Lord of All Gods

Chapter 689

To Ye Liuyun, Tie Niu\'s soul was still far behind.

As soon as the battle started, Ye Liuyun directly used the sky-spanning golden pupil to start the soul attack.

Tie Niu grinned: "You are dead!"

Some strong people who knew Tieniu thought that Ye Liuyun had been tricked!

"Huh? This kid has been tricked?"

Even Tuoba Qi couldn\'t help but put down the teacup in his hand and frowned.

"Are you going to lose? It\'s too reckless to be a master!"

He was thinking about it when suddenly his eyes lit up.

"I see!"

At this time, other martial artists also discovered that it was not Ye Liuyun who suffered the loss, but Tie Niu!

The attack speed of the soul world is very fast.

So outsiders see it as just a few breaths, Ye Liuyun has actually pulled Tie Niu\'s two souls into his soul realm.

Ye Liuyun has absorbed a lot of spirits recently, and his strength is stronger than before, and this time he can barely pull in both of his spirits.

In fact, he attacked the two spirits separately, not much difference. Relying on the time difference in the soul world, he can also defeat Tieniu.

He just wanted to try his strongest soul power.

As soon as Tie Niu\'s soul was pulled in, the weaker soul was directly smashed by the golden armored giant, and the other was also seriously injured by the golden armored giant, and was quickly absorbed.

Tie Niu\'s body also crashed to the ground at this moment.

"The power of the soul is so strong!"

Seeing that Ye Liuyun had won, most of the audience cheered. Only those strong martial artists were surprised by Ye Liuyun\'s soul power.

Being able to kill both of Tieniu\'s spirits at the same time at least shows that Ye Liuyun\'s spirit is much stronger than Tieniu\'s.


Tuoba Qi couldn\'t help shouting "Hello" in the private room!

With Ye Liuyun\'s soul power alone, he is now sure that Ye Liuyun can win thirty consecutive victories.

Tieniu often participates in competitions with him, and he has won 30 consecutive victories, so he knows Tieniu very well and knows that his spirit is not weak.

Those martial artists who originally entered the rest area and wanted to compete with Ye Liuyun immediately withdrew from a few weak souls.

They all saw that Ye Liuyun was a ruthless person, and he was merciless in his attacks. Once attacked by him, it may be life-threatening.

Even if some of them have the Supreme Artifact of Soul Defense, they are not willing to take that risk. In the ensuing battle, Ye Liuyun gradually showed his various strengths to everyone.

Afterwards, he fought three more times in a row, and a quarter of his true essence was consumed, so he immediately stopped and went down to recover his true essence.

The audience yelled frantically for him to keep fighting, but he ignored it.

"En. Reasonable and calm!" Tuoba Qi nodded.

Looking at Ye Liuyun now, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was a talent.

Every time Ye Liuyun fights, he can find the opponent\'s weakness and win with the least cost. Moreover, the methods are not sloppy, and the killing is decisive.

Next is Wu Qingcheng.

In order not to distract Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng quit after fighting for three consecutive rounds.

In fact, if she goes all out and uses the artifact, she will definitely be able to last ten games.

But it doesn\'t matter if she insists on it or not. On the contrary, when she was fighting, it would distract Ye Liuyun. So she simply left the stage and let Ye Liuyun concentrate on recovering his true energy.

Next is Thunder and Dragon Girl.

Now that the opponents are getting stronger and stronger, the two of them will suffer a little from fighting with their bodies. So they also used their true essence.

The white tiger and the stone ape both withdrew after five games each, in order to avoid distracting Ye Liuyun.

"It seems that today, there will be a lot of people winning 30 consecutive victories!"

Tuoba Qi also became interested in the monsters around Ye Liuyun.

"However, what is the origin of this kid? There are such powerful monsters and real dragons around him? There are also two white tigers and stone apes with a lower level?"

You know, these monsters are actually part of Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

It\'s just that there are rules and restrictions here, so he can\'t use it.

Tuoba Qi was also very curious about the fact that there were so many pure-blooded and rare monsters around Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was paying attention to the movements on the field while practicing.

When Qu Xuefeng came on stage, he paid attention again. This is an opponent who can command his attention.

Qu Xuefeng won the first two matches easily, but in the third match, he met a formidable opponent.

His opponent is a monster, Xingyue Fox.

The characteristics of this kind of monster can use the power of stars and moons in battle, which is very difficult to deal with.

Ye Liuyun only knew the origin of the monster\'s name after listening to other people\'s comments.

The Xingyue fox shows its true body when fighting, and its physical body can\'t help being strong. It also carries the power of stars when attacking, and the bright white moonlight also plays a role in psychedelic opponents.

Its soul and blood power are not weak either.

Even Ye Liuyun felt that this opponent was more difficult to deal with.

This Xingyue Fox is somewhat similar to Tie Niu, and has cultivated more comprehensively. But its attack power should be much stronger than that of Iron Bull.

If Qu Xuefeng didn\'t show some strength, he wouldn\'t be able to deal with it.

That\'s why Ye Liuyun paid special attention, wanting to see what other housekeeping skills Qu Xuefeng had.

Qu Xuefeng gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and began to stimulate the blood with all his strength.

In Qu Xuefeng\'s previous battles, as long as he mobilized his blood, it would affect his opponent\'s performance.

This is also the result of many martial artists who found out that their bloodline power was suppressed and immediately surrendered. Therefore, Qu Xuefeng\'s previous battles all ended very quickly.

Ye Liuyun was not only a little surprised to see him mobilizing his blood so desperately this time.

This method of mobilizing the blood is undoubtedly a tactic that injures one thousand enemies and injures oneself eight hundred.

As we all know, the power of blood cannot be sustained for a long time. Even if he wins this game, it will affect the next game.

Moreover, the Xingyue Fox\'s blood was relatively pure, so if it was not done well, he wouldn\'t even be able to persist in this match.

But immediately, Ye Liuyun changed from surprise to surprise.

"As expected of an extraterrestrial, such an exquisite blood circulation technique!"

His golden pupil observed that Qu Xuefeng\'s blood circuit formed a closed loop in his body.

The power of the bloodline did not radiate out. Instead, through a special blood line, a circulation is formed, allowing the blood to circulate in the body.

If this continues, the power of the blood can be stored in the body for a long time and can be used indefinitely.

But the coercion it exudes is even stronger.

Xingyue Fox was immediately affected, and its attack power was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, Qu Xuefeng activated the seal of the guardian spirit, and under the blessing of blood power, his attack was stronger.