Lord of All Gods

Chapter 685

As soon as Ye Liuyun went, a deacon brought 1,500 high-grade spirit stones to Ye Liuyun.

These rewards are issued immediately after the combatants leave the field.

The main reason is that the game is very cruel and may die at any time. So there are many martial artists, after the competition, they will hand over the prize money to their family members, so that even if they die, the family members will take the money away.

The fighting arena can take these into consideration, and the service is very humanized.

The next one to play is Wu Qingcheng.

It seems that the order in which they played is according to the order in which they signed up.

After Wu Qingcheng came on stage, she fought ten games in a row before going down to rest.

After Wu Qingcheng waited for Yu\'er to reach the realm of Yin and Yang, the two of them learned each other\'s skills and made up for what they lacked.

But Wu Qingcheng, in the first ten games, did not use too much ice power, but mainly used illusion to minimize the consumption of true energy.

After winning ten games in a row, Wu Qingcheng stepped down, and it was Lei Ming\'s turn to step up again.

One-eyed was over there, and with the money he earned from Ye Liuyun just now, he beat Wu Qingcheng to win all ten games.

Wu Qingcheng is also a newcomer, and the casino also gave out big odds, which made Cyclops make a fortune.

Next came Thunder.

Cyclops didn\'t take out all the spirit stones this time. Because after these 20 rounds of continuous doubling, if the number of his spirit stones is now overwhelmed, it can be called a gamble.

These spirit stones earned more than the blood of the star-eating beasts he sold!

He was worried that the casino would not accept his bet, so he deliberately took out only one hundred top-grade spirit stones and bet on Lei Ming to win.

If Lei Ming wins, it will be easier. She manifested her main body directly, and then slapped her opponent with her claws. She won ten games in a row without any real energy.

Cyclops stood still and won ten games directly.

"Thank you, thank you!" He kept thanking again.

Only then did the people in the casino understand what he meant by saying thank you!

Next is the battle of the dragon girl.

When Lei Ming was fighting, many people didn\'t know Thunder Dragon Beast, so they didn\'t show any surprise.

But when the dragon girl manifested her body, the audience was shocked.

And the dragon girl\'s roar directly knocked her first opponent out of the game until he vomited blood.

She also relied on her physical body to win ten games in a row.

The entire audience was excited because of people like Ye Liuyun.

Of course, Cyclops made a lot of money again.

And this time, the entire audience knew that Ye Liuyun and the others were all ruthless people, and they all won ten games in a row.

For this reason, the casino also specifically stopped the handicap, and only reopened it after studying the countermeasures.

But the odds of Ye Liuyun and others have become 1 to 1. Other people\'s odds can even be as high as 1 to 5.

Next, there is a battle between Yu\'er, Su Miaoyin, Baihu, Shiyuan and Kisaragi.

Both Su Miaoyin and Ruyue used treasures of high rank to defend ten victories. After the match, they retreated directly to the audience seats and waited for Ye Liuyun and the others.

Relying on the golden spear of his destiny, the white tiger and the stone ape relied on the strength of his physical body, and they both won ten games in a row.

Yu\'er relied on her own strength to win ten games, but her real energy consumption was a bit high, far exceeding a quarter.

But the people around Ye Liuyun have all cultivated the Dual Origin Pill. So Ye Liuyun reckoned that Yu\'er would not have a big problem after a few more fights, so he didn\'t rush to persuade her to end.

The impressive record of Ye Liuyun and the others caused a sensation in the audience.

For a moment, as long as their people played, the atmosphere of the audience would rise, and the cheers would be louder and louder.

Ye Liuyun was not affected by the surrounding audience.

He found that Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang also won ten games in a row with ease.

Without them, Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang would definitely attract the attention of the audience.

Yan Gang\'s face was very ugly. The more popular Ye Liuyun and the others became, the more he felt suffocated.

Seeing how strong Ye Liuyun and the others were, many people waiting in the rest area retreated silently. With fewer people left, they will naturally appear on stage more frequently.

Soon, it was time for Ye Liuyun to take the stage again.

The audience began to look forward to it again.

The casino also issued a special bet, ten times the odds, betting on whether he could win the market again.

Cyclops had already made a lot of money, but he still took out 10,000 flat spars to bet that Ye Liuyun could win ten games in a row.

He understood Ye Liuyun\'s strength and character. Ye Liuyun will persist in these ten games even if he uses the artifact to support it.

In the previous five consecutive battles, Ye Liuyun won very smoothly. In the sixth battle, a martial artist with dual yin and yang came.

The audience all booed that Wuxiu.

"None of the three levels of Yin and Yang are opponents, so you dare to take the stage with a double level of Yin and Yang?"

In this match, Ye Liuyun\'s odds were also very low, but all the gamblers still bet their money on Ye Liuyun.

That Wuxiu looked to be only in his thirties, and he looked ugly at times, but he was very calm and didn\'t pay attention to the audience\'s remarks at all. He doesn\'t look arrogant or impetuous, very stable.

Ye Liuyun felt that the space power on this person was not weak either.

Knowing that his realm is low, he dared to challenge a dark horse like Ye Liuyun on stage, he must have certain trump cards.

At least, he should be able to break Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun himself is very cautious about this martial arts, and dare not be careless in the slightest.

The martial artist on the opposite side was also very low-key. After taking the stage, he didn\'t say a word, and immediately began to gather momentum, especially the power of space, which rose around him.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and directly launched a soul attack with his golden pupils.

Not even a knife was used this time.

The martial artist on the opposite side didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to launch a soul attack. I thought he was going to come over with a knife.

It was because he was familiar with the power of space and able to break Ye Liuyun\'s knife that he dared to fight.

But his soul is relatively weak.

Ye Liuyun\'s goal was to win fifty consecutive victories. When he saw the city lord, he didn\'t want to bother him at all.

Directly pull his main spirit to absorb it.

The martial artist could feel that Ye Liuyun could actually absorb both of his souls.

Ye Liuyun obviously left him a way out. If he continued to fight, he just didn\'t know what to do.

So he immediately surrendered, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, thanked Ye Liuyun, and stepped back from the stage.

The audience immediately burst into laughter, with an expression that seemed to be the case.

"Spirit attack!"

Qu Xuefeng and Qiu Tianyang saw it clearly, and they couldn\'t help being a little surprised by Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

They didn\'t expect that Wu Xiu who came out of a small island would have such a strong strength.

But they didn\'t regret not making friends with Ye Liuyun. After all, the gap in their status is still obvious.