Lord of All Gods

Chapter 673

A black shadow appeared on the ground, and then the black shadow grew bigger and bigger, then rose up, and then condensed into a human shape, exuding a ghostly aura.

"Lord Bloodfang! We have now been teleported to Qingxiao Domain, where the target person once appeared!" Hei Ying replied with a hoarse voice.

"Where\'s the bone beast and the witch?" the little boy asked again.

"They are still sleeping!" The shadow replied respectfully.

"Go and wake them up, let them move around first!" The little boy ordered casually.

"Yes!" The black shadow agreed, then shrank again, and then disappeared on the ground.

The little man immediately shot out a jet of black real energy, and fed it into a black crystal ball opposite.

The strength of this little boy is actually in the realm of the sixth level of good fortune. According to the classification of martial arts, he is already a strong man at the emperor level!

Soon, a sea of ​​fog appeared in the black crystal ball, and one of the behemoths fell to the ground and died, with a hole in its body.

"Sea of ​​Fog? Star Eater?"

The little boy\'s eyes flashed, and then he ordered to the empty control room: "Go to Wuhai and search for the whereabouts of this star-eating beast!"

In the control room, several black figures flashed from the ground immediately, congealed into a human form, and controlled the ghost ship, rushing towards the sea of ​​fog.

Inside the battleship, there are also many ghostly black shadows, flashing out from the ground, controlling various parts of the battleship.

"Hey, another unlucky guy, who was actually cursed by the Underworld God himself!"

The little boy sighed, and murmured to himself: "In this situation, why do you run away, it would be better to just wait for death!

My time is precious! Dare to delay my cultivation? When I find you, I must suck your blood dry! "

Saying that, he slowly closed his eyes again.

The Nether ghost ship also immediately drew a stream of light in the void.



A beast roar, a woman\'s cry and scream echoed in the Nether Ghost Ship.

The little boy closed his eyes, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said something to the air.

"Bone beast, witch, come and accompany me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton of a gigantic beast and a demon woman appeared in front of him, exuding a dark ghostly aura all over her body.

"My lord, have we accepted the mission and left hell?"

The demon woman looked at the environment around the battleship and asked coldly.

"Isn\'t it good to come out and relax?" the little boy said with his eyes still closed.

The huge bone beast shook its tailbone flatteringly, and its skull rubbed against his feet.

"I don\'t like sunshine!" The witch said coldly, and sat down straight away.

Her whole body was covered by demon scales, and her face could not be seen at all.

"Well, I don\'t like it either! We\'ll be back soon!"

The little boy opened his eyes, reached out and touched the skull of the bone beast...

After the Nether Curse flashed, Ye Liuyun felt restless all the time.

"I\'m afraid the Nether Realm\'s pursuit of me has already begun!"

Ye Liuyun immediately returned to the Xuankong Stone, and tried to put on the Demon Hunting Gold Armor.

Just in case, Ye Liuyun wanted to try the effect of this demon hunting armor first.

He didn\'t have enough realm before this set of demon hunting armor, so he couldn\'t wear it at all.

Now that we have reached the realm of yin and yang, it is time to let it work, otherwise I am afraid that we will not be able to reach the Central Continent.

Putting this set of golden armor on her body, she immediately became golden. The majesty of its golden light is even stronger than the power of his own Buddha light.

Ye Liuyun first tested the power of the blood, then the true essence, the soul, the body, the power of Buddha\'s light, the magic energy, the golden crow holy fire, the ghost fire, blood thunder and other powers one by one.

He found that the power of the blood and the power of the Buddha\'s light both improved the effectiveness of the golden armor, and the increase was not small.

Of course, realm is still the key to determine how effective the magic weapon, the demon hunter armor, can be.

Although he still can\'t bring out the full power of the Demon Hunting Armor, but with the power of the bloodline and the power of the Buddha\'s light to improve the Demon Hunting Armor, at least it shouldn\'t be a big problem to deal with martial arts below the honorable rank.

Especially after wearing the Demon Hunting Armor and then using the Demon Hunting Bow, he can almost draw the Demon Hunting Bow to its full capacity.

Ye Liuyun tried to pull the bow away, and Lei Ming\'s cultivation was directly interrupted.

Her body and soul were instantly locked by the Demon Hunting Bow. All the strength in the whole body can\'t be exerted.

"Ah, little brother, put it away!" Lei Ming shouted nervously.

Ye Liuyun immediately put away both the hunting bow and armor.

"Little brother!" Lei Ming slowed down at this moment.

"I\'m the only monster here. If you use the Demon Hunting Bow here, it must be targeting me! I was almost scared to death just now!" Lei Ming pouted and complained dissatisfiedly.

Ye Liuyun smiled awkwardly: "I didn\'t expect this to happen either! I will pay attention in the future, so I won\'t scare you again!"

In fact, Ye Liuyun didn\'t aim at Lei Ming at all, but the target locked by the Demon Hunting Bow.

"This magical costume can lock the target by itself!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself, but didn\'t dare to take it out and try again.

He was afraid that if he accidentally shot the arrow, the thunder would be miserable.

"I don\'t care, you have to make it up to me! I\'m so scared and hungry!" Lei Ming acted coquettishly.

"Okay, I\'ll give you a barbecue!"

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to take Lei Ming out of the Xuankong Stone to barbecue for her.

The others also smiled and continued to practice. When those monsters heard the barbecue, they all followed them out.

In fact, at the moment when the Demon Hunting Bow was pulled away, they all felt the terrifying coercion, and their cultivation was also interrupted.

It\'s just that the Demon Hunting Bow didn\'t lock them, and their power could still be used, so it wasn\'t as deep as Thunder.

Ye Liuyun and the others were grilling meat outside. Not long after, the Black Shark warship also stopped.

"What\'s wrong?" Ye Liuyun ran to ask Cyclops nervously. He was worried that people from Nether Hell would kill him.

"It\'s about to leave the sea of ​​fog, we need to change the appearance of the warship!" Cyclops said while arranging Lame, Little Beggar and Luo Yurou to help.

"Can you modify the front end of the warship so that it cannot be hit?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Why?" Cyclops was a little puzzled.

"If we encounter a \'Tigress\', we\'ll run right in and take advantage of the chaos to attack! Otherwise, there are more than 200 of them, and we won\'t be able to fight them at all!"

Ye Liuyun spoke out the possibility he envisioned.

"You want to force your way?" One Eye couldn\'t help looking at Ye Liuyun in surprise.

"What? Do you have other methods?" Ye Liuyun heard that there was something in his words.

"I originally thought, if it doesn\'t work, let me come forward and hand in some road money!"

One-eyed said and thought about it.