Lord of All Gods

Chapter 674

"How much do we have to pay?" Ye Liuyun also thought that he could consider spending money to buy peace.

"At least keep this ship!" Cyclops said cautiously: "There may be more!"

Once they are surrounded, the other party has the final say, and the only thing to see is whether the other party is greedy or not.

However, the other party is some robbers, who can risk their lives for wealth, how can they not be greedy. Even if they get snapped up, that\'s a possibility.

"That won\'t work! Let\'s go for it! Even if we wreck the boat, we\'ll be able to row. Maybe we can make some money!"

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he also felt that this idea is not feasible, and it feels like resigning himself to fate!

"How sure are you?" One Eye asked back.

"50% to 60%!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything from him.

They are in the same boat now. A wrong estimate will mislead the one-eyed judgment.

Such a major decision can determine their life and death. Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to speak nonsense.

One-eyed thought for a long time before finally making up his mind.

"Okay, do as you say!"

Then, he immediately arranged for the lame and the hunchback to adjust the battleship and formation.

"Give me some more spirit stones, and I will also strengthen my attacking ability!" Li Sanniang also made her own request when she heard that she wanted to force her way.

She is also an important part of the battleship\'s defense. Once the warship crashes, the only defense is her attacking weapon.

So if she wants to increase the attack power of her weapon, she needs more spirit stones.

Cyclops immediately allocated enough spirit stones to her according to her needs.

Ye Liuyun had already handed over all the spirit stones needed for this stage of voyage to Cyclops, lest Cyclops always ask him for them.

Ye Liuyun immediately returned to the Xuankong Stone, called everyone out, asked them to eat together, and then prepared to fight.

The Black Shark, in a lame hustle, gets a complete makeover.

In the bow part, the lame also dismantled the warship snatched from the Lost Group, and reinforced the strongest bow part on the periphery of the Black Shark warship. Let the Black Shark warship add another layer of protection.

The hunchback also strengthened the bow of the ship.

After everything was ready, the warship continued to set sail and rushed towards the sea of ​​fog.

When they got out of the sea of ​​fog, their vision instantly widened.

One-eyed closed the protective cover, accelerated the warship, and rushed to the post city in the outer space.

Everyone cheered up, let go of all their consciousness, and searched for traces of the robbers.

Ye Liuyun opened the golden pupil directly. In extraterritorial space, his golden pupils can see far away, which is far more effective than divine consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is sometimes blocked.

One-eyed once told him that there are many robbers\' warships, in order to prevent them from being discovered by merchant ships in advance, they will arrange a formation to prevent spiritual detection.

During this period of time, he also learned about the situation outside the territory and learned the experience of sailing with Cyclops.

He also hoped that he would not meet the Yingjie robbers. But the sky failed to fulfill their wishes, the more they worried, the more they met.

Before they had gone far, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils found some small airships hovering around their warships from a distance.

"Pathfinder robbers?"

Ye Liuyun confirmed with Cyclops.

"It should be!" One-eyed nodded.

At this time, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil also saw a warship in the distance, lying on their way forward.

But to their surprise, this warship was three or four times larger than theirs.

One-eyed at this moment, the divine sense has not discovered the situation in the distance. It seems that their warships have also set up formations to prevent spiritual detection.

Ye Liuyun quickly reminded Cyclops: "I saw their warship, which is three or four times bigger than ours."

"Ah? Then we can\'t hit it!" One Eye was a little dazed.

"Their warship is sideways, so it should be easier to hit! Speed ​​up and hit it!"

Ye Liuyun said firmly.

"Alright!" Cyclops gritted his teeth and made up his mind. "Lame, boost your power again!"

"If you raise it further, it may damage the power machinery." Lame said.

"Replace it if it\'s damaged!" Cyclops also put up a fight.

"Okay!" The lame agreed, and rushed out of the control room to deal with the acceleration.

When everyone saw the big ship across from them, they all felt that the speed of their warship had also increased by 20 to 30%.

"When we collide later, everyone stand firm!" Cyclops reminded everyone in advance.

Everyone immediately found a solid place to lean on, so as not to be knocked down in a while.

In the control room of the big ship opposite, there is a big bed, and a chubby woman is lying on the bed.

Although the woman is bloated, her realm is yin and yang.

She is the head of the Yingjie robber group, the \'Tigress\' Ling Shaoyun.

"Boss, this is a big ship. We\'re lucky today!"

"Don\'t be careless. Being able to come out of the sea of ​​fog safely means that Tuyun must have not stopped them." The fat woman yawned and said casually.

"That guy Tuyun, how can he compare with you. If you didn\'t want to enter the sea of ​​fog, how could it be Tuyun\'s turn to mess around in the sea of ​​fog!"

The woman nodded and took a sip from her glass.

"Go down and deal with it. If it\'s not necessary, I won\'t show up!"

"Okay, boss! Just wait for my good news!"

Goat Hu said with a smile, and retreated respectfully, directly out of the warship, waiting for Ye Liuyun and the others to arrive.

"Today\'s flattery was not in vain! It\'s rare that the boss gave me this opportunity, I have to show it well!"

He thought to himself, his waist straightened, and he looked proud.

When he saw the warship Ye Liuyun and the others were on, he couldn\'t help frowning.

"Why don\'t you slow down? Let\'s see how I will deal with you later. I won\'t even leave you any clothes!"

He wondered in his heart, but he never thought that Ye Liuyun\'s warship would dare to bump into it.

The size of the two ships is really too big, isn\'t it obvious that the pebble hits the rock!

"Slow down, slow down..." He stared at Ye Liuyun and their warship, still muttering in his heart.

Gradually, his eyes widened incredulously, and his mouth could not close.

Because Ye Liuyun and his warship not only did not slow down, but also opened the protective cover.

When he reacted, he quickly shouted: "Open the protective cover! They are about to hit each other!" While shouting, he also dodged to the side.

Not only did he fail to react, but the other robbers beside him were also stunned.

As soon as he yelled, these people immediately started to flee in all directions.