Lord of All Gods

Chapter 687

After five rounds of fighting, Yu\'er was stopped by Ye Liuyun and asked her to withdraw from the competition, fearing that she would be injured because of taking risks.

White Tiger and Stone Ape also won ten games, but they were not as easy as Lei Ming and Dragon Girl. Both of them are in the same state as Wu Qingcheng, with more than half of their real energy consumed.

But even so, there were six twenty-game winning streaks in one day, which has already broken the record. And these six people turned out to be a group of people.

Moreover, the speed at which they win is very fast. Almost always within a few strokes, the opponent was solved.

Therefore, the news spread quickly in this post city, and more and more people came to watch the game. Among them, there are also some masters.

These masters also want to find the strong to try their skills. Everyone knows that only by competing with the strong can one improve quickly.

This is also the reason why very few people can achieve thirty consecutive victories.

Once the 20-game winning streak has passed, those strong players will be interested in making a move.

While Ye Liuyun was practicing, a man also walked in a special private room in the fighting arena.

As soon as he came, the maids immediately began to bring tea and water, and they got busy.

Finally, another plump middle-aged woman came in and stood respectfully in front of the man.

"Is it him?" The man looked in Ye Liuyun\'s direction.

The woman followed his gaze, and then replied: "It\'s him! He destroyed our entire hero group!"

That woman is none other than the \'Tigress\' Ling Shaoyun who was beaten away by Ye Liuyun before!

And the man sitting in front of him tasting tea is Tuoba Qi, the lord of Post City.

"Leave him to me to deal with, you go back and rebuild the hero group!" the man said lightly.

"City Lord, you must avenge us! You must tear this kid into pieces..."

Before Ling Shaoyun could finish her words, she felt a sense of coercion from her rank, which made her tremble so much that she couldn\'t even speak.

"You don\'t need to teach me. Go back and do your own thing!"

Tuoba Qi still spoke lightly, without even looking at him.

He supported Ling Shaoyun as a robber. Even if he doesn\'t support Ling Shaoyun, other robbers will come.

Since there are robbers, it is better to support an obedient one.

The income of the robber group is not much, and it is not even considered an increase in the cost of the entire post city.

So he didn\'t particularly care about the robber group.

As for Ye Liuyun, if he can win 30 consecutive victories, it will prove that he has extraordinary talents and has unlimited potential in the future.

He didn\'t intend to pursue it any further. He is a person who still cherishes talents very much.

If Ye Liuyun couldn\'t even win thirty consecutive victories, it meant that Ye Liuyun was just an ordinary person. Then he doesn\'t mind helping the robbers get rid of Ye Liuyun, so that Ling Shaoyun can have an explanation.

So how to treat Ye Liuyun depends on his own performance.

This private room for watching the battle is set up very concealed, and there is a formation to prevent the detection of spiritual consciousness. Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay attention to this place before.

So he didn\'t even know what happened in the private room.

If he knew that Tuoba Qi had something to do with the robbers, maybe he wouldn\'t try hard to win fifty consecutive victories.

Then, his fate will also be rewritten.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was just recharging his energy and getting ready to fight.

His previous opponents didn\'t even have much for him to learn from. He was pretty boring too.

Only when Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang were on the stage would he pay attention to their battle situation.

The two of them also successfully won 20 consecutive victories.

Ye Liuyun found that Qiu Tianyang\'s behavior was not particularly unusual. But Qu Xuefeng\'s bloodline strength surprised him.

All of Qu Xuefeng\'s blood power erupted, which was already close to his blood power.

Basically, Qu Xuefeng could easily win by suppressing his blood.

Moreover, Qu Xuefeng\'s real energy, spirit, body and other aspects of strength are not weak either. So he was destined to stand out as well.

After Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang also won 20 consecutive victories, they finally attracted the attention of the audience.

The atmosphere in the arena is also becoming more and more enthusiastic.

"What happened today? Eight consecutive victories of twenty! Will there be a streak of thirty?"

"Yes! And it looks like they all won with ease!"

Tuoba Qi watched in the private room, and kept nodding.

"Today is such a good day!"

He came late and did not see Ye Liuyun make a move. He only saw Qu Xuefeng make a move, and he felt that he had the hope of winning 30 consecutive victories.

Ye Liuyun appeared again.

In the first game of the 30-game winning streak, he met Yan Gang.

"Boy, your winning streak is over!"

As Yan Gang said, he looked at Wu Qingcheng with great interest.

However, Wu Qingcheng didn\'t watch the game at all, but concentrated on training.

Her spiritual sense saw that it was Ye Liuyun who met Yan Gang, so she went to practice with complete peace of mind.

How could a trash like Yangang be Ye Liuyun\'s opponent? So she wasn\'t interested in watching it at all.

"Hmph, this bitch can hold his breath! See what wonderful expression you will have when I kill your man later."

Yan Gang thought of this, looked away, and began to gather momentum.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils had long since discovered that he was wearing a treasure to prevent attacks from spirits and spirits.

"I originally wanted to use the soul attack to kill him, but it seems that it will take some effort! He also understands the power of space. If you use a knife, the effect may not be obvious, and you can\'t kill him with one blow! Using a divine weapon is too wasteful. !"

Ye Liuyun was already thinking about how to get rid of him with one move.

"Let\'s use punches!" Ye Liuyun finally decided to try the improved Batianshen Fist.

His Batianshenquan has been improved after referring to Motian Palm, but he has not had the opportunity to test it in actual combat. Just use him to practice.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent\'s strength is not strong now, even if he consumes some real energy, he can quickly replenish it.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t draw his knife, Yan Gang felt that he was more confident, and after gaining sufficient momentum, he punched Ye Liuyun.

"Flame Collapsing Fist!"

With this punch, he used all his strength, almost hitting one-third of his real energy.

The true essence turned into raging flames like mountains and seas, a sea of ​​flames, submerged towards Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun stood still, and didn\'t even turn on the true energy protection.

"What\'s wrong with this kid? Could it be that he was frightened?"

"I\'ll go, I just bet on him to win. Could it be that he lost out of nowhere like the Bone Demon?"

"Defense? Fight back?"

Some spectators shouted, looking more anxious than Ye Liuyun.