Lord of All Gods

Chapter 688

When the sea of ​​flames created by Yangang burned over, Ye Liuyun was directly submerged in it, and the audience only saw the flames, but no one could be seen.

Among them, Ye Liuyun, only then laughed. His whole body was glowing with a layer of golden red flames.

"Playing with fire with me, you are too weak! Since you sent energy, I can\'t stop it!"

Immediately, as soon as the Golden Crow Holy Flame came into contact with the surrounding flames, it began to devour it.

And the devouring speed is very fast, the sea of ​​flames fired by Yangang is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hehe, this kid\'s flame power is even stronger!" Tuoba Qi also laughed when he saw it.

Yan Gang didn\'t notice it, and when the flame disappeared and Ye Liuyun reappeared, he also felt a little surprised.

"What treasure did you use?" He asked puzzled.

"Hehe, you are such a waste! Your flame power is too weak to hurt me at all!" Ye Liuyun mocked.

Some viewers also laughed.

"What did you say?" Yan Gang\'s face felt unstoppable again. "I\'ll drive you crazy!"

As he said that, he mobilized more yuan and hit Ye Liuyun.

"The flames are raging!"

Ye Liuyun also showed a shocked expression.

He was amazed by Yan Gang\'s knowledge, it was so pitifully rare!

"Has he never met before, can someone absorb the power of fire? How can there be such a stupid person?"

Yan Gang\'s behavior made some experts shake their heads. Isn\'t this obviously sending energy to the opponent to absorb!

Even Tuoba Qi couldn\'t help cursing: "Where did you come from!"

"Haha, let me see how unreliable you are!" Only Yangang laughed self-righteously.

Ye Liuyun was worried that he was cheating, so he concentrated on defending while absorbing the power of the flames.

But until he absorbed these powers again, he didn\'t find anything unusual.

"This, how is this possible?" Yan Gang exclaimed in surprise.

In fact, it\'s no wonder that he didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to absorb his flames.

His flame power comes from a volcano outside the territory. The flame power released by the volcano has a certain degree of toxicity.

He had encountered someone absorbing his flames before, but they were all poisoned and died.

However, Ye Liuyun absorbed his flames through the Golden Crow Sacred Flame.

The Golden Crow Sacred Flame only absorbs the purest flame power, and as for those poisonous impurities, the Golden Crow Sacred Flame burns them up directly.

Ye Liuyun only felt that his Golden Crow Holy Flame was even stronger. Moreover, his own true energy has also improved, approaching the late stage of the yin and yang triple layer.

If this guy packs another punch, I\'ll be in the late triple tier.

Ye Liuyun immediately said, "I\'m just standing here, you can\'t do anything about me, you\'re still bragging! What a waste!"

Ye Liuyun found out that this Yangang was very face-saving, so he used the aggressive method!

"Impossible! I still don\'t believe it!"

This time, Yan Gang used all his remaining power, even the power of his bloodline, activating his patron saint seal.

His patron saint seal turned out to be a volcano.

Suddenly, the volcano erupted, and a stream of burning magma poured down directly on Ye Liuyun.

"Enough!" Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, and when the magma approached, he wrapped himself in the Golden Crow Holy Flame again and began to absorb it.

"Triple Late Stage!"

After absorbing all these energies, Ye Liuyun finally advanced to the late stage of the third level of yin and yang.

"Haha, idiot! I should thank you so much! But you\'re still going to die!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t wait for the magma to be completely burned, and directly hit the strongest blow of Batianshenquan.

"Thunder and fire dominate the sky!"

A pure golden genital, shining with blood-red thunder and golden-red flames, tore through the void.

Wherever it passed, even the air was blown up, pulling out a vacuum channel.

The power of this punch was also superimposed with the power of the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Fire, at least twice as powerful as the Thunder Fire Batian he punched before.

Ye Liuyun is very satisfied with this result, at least the research on Ferris Palm was not wasted.


This punch was hitting Yangang\'s patron saint seal. Because the speed was too fast, it directly punched a hole in his patron saint seal, and then blasted on Yan Gang\'s body.


Before Yan Gang could finish his exclamation, he was beaten to pieces.

His true energy was almost exhausted, and he couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s punch at all.

Afterwards, his patron saint seal gradually dissipated.

When everyone saw him, they had already turned into flesh and blood.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was absorbing the remaining magma power to supplement his consumption.

The audience cheered when they saw the bloody scene.

Those strong men shook their heads helplessly, and some even suspected that Yan Gang was Ye Liuyun\'s babysitter. Otherwise, how could you be so stupid.

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s punch, Tuoba Qi nodded secretly.

"This punch is quite famous! It seems that this kid also has the hope of winning 30 consecutive victories."

Ye Liuyun\'s punch also contained the fusion of blood, true essence and physical power. And it also carried the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Flame.

Therefore, many strong men saw the way of it, and began to treat Ye Liuyun with caution.

Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang also looked at each other, worry appeared in their eyes.

"If he hits this punch with all his strength, I might not be able to catch it!" Qiu Tianyang said frankly.

He could clearly see that this punch was not Ye Liuyun\'s greatest strength.

Yan Gang, who had run out of real energy, wasn\'t worth Ye Liuyun\'s full strength at that time.

"It\'s an opponent!" Qu Xuefeng put away his contempt and acknowledged Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

After Ye Liuyun absorbed the remaining power of the magma, the deacon referee came over and asked him if he wanted to continue the challenge directly.

Ye Liuyun felt his true essence, and after replenishing it, although it wasn\'t full, it didn\'t consume much either.

"Fight again!" He replied decisively.

When the audience heard this, they all cheered him up.

Soon, a martial artist with three levels of yin and yang was arranged to come up.



The audience started cheering again.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils also glanced at his opponent.

Most people judge this martial artist\'s physical strength by his appearance. Because the muscles of his whole body are solid, like pouring copper and iron.

But Ye Liuyun was not fooled by the appearance. He has always used his golden pupils to directly observe the internal situation of his opponent, observe his body training method, the strength of his soul, blood and true energy.

"This person cultivates very well-balanced!"

After observing, Ye Liuyun came to a conclusion. If you think that this person\'s physical body is strong but his spirit is relatively weak, if you attack his spirit rashly, you will definitely suffer a big loss.