Lord of All Gods

Chapter 682

Cyclops also made a lot of money, and was as happy as a child.

Of course, Wu Qingcheng earns more. As a result, when she went to bet later, someone followed her to vote.

She is a beautiful woman herself, very eye-catching, plus every time she makes a move, the amount is huge, and she always wins money, so for a while, many gamblers regard her as the goddess of luck and follow her to bet.

The people who run the casino always look helpless every time they see Wu Qingcheng coming over.

Wu Qingcheng made them lose a lot of money.

Especially after these gamblers started to follow suit, they even started to lose money.

Soon, it was time for Lin Sen, who had been resting before, to play again.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils found that his real essence had only been replenished by one-third.

But his opponent is at the same level as him, and his strength is similar, but he has enough real energy.

Facing this kind of opponent, if Lin Sen had no hole cards, he would not dare to go on stage. But he still went directly to the preparation area and waited for everyone to place their bets.

In this competition, the odds of the two are 1 to 2.

One-eyed urged Ye Liuyun to make a prediction. He\'s addicted to winning.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, but still didn\'t make a decision.

Logically speaking, Lin Sen should definitely lose. But the more this happened, the more he suspected that Lin Sen had any hole cards.

Otherwise, with one-third of his real energy, he should know that he is not the other party\'s opponent.

"I\'m not sure about this one either. Let\'s not bet!"

Ye Liuyun said to Cyclops.

"Hey, I told you all. It\'s just for fun, so be serious. If you don\'t tell me, I\'ll bet too. I bet Lin Sen will lose."

"Little brother, is it possible for Lin Sen to win?" Lei Ming asked Ye Liuyun curiously.

"If he doesn\'t have the hole card, he will definitely lose!" Ye Liuyun said with certainty.

"Then why didn\'t you bet on him to lose?" Lei Ming asked puzzled.

But Wu Qingcheng interrupted with a smile: "Knowing that you will die, you still go up to the competition? What does this mean?"

It was only then that Lei Ming suddenly realized: "Oh! That is to say, he has a hole card and will win?"

Ye Liuyun shook his head: "I don\'t know what his hole cards are, and I can\'t be sure. Maybe his opponent also has some tricks? So I\'m not sure about this situation!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t ask Wu Qingcheng to bet every game.

For Ye Liuyun, this kind of uncertain situation is called gambling.

He will not gamble!

His so-called "gambling" is basically after he confirms the result before making money.

Moreover, the amount he asked Wu Qingcheng to bet was not too large, so as not to arouse the resentment of the casino and make people hold grudges.

Many gamblers were looking at Wu Qingcheng\'s direction. Seeing her not moving for a long time, I knew that Lady Luck was not going to bet this time.

So some people sighed and sat back.

But most people, although they feel regretful, finally rely on their own preferences to make bets.

"Sister Qingcheng, are all your supporters very disappointed?" Lei Ming said to Wu Qingcheng with a smile.

Wu Qingcheng also smiled: "The one they are really surrounded by is your little brother! I am just an errand runner!"

Ever since Ye Liuyun sat here, he has never been idle.

He couldn\'t help observing the battle in the arena, and even scanned the surrounding audience.

In the auditorium, there are also many masters.

The quality of their blood and true essence are far superior to ordinary people.

After seeing these people, Ye Liuyun also felt that it was indeed a lot of pressure to challenge the 50-match winning streak.

Especially for those whose own realm is two levels higher than him, and who can challenge across realms, his pressure will be even greater.

He also tried his own recovery speed just now.

There is too much space in his Yuan Dan, and he needs a lot of true essence. If he was only given one hour, he could only recover a quarter of his true essence at most if he used spirit stones to absorb it.

If it goes on like this, Ye Liuyun really can\'t challenge fifty people.

Ye Liuyun was worried that a quarter of his true essence might not be enough because of those strong men.

Just as he was thinking, Lin Sen and his opponent had already started fighting.

And from the very beginning, Lin Sen punched fiercely, and then took out a high-ranking treasure and threw it at his opponent.

Obviously, he also knew that his true energy was insufficient, so he wanted to make a quick decision.

But Ye Liuyun\'s eyes lit up.

"Can you still use treasures? If so, then I can challenge it!"

In addition to the two artifacts of the death knell and the demon-sealing tablet, Ye Liuyun also has a set of god-level demon-hunting equipment. With these things, even a strong man at the peak of the Yin-Yang realm, he doesn\'t have to be afraid.

Lei Ming also called out: "Can you still use treasures?"

Obviously, she and Ye Liuyun had the same idea. Even Wu Qingcheng is eager to try.

"When you sign up later, go and confirm with the deacon. If possible, those who have treasures can fight!"

If it was a treasure that could be used, Ye Liuyun would be relieved to fight against other people. They all at least had high-ranking treasures.

Especially those who have artifacts, even if they can\'t win, it\'s no problem to protect themselves and admit defeat.

In the fighting arena, those who saw Lin Sen taking out the high-ranking treasures and betting on Lin Sen all smiled knowingly.

However, their smiles immediately froze.

Because Lin Sen\'s opponent also produced a high-ranking treasure and confronted him.

In this way, Lin Sen\'s trump card to save his life lost its effect.

From his face, Ye Liuyun could see his panic.

Because soon, Lin Sen\'s true energy will be exhausted!

"I surrender!"

After Lin Sen lasted two more moves, he immediately conceded defeat.

His opponent also had to stop attacking.

There are rules in the martial arts arena, as long as the opponent shouts to admit defeat, he must stop.

Lin Sen\'s failure brought another scolding from the audience.

"Trash! What kind of stage can\'t beat you? Who doesn\'t have treasures of high rank?"

"You bastard who doesn\'t dare to go all out! If you fight to the death, you won\'t lose!"

Lin Sen was so scolded that he couldn\'t lift his head up. After stepping off the stage, he slipped away through the back door.

"Hey! These people are really, they are the ones who let Lin Sen continue to fight, and they start to complain about him after losing!" Lei Ming even complained for Lin Sen.

"These spectators are like this. Anyway, they didn\'t play on their own, and life and death have nothing to do with them. After you go on stage, you must have your own judgment. Don\'t be influenced by these spectators!"

Ye Liuyun reminded them solemnly.

Especially for Lei Ming, he specifically reminded him again.

It wasn\'t until Lei Ming nodded in agreement that Ye Liuyun took everyone to sign up.

Only One Eye sat there without moving, and waved at them: "You go, I am an old bone, I want to live for two more years!"