Lord of All Gods

Chapter 675

Ling Shaoyun in the control room was still lying on the bed, and was also stunned when he heard the goatee shouting.

"Crash into it?"

Her divine sense immediately scanned out and found a small boat that was about to collide with it.

"Open the protective cover!" She also hurriedly shouted: "This group of lunatics!"

The robber operating the protective cover was in a daze, but when she shouted, he immediately acted.

But because it started too late, before the protective cover was fully opened, Ye Liuyun and his boat crashed into it.

There was a loud "boom".

The black shark warship rushed directly into the body of the big ship, and the big ship was knocked and moved laterally several tens of feet away.

Relying on inertia, the whole ship was smashed into two pieces.

The robbers in the big ship were all smashed to death. The robbers in the middle of the hull were directly crushed by the impact shock wave.

Ling Shaoyun was prepared first, but she was also thrown dizzy.

For a moment, the robbers in the big ship turned their backs and screamed again and again. The robbers who ran away were all stunned.

"What\'s going on? What happened?"

"As for being so desperate?"

Before they could wake up from the shock, Ye Liuyun led the crowd and killed them.

The skeleton puppet was released directly by Ye Liuyun, and was the first to kill the goatee.

"My god!" Goatee screamed strangely, turning his head and trying to run.

But his speed was not as fast as that of the skeleton puppet. After being caught up, he was split in half with an axe.

Ye Liuyun also wielded the Demon-Slaying Knife, applying the power of space to the knife\'s intent, and slashed at several martial artists in the third and fourth levels of yin and yang.

Li Sanniang\'s attack weapon also hit a robber with five layers of yin and yang, blasting a big hole in his chest.

All the personnel in charge of the battle were fighting fiercely outside. On the Black Shark battleship, the lame and the hunchback were also busy.

"The entire defensive formation has been knocked down!" The hunchback sent a sound transmission to Cyclops while repairing the formation.

"The warship was deformed, and the bow was severely damaged. It needed to be replaced entirely. The hull was also scratched in many places, and a large hole was drawn. The power is only one-third of the original."

Lame is also reporting the damage to One-Eyed.

"Repair it first, then replace it depending on the situation." Unicorn commanded calmly.

Then he told Li Sanniang: "Pay attention to defense. The protective shield is useless!"


Sanniang promised that she would no longer attack other martial artists, but monitor the opponent\'s movement and concentrate on defense.

After the heroic group\'s ship was broken, many functions failed, causing people in the ship to struggle to get out.

In a hurry, the \'Tigress\' directly blasted the warship into a big hole, and rushed out with people.

The robbers who were outside were almost wiped out by Ye Liuyun with everyone and skeleton puppets.

Feeling the coercion of Yin and Yang, Ye Liuyun immediately directed the skeleton puppet to meet him.

Now that the battle has been fought, Ye Liuyun has a little more confidence!

"Use the artifact!"

Ye Liuyun greeted, took out the magic weapon with everyone, and started smashing it.

The robbers of the Yingjie regiment were first bumped into a mess, and Ye Liuyun wiped out many of them.

Now the skeleton puppets fought against their boss again. As soon as the other robbers got out of the cabin, they were blasted back by the artifact. They suffered heavy casualties and lost morale.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil had already seen that many robbers hid in the boat and did not dare to come out.

"Get rid of the bandit leader first!" Ye Liuyun immediately shifted his target and asked Lei Ming and others to guard the big boat.

He used the death knell and sword intent, combined with the skeleton puppet, to put a lot of pressure on Ling Shaoyun, and soon put her at a disadvantage.

Ling Shaoyun tried several times to get rid of Ye Liuyun first, but was stopped by him with the death knell.

In the end, when Ling Shaoyun wanted to sneak attack Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun seized the opportunity and slashed her.

After Ling Shaoyun was injured, she was no match for the skeleton puppet, so she could only run away resentfully.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t let the skeleton puppet chase him either. The two of them are in the same realm, and it is unlikely that they want to kill her.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for a martial artist at this realm to crush them without absolute strength, or to surprise them with a surprise attack.

Although Ling Shaoyun was injured, it was not fatal and she would recover in a short time.

Ye Liuyun immediately commanded the skeleton puppet to wipe out all the robbers in the ship, and took back all the storage rings.

At this time, the lame and the little beggar rushed over and began to disassemble the parts. Ye Liuyun and the others watched from outside the ship, in case the escaped robbers came back to kill them again.

They didn\'t return to the Black Shark battleship until Lame removed all the things they could use.

It was only then that Ye Liuyun noticed that the bow of the Black Shark warship had been dented and severely deformed. The hull was also bumpy and damaged in many places.

This may be the most dilapidated boat Ye Liuyun has ever seen.

Looking at it like this, this ship should be scrapped!

"It will take at least a month or two to repair this boat, and a lot of parts have to be replaced. It\'s not necessary. It\'s better to buy a new one. When we get to Yicheng, we can change the boat?" Cyclops asked Ye Liuyun Ask for advice.

Ye Liuyun also nodded in agreement. Now he wants to compete with the people in Nether Hell for time, so he can\'t be caught up by them.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun agreed, Cyclops arranged for Limp to replace only the power. The hunchback was also fooling around and made a simple defensive formation.

After one-eyed was busy for a long time, their warship continued to set sail.

Due to the deformation of the hull, their speed was still somewhat affected, but at least the power can be exerted to about 70%, which is not bad.

The rest of the road is also going well.

Three days later, Ye Liuyun saw that he was far away from the sea of ​​fog, and with the approval of Cyclops, he shared the blood of the star-eating beast that he had harvested with everyone.

He didn\'t take out a lot at once, either.

The blood of this star-eating beast is a very rare cultivation resource, and the price is very expensive.

"Three barrels per person. It\'s a big bathtub for bathing!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun finished speaking, Duoyan and the others became excited. These three barrels are enough for them to make a fortune!

They are not greedy either. Ye Liuyun risked his life to come here, and with these three buckets, they can already cover their expenses this time.

As for whether they should sell it or use it for themselves, Ye Liuyun did not restrain them. Anyway, it is all given to themselves, and they can dispose of it as they like.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun led everyone back to the Dragon Palace, and soaked in the blood pool.

The blood of the star-eating beast can significantly improve the blood vessels.

Ye Liuyun\'s blood power was already strong, but now that it has been strengthened, Ye Liuyun feels that even if his realm is not enough, it is impossible for a strong person of high rank to suppress him in terms of blood.

If his realm is raised a bit, then he can turn it around and suppress the blood of the powerful.