his beard still curled up, he taught him a lesson.

"It seems that this person doesn\'t want to practice his hands, but wants to set up a signboard for himself so that he can recruit apprentices?"

This sword cultivator ran against Ye Liuyun several times, which made him very unhappy, and he no longer had a good impression of this sword cultivator.

"Since you want to see the strong one, I will give you the strongest one!"

After all, Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent burst out, and the guardian seal was activated.

This is also the first time he has publicly used the patron saint seal on this stage.

After all kinds of power were poured into the seal of the guardian spirit, Ye Liuyun raised his saber intent to the extreme.

Before the knife was struck, "Sword God" felt the pressure, and his face became a little pale.

He immediately opened his own patron saint seal, a huge sword that held up to the sky.

As for Tuoba Qi in the private room, after seeing Ye Liuyun\'s patron saint seal, he was so excited that he threw away his teacup and stood up directly.

"It\'s him!"

He had seen this statue of the patron saint seal in the Central Continent. It is said that it is the true god, a mythical existence. Unexpectedly, it became Ye Liuyun\'s patron saint seal.

His impression of Ye Liuyun also changed dramatically in an instant.

"What\'s the relationship between this kid and the man who became a god?"

"No matter what, this kid has a bright future and is by no means an ordinary person!"

After a while, he calmed down a little and sat down again.

But at this time, Ye Liuyun\'s battle was over.

"Sword God" was split in half by him.

Even his sword was broken.

The sword intent of the "Sword God" was already weaker than Ye Liuyun\'s, and the seeds of the sword intent were only in the embryonic state.

It\'s just that people with low artistic conception can\'t see the reality of people with high artistic conception.

But Ye Liuyun could easily see through him.

So when he first said to ask Ye Liuyun for advice, Ye Liuyun didn\'t think it was wrong. Because he knew at that time that the sword intent of the "Sword God" was not as strong as his sword intent.

If the "Sword God" hadn\'t ridiculed him, he wouldn\'t have done such a ruthless attack.

When he realized that the "Sword God" didn\'t want to really compete with him, but wanted to expand his popularity, he decided to show no mercy.

After Ye Liuyun slashed the sword god, he put away his sword and stepped off the stage, continuing to practice.

And Tuoba Qi\'s gaze has been paying attention to him ever since.

Even if Ye Liuyun couldn\'t win fifty games in a row, he decided to talk to Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun\'s request, as long as he can do it, he will try his best to help.

Not for anything else, just because of his patron saint seal, it\'s not easy!

The blood circulation in Ye Liuyun\'s body has almost been shaped at this moment.

When Qu Xuefeng came to the stage again and used this exercise again, Ye Liuyun compared it bit by bit.

Then, when Qu Xuefeng used this method again in the next match, he also used the same method for comparison.

This time, he was completely successful.

But since everyone was concentrated on the battle stage, not many people paid attention to him.

Moreover, Qu Xuefeng\'s eruption of blood power also played a role in covering up the eruption of his blood power, so no one noticed his sudden eruption of blood power.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t continue, as long as he knew that this method was completely feasible.

This can also be regarded as one of his hole cards, which can be reserved for fighting against powerful opponents.

If it is exposed too early, it will not be able to achieve the effect of surprise.

But Tuoba Qi\'s spiritual sense noticed it.

He was so shocked by Ye Liuyun\'s talent that he was speechless from ear to ear.

"This kid actually stole Qu Xuefeng\'s kung fu, and he managed to master it in such a short time!"

Although some of the heaven\'s favored ones have strong cultivation talents. But like Ye Liuyun, in such a short period of time, he can learn the exercises that others have worked hard for many years, that is too incredible.

"With such a powerful talent, maybe this kid will really follow in the footsteps of that divine man!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun finished training, he immediately concentrated on restoring his true essence.

The knife just now also consumed a lot of his real energy. He wants to strive for every game after that, to keep enough real energy.

Lei Ming has won thirty-five games in a row and is currently fighting the thirty-sixth game.

Her means are too simple, blood thunder, power of ice, sonic attack, physical attack, and other means of attack, she does not have.

So this time, what she met was a martial artist who was twice as high as her, who forced her to use the magical weapon, the Demon Tower, to win.

"Quit the game, you will be in danger later!"

Ye Liuyun also reminded Lei Ming in time. Lei Ming was also very obedient, and retreated obediently.

Nearly three-quarters of her true essence was consumed in this battle, and she dared not hold on any longer.

The next dragon girl, the thirty-second match, also used her Panlong stick. So after the game, Ye Liuyun didn\'t need to say anything, so she voluntarily withdrew from the game and went to the stands to wait for Ye Liuyun.

Only Qu Xuefeng and Ye Liuyun were left to continue the challenge.

After Qu Xuefeng took the stage, he defeated a martial artist and immediately went down to rest.

His blood is not consumed much, but his true energy also needs to be replenished.

So this time, it will soon be Ye Liuyun\'s turn to play again.

Next, Ye Liuyun used the sword intent, the power of space, the attack of the soul, and the magic net of the rank to win three games in a row, and won 30 consecutive victories without any consumption of true energy.

"I will continue to challenge!" Ye Liuyun said to the deacon.

The entire audience was boiling again, and immediately cheered continuously.

"It should have been like this a long time ago! Ye Liuyun, I am optimistic about you! Hit fifty consecutive victories in one breath!"

"Fun, fight to the end!"

Ye Liuyun was not affected by these people at all. The number of consecutive battles depends entirely on his own state.

Some strong men waiting in the rest area are also talking at this moment.

"The treasures of this kid\'s rank have been used, I\'m afraid it won\'t last long!"

"Maybe he still has a god-level treasure? You didn\'t see that monster, did you use a god-level magic tower?"

"He didn\'t want to play a few games and then withdraw?"

"I don\'t think so! He played quite easily."

Qu Xuefeng looked at Ye Liuyun on the stage, and also hoped that he would quit after a few more fights.

Now he feels more and more that Ye Liuyun is difficult to deal with.

If he really met Ye Liuyun, he was not sure how effective his blood suppression would be.

As for Ye Liuyun, the person he most hopes to meet now is Qu Xuefeng.

He wanted to try his cultivation results with Qu Xuefeng. Look at the bloodlines of the two of them, who is stronger.

But obviously the fighting arena doesn\'t want them to meet each other too early.