Lord of All Gods

Chapter 686

After Yangang saw it, he let out a disdainful "hum".

Very disapproving in my heart. "It\'s just a spirit attack. It can only deal with those martial artists with weaker spirits!"

When Ye Liuyun played the twentieth game, the atmosphere of the audience began to rise again.

"It\'s the Bone Demon, the Bone Demon has appeared, this kid is doomed!"

"Oops, I bet this kid ten consecutive victories, and now I\'m going to lose badly."

The player he was fighting against turned out to be a strong player who had won 20 consecutive victories before. Nicknamed Bone Demon, he is a Demon Cultivator.

As soon as the Bone Demon appeared on the stage, he was immediately warmly welcomed by the audience.

Ye Liuyun\'s fight was too simple, and it ended with one blow. They didn\'t like it, so they hoped that someone strong would show up and force Ye Liuyun to make a big move.

The bone demon completely enveloped himself in the black robe, his whole body was filled with devilish energy. Only a pair of eyes were exposed, staring at Ye Liuyun.

That look is like a hunter seeing his prey.

The realm of the bone demon is also higher than that of Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun is in the middle stage of the yin and yang triple stage, and Bone Demon is in the late stage of the yin and yang triple stage.

"This is the 20-game winning streak! Which of the two of them will win?"

"Every time this bone demon fights, he will take away the opponent\'s spine at the end and use it for cultivation!"

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness caught the audience\'s discussion.

He opened his golden pupils and looked towards the bone demon.

This look startled him too.

This bone demon is no longer like a human being. Most of the body is covered with skin and bones, and there is not even skin on the limbs. In that way, it is almost as rare as a skeleton puppet.

The hardness of his bones is also far beyond that of ordinary people. The quality of the bloodline is not low, and the devil energy has been cultivated by him to be very pure, as black as ink.

"This demon is much stronger than others!"

Ye Liuyun also admitted that this bone demon was indeed the strongest opponent he had encountered so far.

As soon as the bone demon came out, the casino changed the odds, and Ye Liuyun\'s odds were raised again in a rare way.

It seems that the casino also thinks that the bone demon has the upper hand.

One-eyed couldn\'t help but worry. Many gamblers also directly switched to betting on the bone devil\'s victory.

After the match started, Ye Liuyun took off the Demon Slaying Saber as soon as he came on stage.

"Hey, your void knife is useless to me. My bones, you can\'t break them!"

Seeing that he still had to use a knife, the bone demon couldn\'t help laughing.

"try it yourself!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much, and raised the knife directly. It\'s just that when he made this move, he didn\'t directly send out the sword intent, but he became illusory.

Immediately, he appeared beside the bone demon, and slashed directly at it.

The bone demon was taken aback for a moment. He didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun would dare to fight him in close combat.

You must know that due to the hardness of his bones, melee combat is the cheapest.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand and directly blocked Ye Liuyun\'s demon-slaying knife.

Ye Liuyun\'s teleportation speed was fast, and he didn\'t give him more time to think.

"Crack" sound.

To everyone\'s surprise. Not only was the bone demon\'s arm cut off by Ye Liuyun directly, but even several of his ribs were cut off by Ye Liuyun.


The bone demon let out a scream, and hurriedly jumped back, but Ye Liuyun\'s figure appeared behind him again, and swept across again.

Before the bone demon could turn around in mid-air, Ye Liuyun chopped off his legs again.

The audience was also stunned.

"I\'m afraid this bone demon is fake?"

"What\'s the situation? The bones of the bone demon can hold all the treasures of the rank, why are they as soft as tofu now?"

The bone demon himself couldn\'t figure it out, his own bones were obviously the hardest, how could he suffer such a big loss.

But now he lost an arm and broke his legs, and he couldn\'t control his balance.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils had already predicted where he would fall. With a flash of stature, he came to the Bone Demon and cut off his head with a single blow.

The bone demon was decapitated and fell onto the stage.

Ye Liuyun immediately absorbed the pure magic energy in his body.

The entire fighting arena became silent. It formed a strong contrast with the enthusiasm of the Bone Demon when he appeared on the stage.

"The bone demon is dead?"

Some viewers haven\'t reacted yet.

After a while of silence, a gambler laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, I got rich! I bet this kid won ten games in a row!"

At this time, Cyclops had already quietly come to the casino, and put the spirit stone he had won.

He has won too much. Even he himself felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, I wanted to make a small profit, but I didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to be too competitive!

But he also knew enough was enough, and he couldn\'t gamble any longer. So he returned directly to his position without betting again. Although he is confident, Ye Liuyun should be able to win again.

After Ye Liuyun absorbed all the evil energy of the bone demon, he walked off the ring.

Most of the audience didn\'t pay attention to what he did.

Only those experts and experts noticed that Ye Liuyun could absorb magic energy.

Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang also started discussing: "This kid\'s knife is probably not low in grade!"

"En." Qiu Tianyang nodded: "His power of space and sword intent are also top-notch!"

Even Yan Gang, who always looked down on him, couldn\'t help giving Ye Liuyun a high look at this moment.

"This kid may also practice the magic way, otherwise how could he absorb the magic energy! Yes, it must be for this reason, otherwise how could he kill the magic cultivator so easily."

Thinking of this, he also secretly warned himself that when he met Ye Liuyun, he had to beware of Ye Liuyun\'s sudden attack on him with magic cultivation skills.

After Ye Liuyun stepped down, he also received a reward of 10,500 top-grade crystals.

"In the next round, it\'s time to face contestants of a higher level!"

Ye Liuyun knew that his battle had only really begun. There are so many capable people outside the territory, it is impossible for him to fight to the end so easily.

Ye Liuyun\'s guess was correct, those masters who came here often disdain to fight these ordinary martial artists.

They saw that Ye Liuyun had won 20 games in a row, so they became interested. Some quick-tempered strongmen couldn\'t help wanting to challenge Ye Liuyun, and went directly to sign up for the competition.

There are also some who feel that their level is good and want to wait. Ye Liuyun\'s current strength is not enough to arouse their interest.

After Ye Liuyun left the field, he immediately started to practice. Although he didn\'t consume much of his true essence, he could improve it a little bit.

Next, Wu Qingcheng came on stage, and won the first seven games relatively easily, but the next three games were a bit strenuous, consuming nearly half of his real energy.

Fortunately, she also cultivated the dual element pill, which can last for a while.

Lei Ming and Long Nu will fight another ten rounds completely relying on their physical bodies.

The two of them definitely want to challenge the next ten-game winning streak.