Lord of All Gods

Chapter 672

"Such a big ship? So many people, what kind of martial arts are they?" Ye Liuyun asked in surprise.

He has also seen that kind of big ship, which is usually used by the dynasty to transport troops. But he has never heard of high-level martial arts.

Because of the high realm of martial arts, everyone needs an independent private room to practice. If calculated in this way, how big is the ship!

One-eyed smiled and said: "Not to mention, among the robbers, there are such powerful ones! You will meet them in the future!"

"Ah? Then what if we meet that kind of robber?" Ye Liuyun was a little dazed. There are tens of thousands of martial arts practitioners, even if they are filled by people, they will be exhausted if they are tired. They are definitely not opponents!

"Haha, it\'s still the same sentence, don\'t be unreasonable, just do it directly. If you can beat their boss, you are safe. If you can\'t beat them, then you have to surrender and become a robber, or die. There is no other choice!"

One-eyed laughed and said: "So, you should improve your strength quickly, and improve the strength of our warship as soon as possible. According to our current speed, we will not be able to run away from such a big ship. Soon we will Being pursued."

"Are you saying that the speed of this warship is still slow?" Ye Liuyun was shocked again.

"Of course!" Cyclops said naturally: There are ships that are a hundred times faster than yours, so what is this! "

Ye Liuyun has completely gained insight. "What speed is that?"

He now hopes to see what that kind of boat looks like.

At the same time, he also sighed in his heart: "It seems that we should really come to the outside world to learn more. It turns out that there are so many powerful things in this world!"

Ye Liuyun asked a lot about the situation of the ship, and Li Sanniang also brought up the prepared dishes for everyone to feast on.

Li Sanniang is worthy of being the proprietress of the tavern, her cooking skills are really amazing, and she is so addicted to eating.

Wu Qingcheng and others also asked to learn cooking skills from Li Sanniang. They all had the same thoughts, they all wanted to cook for Ye Liuyun in the future.

Ye Liuyun only roasted the meat well, but when it came to cooking, he was far behind.

So Li Sanniang took the opportunity to collect the training fee.

A group of people talked and laughed, and the relationship between each other has also increased a lot. It also adds a lot of fun to the boring long-distance travel.

"How long will it take to drive out of the sea of ​​fog?" Ye Liuyun asked Cyclops.

"Probably seven or eight days left! After you go out, you will arrive at the territory of the tigress. At that time, you will have your first tough battle!" Cyclops sighed.

"Tigress? The first tough battle?" Ye Liuyun had no idea what he was talking about.

"\'Tigress\' is the first robber team you will meet after we enter the Starfire Realm, the leader of the Yingjie robber team, her name is Ling Shaoyun, and she is in the eighth level of Yin and Yang." Cyclops explained to Ye Liuyun.

"Is this \'Tigress\' strong? Will we definitely meet her?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"At least it\'s much stronger than Tu Yun! And she has a lot of people under her command, there are nearly two hundred people!"

One-eyed paused, and then said: "Before we leave the sea of ​​fog, we need to remodel the warship so that it can no longer appear in the form of a robber ship. Otherwise, we will face difficulties from all kinds of robbers along the way. I hope to reform After finishing the ship, you won’t be able to meet her!”

"It seems that this road will not be peaceful!" Ye Liuyun said with emotion.

One-Eyed nodded in agreement.

"Of course! Even if you don\'t meet the \'Tigress\' in this section, there will be other robbers in the next section, and sooner or later you will meet them. However, if you are lucky, you will meet a few less. If you are unlucky, That may happen every paragraph. This kind of thing has happened before."

"Then they are still alive?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"There is nothing left, and the realm is not high, the robbers are too lazy to kill! Who would do something that is not profitable? Of course, they must be able to talk and be willing to give in..." Cyclops continued intermittently, He explained a lot about the robbers to Ye Liuyun.

They chatted until very late, and everyone went back to practice one after another.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he kept studying how to deal with the two hundred robbers.

With so many robbers, he could not be able to suppress them alone. Once they can\'t hold it down, those robbers will attack in groups, and they will definitely not be able to hold it back.

And the closer to the Central Continent, the higher the realm of martial arts. His realm is still improving too slowly.

"No wonder everyone says that the realm is not enough, so don\'t come outside the region. The realm of martial arts outside this region is really much stronger than Cangyun Continent! Any martial artist who goes to Cangyun Continent will be the top powerhouse and can rule the entire world. The mainland!"

Ye Liuyun was not only emotional, but also worried about his aunt and parents. "I don\'t know what state they are in, whether they will be bullied!"

Just as he was feeling emotional, the ghostly curse planted by the projection of Hades suddenly flashed in his soul.

Ye Liuyun immediately felt a gloomy feeling from the dark and cold ghost mark. And this feeling was very clear, affecting his heart, beating violently for a while.

"Huh? Could it be that someone from the Nether Hell is after me?"

Ye Liuyun knew that bigger troubles were coming!

At the same time, a huge black battleship sailed into Qingxiao Domain.

There was a huge skull on the bow, and the hull was filled with a cold black ghostly atmosphere.

Wherever the battleship passed, the plants withered and the people and animals died!

Anyone who detects it with spiritual sense will find that there is not even a single living person on this entire battleship.

In terms of size, this battleship is nearly a hundred times larger than the Black Shark battleship!

In terms of speed, it is also hundreds of times faster than the Black Shark!


The dark and cold skeleton battleship shuttles through space.

The lingering death breath of the battleship covered the sky and the sun, covering a large area in darkness, like a moving cloud.

In the nearby star field, whether it is a creature or a martial artist, they are all affected by this breath and shudder.

"What\'s going on here? How do I feel the threat of death?"

"The whole sect is on alert! That is the ghost ship!"

Lin Wanchou, the grand elder of Sanyuanzong, had seen this ghost ship many years ago, and immediately notified the whole sect to be on alert.

The entire Sanyuanzong was facing a formidable enemy, and even some promising elite disciples were immediately arranged to take a flying boat and transfer outward.

On the ghost ship, in the control room, a little boy who looked only eight or nine years old slowly opened his eyes.

The little boy\'s face was pale, but his eyes were shining like stars.

"Where have we been teleported?" He asked casually.

His voice is also completely immature like a child. But his tone was extremely cold, without any emotion in it.