Lord of All Gods

Chapter 676

The blood of the star-eating beast can not help but improve the strength of the blood, repair injuries, and even increase the strength of life.

Martial arts in the realm of yin and yang will greatly extend their lifespan. Ever since Ye Liuyun reached the realm of yin and yang, he felt that his vitality had greatly improved.

Now nourished by this blood, Ye Liuyun felt that his vitality was still improving. If this goes on, his vitality can reach the level of good fortune ahead of schedule.

"The blood of this star-eating beast is really a good thing!" Ye Liuyun decided that if possible, he should save some of this blood as much as possible for Liang Xue, his parents, aunt and others.

The blood in this big pool is enough for people like them to absorb it for several months. It is estimated that by then, the absorption will not have any major effect.

The rest, he can keep as a gift for others.

And this blood was only about one-third of what Ye Liuyun got. In the Dragon Palace, there is still an iceberg of blood waiting for them to absorb it.

Those in the storage container, Ye Liuyun planned to sell them after arriving in Yicheng, in exchange for better warships.

According to One Eye, the amount of blood in one container is enough to replace a warship several times its size. Unlike ordinary ships, warships not only have weapons for defense and attack, but also have stronger hulls and faster speeds.

And Ye Liuyun fully filled four containers.

He plans to buy two warships, and then replace the others with spirit stones.

Cyclops gave him an idea not to let him sell a lot at once.

The remaining blood can be sold in other post cities later. If you sell them all here, if the quantity is too large, it will affect the price.

A few days later, the warship approached the post city, and Cyclops called Ye Liuyun and others out, preparing to enter the city.

Ye Liuyun saw Cyclops\' mental state, and knew that Cyclops and others had used the blood of the star-eating beast.

The spiritual outlook and blood strength of these people have improved a lot. Especially the one-eyed one, his regressed state has now returned to the level of yin and yang.

"It really is a good thing! No wonder it will become a scarce resource!" Ye Liuyun sighed secretly in his heart.

"Ahead is the post city of Xinghuoyu." One Eye pointed to a building in the distance, and introduced it to Ye Liuyun and the others.

The post city outside this region stands in the air like a fortress in the sky.

At the gate of the fortress, there are four big characters "Xinghuoyi City" written on it.

Those four words were engraved by people with sword intent.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil discovered that the sword intent of the person who carved the letter should not be much worse than his sword intent.

"Sure enough, there are so many talented people outside the territory!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help feeling awe.

On the top of the fortress, a shining pearl radiates light, so that all sailing ships can be seen from a distance.

For Ye Liuyun and his warship, this fortress is simply a giant.

And that\'s just looking from the outside!

In fact, there is more space inside. There should be a space formation, or something similar to a space treasure.

There are three gates on all sides of the fortress for people to enter and exit, and there are many people coming and going.

When everyone saw Ye Liuyun and his warship, they kept pointing and talking.

This kind of dilapidated warship can be seen at a glance that it has experienced a war.

Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t care about other people\'s instructions, and drove directly outside the fortress before stopping.

After Lame and Li Sanniang disassembled all the usable parts, they abandoned the ship and entered the city.

"Ten high-grade spirit stones per person."

The guards at the city gate kept yelling at those who were about to enter the city.

"Ten high-grade spirit stones? Isn\'t this stealing money?" Some people who came here for the first time couldn\'t help complaining.

"What do you know? Spiritual stones are needed everywhere for the operation of such a big castle. The shining pearl on the top of the castle alone needs tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones to support it every day. It\'s too expensive, you don\'t have to go in, and no one is forcing it you!"

The guard at the city gate looked at some martial artists who were too expensive, pointed to a large open space outside and said, "There, you can rest for free. No money!"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed. It was found that there were really many crew members camping and resting there.

It is estimated that the employer was reluctant to pay for them, so he left them there.

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, without saying a word, he paid everyone the spirit stones.

Now that everyone is here, it is natural to open everyone\'s eyes.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t do such a thing by throwing people outside.

If you have money, go in, or don\'t go in. This is also Ye Liuyun\'s principle of doing things.

There were sixteen of them, and they paid one hundred and sixty yuan for the top-grade spirit stones alone. Not even the little beggar was left behind, and he was so touched that he thanked him again and again.

This made many people jealous.

This is too rich, even a crew member in Yuandan realm spent ten high-grade spirit stones.

If ten high-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones, and exchanged for ordinary spirit stones, that would be tens of millions!

If they were replaced with crystal stones, they could all be piled up into a hill!

Even the guards were a little surprised to see Ye Liuyun handing over the money without hesitation.

But he followed the rules and gave each of them a token to let them enter the city.

Ye Liuyun and the others walked into the post city under the envious eyes of everyone.

Once they passed the city gate, they realized that the scenery in front of them was quite different.

The space in the post city is at least as big as ten from the outside.

Inside is like a huge city, with various buildings emerging one after another.

For a moment, Ye Liuyun didn\'t know where to go.

"Come with me!" Cyclops went straight to the front, leading everyone.

"I\'m more familiar with this place. It\'s the post city I come to the most, and I know a few acquaintances. Let\'s book the boat first, so as not to waste time if we need to remodel. Then we will decide according to the time how to arrange it next?"

Cyclops was also seeking Ye Liuyun\'s opinion. After all, Ye Liuyun is the employer, so important decisions have to be made by Ye Liuyun.

"Leave as soon as possible!" Ye Liuyun suggested.

One-eyed smiled: "Actually, if you want to get to the Central Continent quickly, there is another shortcut!"

"Oh? What shortcut?" Ye Liuyun became curious.

"Every post city has a teleportation array, which can transport people to far away places. But only the city owner can open the teleportation array." Cyclops stopped and looked at Ye Liuyun.

"Teleportation array?" Ye Liuyun was naturally moved when he heard that. If he used the teleportation array to teleport, he would definitely reach the Central Continent faster.

However, from what Cyclops said, it seems that the city lord is not easy to see.