Lord of All Gods

Chapter 684

When Yan Gang saw Wu Qingcheng and others coming to sign up, he immediately signed up too.

Whether it was killing Wu Qingcheng or Ye Liuyun, they could take revenge on Wu Qingcheng for humiliating him.

Wu Qingcheng\'s realm has broken through to the dual level of yin and yang, so it is still possible to run into him.

In his eyes, Ye Liuyun was just an inconspicuous little character. He thinks it can be taken easily.

Although Wu Qingcheng ignored him, her spiritual sense still noticed him.

"Liuyun, a nasty guy has followed in!" Wu Qingcheng voice transmission to Ye Liuyun.

"Is that Yangang? Don\'t worry, I can finish him off with one move!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t even look at Yangang.

But from the beginning to the end, he has been paying attention to the surrounding situation. Including the scene where Wu Qingcheng ignored Yan Gang, he saw it all.

Ye Liuyun even noticed Yan Gang\'s vicious expression when he looked at Wu Qingcheng afterwards. He had known for a long time that Yan Gang hated Wu Qingcheng.

If Yangang confronted him first, he would surely die.

If he was the first to confront Lei Ming and Longnu, Ye Liuyun was sure that this guy would not be able to take advantage.

The quality of his true essence is too ordinary. None of his bloodlines and spirit power can catch up with Lei Ming and Longnv.

Even against Wu Qingcheng, if Wu Qingcheng uses the divine weapon, it is possible to win against him.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun also sent a voice transmission to everyone, telling them not to hold back when encountering Yan Gang.

Ye Liuyun actually couldn\'t figure it out himself, where did these famous disciples have such a sense of superiority? Despise others at every turn, and look down on others!

All of them are narrow-minded, and even a little thing can arouse their revenge.

"It stands to reason that people who live outside the territory should not be frogs at the bottom of a well, right?"

Ye Liuyun was thinking wildly when suddenly a deacon called his name.

"Ye Liuyun, go to battle."

"It\'s coming to me so soon?"

Ye Liuyun muttered, stood up immediately, and came to the preparation area.

On the opposite side of the preparation area, stood a martial artist who was also a yin and yang triple, more than ten years older than him, and looked weather-beaten.

In the stands, when Cyclops saw Ye Liuyun coming out, he immediately ran to bet happily.

"Here comes the money!" While running, he muttered happily.

The odds offered by the casino to Ye Liuyun turned out to be 5 for 1. He bet ten spirit stones, and he could earn fifty yuan back.

It made One-Eyed want to laugh.

"Thank you, thank you!" He hastily thanked the people in the casino, which confused them all.

But when they smelled of alcohol all over his body, everyone in the casino was relieved.

They have seen a lot of alcoholic gamblers like this. There are all kinds of lunatics, and they are all familiar with it.

Soon, the door of the preparation area opened, and Ye Liuyun and Wuxiu on the ground entered the fighting arena together.

"You\'re so young, you just ran here to die? It\'s too late for you to admit defeat! If I do it, I\'ll wring your head off and kick you as a ball!"

The Wuxiu on the opposite side also didn\'t think highly of Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was despised again!

Ye Liuyun was also speechless!

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense!" Thinking of this, he drew out the Demon Slayer Knife and slashed across it.

And as soon as the knife came out, it immediately appeared directly in front of the Wuxiu\'s neck.

With one blow, his head was chopped off directly.

Then he threw down a sentence: "You still want to twist my head? Where did you get the confidence!"

The surrounding audience, even some people haven\'t even seen it, the battle is over!

"This is the end? How did this kid win?" Some people who were not paying attention to the stage asked the people around them.

"He just raised the knife like that, and that person\'s head fell off!" The person next to him had a relatively low level and didn\'t understand.


The entire audience exploded in an instant. Some people were applauding Ye Liuyun.

Many people also talked about him.

"This boy with golden pupils has two tricks!"

"It can\'t be a coincidence, can it? How can there be such a big gap in the same realm?"

"Could it be that this kid secretly used some treasure that we didn\'t see?"

And those gamblers who thought Ye Liuyun would lose also started to yell and curse at this time. There was a lot of noise and chaos all around.

Ye Liuyun put away the knife, and said to the deacon beside him, "Can I just continue fighting?"

The audience immediately became excited when they heard this.

"This kid is quite courageous!"

"Yeah, it\'s interesting, I hope I don\'t die too early!"

The deacon, of course, agrees with this kind of action that can stimulate the emotions of the audience.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun didn\'t move, and waited for the next opponent.

One-Eyed had just gone to collect his loot. Seeing that Ye Liuyun hadn\'t moved, he immediately put away his principal of ten high-grade spirit stones, and then directly bet Ye Liuyun on the fifty top-grade spirit stones he just won, regardless of who Ye Liuyun\'s opponent was.

Betting when you don\'t know who your opponent is is undoubtedly the highest odds.

Therefore, Cyclops got another five-for-one odds.

And when Ye Liuyun\'s opponent appeared, because he was a relatively ordinary martial artist, Ye Liuyun\'s odds immediately dropped to three for one.

The odds set by the casino are also based on Wu Xiu\'s strength. The stronger the strength, or the weaker the opponent\'s strength, the lower the odds.

"Haha, well developed!" Cyclops rubbed his hands, excitedly waiting for the result of the competition.

As soon as he saw Ye Liuyun\'s opponent, he knew that Ye Liuyun would win.

The strength of this martial artist is about the same as the previous one. Ye Liuyun should also win in the same way. So at this moment, he is looking forward to collecting the spirit stone.

Sure enough, at the start of the match, Ye Liuyun cut his opponent open from the inside out.

But this time, the Wuxiu on the opposite side didn\'t say anything excessive, so Ye Liuyun spared his life.

"I\'m going, it\'s over with another knife!"

The audience in the audience began to cheer again.

One-eyed happily ran to get the money he had won. This time he simply stood where he was.

Because he saw that Ye Liuyun didn\'t exert much force at all, so he should ask to fight again directly.

He guessed quite accurately, Ye Liuyun really directly asked for another fight.

that\'s all. Cyclops bet on Ye Liuyun\'s win with the two hundred and fifty top-grade spirit stones and fifty top-grade spirit stones he had just won.

Also five times the odds. One-eyed was so happy that he couldn\'t close his mouth from ear to ear, he just stood on the spot without tossing back and forth.

In this way, Ye Liuyun fought ten games in a row before going down to rest. Every game is a knife to end the battle.

And Cyclops is a big harvest, putting a large pile of high-grade spirit stones into his storage ring, earning a lot of money.

The audience around were now shocked by Ye Liuyun. They have never seen someone who won such an easy game ten times in a row.

It seems that Ye Liuyun didn\'t use his true energy much, but directly used his sword intent, and fought ten times in a row.