Lord of All Gods

Chapter 681

For this match, the odds offered by the casino are 1 to 1 for the big guy, and 1 to 2 for the small guy.

Although the odds for the big guy are high, there are more people betting on him to win. This person is known to many viewers. He has a nickname called Lishen, and he is quite a well-known figure.

Ye Liuyun watched it for a while, then asked Wu Qingcheng to help place the bet, betting on the little guy to win.

Duoyan just sat back, saw Ye Liuyun asked Wu Qingcheng to place a bet, and immediately followed, also betting ten high-grade spar, betting that the little man would win.

Wu Qingcheng took out 200 high-grade spirit stones directly, and beat the little guy to win.

"Girl, this little guy will definitely lose!" A young man next to him has been staring at these beauties since Ye Liuyun and the others came in.

Seeing Wu Qingcheng going to bet, he took the opportunity to come over to say hello.

He felt that his yin and yang quadruple realm was higher than the golden-eyed boy next to Wu Qingcheng, and he was still more competitive.

However, Wu Qingcheng just glanced at him, but didn\'t even look at him.

But the young man explained to himself: "This big man is known as a god of strength, and he can punch three or four levels of strength with a single punch. That little man, I don\'t think he can catch a single punch."

After Wu Qingcheng completed the formalities, she turned around and left without even looking at him.

But the young master followed up and said: "What do you call the girl? I am an inner disciple of the Fire Cloud Sect. My name is Yan Gang. I wonder if I will be lucky..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Qingcheng had already gone far away, and he didn\'t even intend to talk to him.

Yan Gang was deflated and stood there in embarrassment.

When the people next to him saw it, they couldn\'t help laughing out loud, and some even booed.

"Hmph! Why are you pretending to be noble!"

Yan Gang was so ridiculed by everyone that he couldn\'t get off the stage, and he was not allowed to make a move in the martial arts arena. So he had no choice but to say something angry, flicked his sleeves, turned around and returned to his seat.

Wu Qingcheng had seen a lot of people like him, so he didn\'t take it to heart at all.

After Cyclops returned to his seat, he thought about asking Ye Liuyun: "What do you base your judgment on, that little guy will win?"

"I\'m just guessing, they are about the same strength. I just don\'t like that big guy!" Ye Liuyun said casually.

"I\'m going... I was almost cheated to death by you!" One-eyed just sat down, immediately jumped up again, ran back to the betting place, and bet another 20 high-grade spirit stones, and the betting power won.

The corner of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth raised slightly, but he secretly smiled in his heart.

How could he, a person who collects resources everywhere, use his own money for nothing.

He wasn\'t 100% sure, and he wouldn\'t let Wu Qingcheng make a move.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils had already seen the two of them thoroughly. The quality of the real essence of the short man was already a level higher than that of Lishen.

In addition, his realm is about to break through, so it is also higher than Lishen\'s yin and yang double stage.

The contest between martial arts should not be based on body size, let alone brute force.

With the restrained personality of the little man, Ye Liuyun would not bet that the big man would win.

When Cyclops sat back to his seat again, Lishen had already fought against the little man.

From the very beginning, Lishen attacked with all his strength and gained the upper hand.

Only then did Duo Yan say with confidence: "Fortunately, I bet on Lishen to win again, so that I can still make some money, otherwise I will lose this bet!"

Ye Liuyun had no words. Wu Qingcheng and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

They all believed in Ye Liuyun\'s judgment, and they were all waiting to see the one-eyed expression on their faces.

Yan Gang in the distance, seeing Wu Qingcheng covering her mouth and smiling, couldn\'t help feeling malicious in her heart.

"I\'ll lose money later, let\'s see if you can still laugh! Damn woman, I\'ve lost all face. I hope you don\'t fall into my hands!"

The way he looked at Wu Qingcheng now was full of resentment.

In the martial arts arena, the little man was still parrying with all his strength, and was always passive.

"Oh, it\'s blocked again!"

One Eye stared nervously at the two fighting, every time Lishen\'s attack was blocked, he regretted it endlessly.

He was starting to worry a little now, Lishen clearly had the upper hand, yet he was unable to win for a long time.

Ye Liuyun suddenly said, "We\'ll see soon!"

As soon as his words fell, the little man seemed to be controlled by him, and he deflected Lishen\'s attack with a single palm, and then he punched out, sending Lishen flying directly.

Lishen, a big man, fell heavily to the ground with a "bang", and tried to stand up several times, but it was all in vain.

"Kill him, kill him!" The audience on stage shouted.

However, the little man stopped straight away and didn\'t take the opportunity to make up a punch.

The audience around immediately booed and expressed their dissatisfaction with the little man\'s keeping his hand.

Those who bet on Lishen\'s victory even started yelling and cursing.

When Lishen first came on stage, they still applauded him excitedly. In the blink of an eye, all kinds of vicious words were also used.

Ye Liuyun was deeply disappointed with these audiences. Wu Qingcheng and the others also had expressions of disgust.

But the one with uglier complexion than them is one-eyed.

Usually he is a very steady person, but at this time, he seemed to be unable to afford to lose, slapping his thigh and regretting that he had bet on Lishen.

"Aren\'t I being cheap? Hurry up and send money!"

But he got up anyway, to get his share of the little man\'s burden. It was also thanks to him betting on the little guy first, otherwise he would have lost even more.

Wu Qingcheng also went to fetch 400 high-grade spirit stones and returned, which made a group of gamblers envious.

Yuanchuan Yangang\'s complexion became even uglier!

Originally, he expected to see Wu Qingcheng lose, but he didn\'t expect that he made a mistake in his judgment!

"You idiot Lishen, you didn\'t eat breakfast!"

He felt that it was Lishen who made him ashamed, so he also cursed in his heart. The hatred for Wu Qingcheng is getting deeper and deeper.

In the next few battles, although Cyclops asked Ye Liuyun to make predictions every time, he never spoke again.

He found that after the one-eyed gambling addiction, it was like a completely changed person, and he lost his mind.

The one-eyed man saw that he didn\'t speak, and guessed his thoughts.

"Hey, why are you so serious! I finally let go, you won\'t let me have a good time!"

After hearing what he said, Ye Liuyun was relieved.

"It turns out that this guy is deliberately indulging himself to relieve his tight nerves."

Ye Liuyun felt that this way of relaxing was not wrong.

Moreover, every time Cyclops bets, he always bets ten or twenty high-grade spirit stones, and never bets more.

The blood of the star-eating beast he sold earned him tens of thousands of spirit stones, so he didn\'t care about it.

So next, Ye Liuyun also let go. On a few occasions when he was particularly sure, he was bet on it.