Lord of All Gods

Chapter 683

In fact, Cyclops had already made up his mind that as long as people like Ye Liuyun played, he would bet on them to win.

As long as he can win a game, he will not suffer.

Especially Ye Liuyun, he must be sure to make money without losing money.

As soon as a group of them stood up, they immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

"What are they going to do? Are they going to fight? So many beauties!"

"I\'ll go, Lady Luck, is she going to sign up for the competition?"

"Facing these beauties, who can do it?"

The audience talked a lot, and the focus shifted to them.

The deacon at the registration office also looked at this group of people curiously. It wasn\'t until Ye Liuyun and the others approached that he regained his composure.

"I would like to ask, can monsters participate in the battle?"

Ye Liuyun asked aloud.

"Of course, no matter whether it\'s a demon or a demon, there are no restrictions here, and they are treated equally."

The attitude of the deacon is quite good. After all, the more people participate in the competition, the more they will earn.

"Is the use of the treasure restricted?" Ye Liuyun asked again.

"There are no restrictions on treasures. After all, treasures are also part of strength. But puppets, pets, etc. are not allowed. After all, two against one is not very authentic." The deacon patiently explained to them.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun and the others asked a lot about the rules and rewards of the competition.

For each battle, the winning side will be rewarded with fifty top-grade spirit stones, and if they win ten games in a row, there will be an additional reward of one thousand top-grade spirit stones.

If you win 20 games in a row, you will be rewarded with an additional 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. Thirty games, 50,000; forty games, 100,000; fifty games, 200,000 high-grade spirit stones, plus a reward for asking the city lord.

The deacon patiently explained it to them.

These rewards are indeed very attractive.

Especially the reward of more than 10,000 high-grade spirit stones is enough to make martial artists rich.

"It\'s no wonder that One Eye said that martial artists from other domains will also participate in the competition. It turns out that the rewards are so generous!" Ye Liuyun was also feeling emotional about the generosity of the martial arts arena.

"However..." the deacon also added: "People who win 30 games in a row will only appear one or two in a year or two! Those who win 40 games in a row are even less. There is only one person in this fighting arena since it opened!"

"Who is that person?" Ye Liuyun became curious.

"That person is our city lord Tuoba!" The deacon said with a smile.

Ye Liuyun nodded, and felt that this city lord was really not simple.

"It seems that Tuoba Qi does have some tricks. He established the rules and tried it himself, which is more exemplary!"

Ye Liuyun and the others knew almost the information they wanted to know, so they directly asked to sign up.

"Who among you wants to sign up?" the deacon asked.

"We all signed up!" Ye Liuyun said directly.

Hearing this, the deacon was also taken aback, but then explained to them:

"Registration is fine. But you are all together. To prevent cheating, you will not be arranged to meet each other."

"no problem."

Ye Liuyun also directly agreed.

It\'s even better this way, they won\'t meet each other, so they can take action with confidence and strive to win the reward by themselves.

The deacon also immediately registered them and asked them to go to the rest area to prepare, and when they played, they would call their names.

At this time, the audience who were staring at them also boiled.

"They really signed up! These beauties are all participating in the battle!"

"These beauties also participated in the battle, wouldn\'t it be a pity to be killed?"

"Watching these beauties get killed, shouldn\'t it be a pleasure!"

There were all kinds of voices in the audience, but most of them were concentrated on women, and Ye Liuyun was directly ignored by them.

Ye Liuyun\'s realm is not high, and he is not well-known, so no one thinks highly of him.

Unlike those beauties, at least there is something to look at, which can make people look bright.

The audience watched excitedly as they walked into the dugout and waited to play.

Cyclops was outside, and he had prepared ten high-grade spirit stones, ready to make a small fortune.

With so many people entering the rest area at once, it naturally attracted the attention of the combatants inside.

There are more than fifty martial artists of various realms waiting for the battle, and they are all looking at them at the moment.

After Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil scanned around, he immediately found two young people who were chatting.

These two people were wearing the same attire, as if they were disciples of some sect.

Ye Liuyun noticed them because the quality of their true essence and the strength of their blood were much stronger than ordinary people.

After being watched by Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, the two of them also sensed it, and immediately looked over.

Ye Liuyun also took the opportunity to walk up to them, greeted them, and introduced herself.

Ye Liuyun is not familiar with the sect here, so he went to say hello to them because he wanted to make friends with them and learn about the situation here.

Those two young people also felt that Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil was good, so they were very polite at first.

"My name is Qu Xuefeng. This is my senior brother Qiu Tianyang. We are both disciples of the Lingxiao Sect in the Wuyang Region. I wonder where brother Liuyun is from?"

"I\'m from a small island in Qingxiaoyu. I\'m going to the Central Continent. I\'m passing by here to join in the fun." Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to hide it from them.

"Qingxiaoyu, a small island?" Qu Xuefeng expressed his surprise when he heard this.

Immediately, he exchanged glances with Qiu Tianyang, and said to Ye Liuyun: "Brother Ye, let\'s get ready for the battle! We also need to practice and get ready for the battle."

Ling Xiaozong is a big sect in the core area of ​​Wuyang Region. As disciples of great sects, they naturally have to make friends with people of status.

When they heard that Ye Liuyun came from the relatively remote Qingxiao Region, or from a small island, they immediately lost interest.

How strong is the martial arts from the small island. Since the strength does not match them, then naturally he will not become their friend.

So he persuaded Ye Liuyun to go back to practice, which was very euphemistic.

Ye Liuyun also immediately understood that he was despised by others. So he didn\'t force it.

Making friends means treating each other with sincerity. Since others look down on him, there is no need for him to try to curry favor.

As for strength, Ye Liuyun will prove it to them.

The strength of these two people is also triple yin and yang. Ye Liuyun felt that maybe he would meet them again on the field.

Not long after Ye Liuyun and the others entered, Yan Gang also entered the rest area.

After he was ignored by Wu Qingcheng just now, he has been holding a grudge. Just thinking about taking revenge on Wu Qingcheng, he didn\'t expect the opportunity to come.