Lord of All Gods

Chapter 671

The two robbers on the opposite side were hitting each other, and they were dizzy from the shock of the resonating dragon\'s whistle.

Then, the blood and momentum in his body were at least half suppressed. Their defensive power dropped immediately, and the shield formed by the true essence was full of loopholes in an instant.

Lei Ming and Longnv didn\'t expect that the two of them would have such an effect if they yelled at will.

The huge dragon roar resonated, startling them both.

However, they were not affected in any way, on the contrary, they felt that their fighting power was stronger.

At that moment, the two of them seized the opportunity, directly broke through the defense line, and launched a strong attack.

The dragon girl poked her claws and hit the robber with her dragon stick. Lei Ming also grabbed her claws fiercely, and there was still surging blood thunder in her claws.

"Not good! Do it!"

Seeing that the twins were going to suffer, Tu Yun immediately ordered everyone to do it.

But they were still a step too late, the twin robbers were directly blasted to pieces by Lei Ming and Longnu.

Their souls were immediately devoured by thunder. The storage ring was directly sucked away by the dragon girl, so nothing was wasted.

Facing the many robbers rushing up, Ye Liuyun directly threw the death knell to block the attack from the opponent\'s warship, lest anyone be attacked by surprise.

Lei Ming, Wu Qingcheng, and Su Miaoyin all took out artifacts to ensure everyone\'s safety.

On the warship, Li Sanniang also targeted the robbers in the Yin-Yang realm to launch an attack.

A scuffle is imminent.

Ye Liuyun himself stopped Tu Yun who was about to pounce on Lei Ming.

"Your opponent is me!"

"Okay then, I\'ll kill you kid first, and then catch those two monsters!"

Tu Yun also saw that Ye Liuyun was the leader of this group of people, so he thought about killing Ye Liuyun first, then it would be easier to deal with other people.

But when he handed it over, he couldn\'t help being surprised.

Ye Liuyun\'s realm was three levels lower than him, but his strength was no worse than him.

The power of Ye Liuyun\'s blood can actually suppress him. He has a lot of blood power, and he can\'t use it at all, which has a great impact on his battle.

Often hitting and hitting, his strength suddenly dropped, which put him in danger many times.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s judgment on his attacks was very accurate, and he was often able to avoid his attacks in advance.

"This kid is really evil!"

Fighting Ye Liuyun, Tu Yun felt like he was being beaten everywhere.

Want to fight but can\'t. He wanted to defend, but was afraid that his strength would suddenly drop, and Ye Liuyun would fight back. In terms of true essence, his quality is no higher than that of Ye Liuyun.

"Let\'s try the soul attack!"

After much deliberation, Tu Yun found no other better way!

The temptation to them now is not only monsters, but also the artifacts in the hands of people like Ye Liuyun.

So for these desperadoes, either die here or make a fortune.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, it is impossible for them to retreat.

Under the temptation of Chongbao, suddenly, Tuyun\'s strongest main attack, the soul, rushed directly into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil had already discovered what he was going to do.

At this time, the corner of his mouth was raised, and he smiled slightly: "Idiot, the battle is about to end!"

As he said that, his golden armored soul also rushed directly to Tuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

Tuyun\'s strongest main attacking soul, after entering Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, was directly detained by the order of the gods, and then began to absorb it.

And Tuyun\'s remaining defensive soul probably just reached the standard of the Tiangang realm, and was directly blown away by Ye Liuyun\'s golden armored soul.

Immediately, the ghost fire burned Tu Yun\'s entire sea of ​​consciousness to nothingness.

As soon as Ye Liuyun killed Tu Yun, he immediately used the power of space to enter the warship of the Lost Bandits, and killed all the remaining robbers inside.

Then they took back their warships and the death knell, and stood aside to watch the fun.

At this moment on the battlefield, there is no opponent who needs him to take action.

Lei Ming and Longnv already have an overwhelming advantage in being able to fight against the five levels of Yin-Yang.

The ones practicing now are mainly Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, Baihu and others.

After this battle, Wu Qingcheng should be able to break through to the yin and yang double level after returning. Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils had already discovered that Wu Qingcheng\'s true essence had reached the peak of the first level of yin and yang, and it was almost impossible to suppress it.

Both Baihu and Yu\'er are also challenging across realms, polishing the realm they have just broken through.

Su Miaoyin was better, and she was able to find a few opponents. Ruyue and Shiyuan didn\'t have many opponents. The robber group also paid great attention to personnel efficiency, and they continued to eliminate those with low levels.

"When we leave the sea of ​​fog, everyone soak in the blood of the star-eating beast to increase the strength of the bloodline, and the strength will increase."

Ye Liuyun thought to himself, while assessing the progress of his bloodline strength.

The strength of his blood was not weak in the first place, and after soaking in its blood for such a long time in the body of the star-eating beast, it was improved again.

Now, even against martial arts with the sixth level of yin and yang, they can easily suppress the opponent\'s bloodline.

He is now more and more aware of the importance of the power of blood. Not only can it suppress the opponent in battle, but it can also promote the improvement of the realm, which is really helpful.

Su Miaoyin is also a good example. If you don\'t improve your bloodline strength, I\'m afraid her improvement speed will become slower and slower.

The battle was coming to an end soon, and Lei Ming, Bai Hu and others were already cleaning the battlefield and collecting storage rings.

They can\'t waste any of these resources, it\'s a little bit of accumulation.

After the battle was completely over, Ye Liuyun led everyone back to the warship, and the warship continued to sail.

Ye Liuyun handed over the captured warship to Cyclops to deal with.

Cyclops did not put away the warship as a foothold for his return journey.

Instead, he threw the warship to Lame and asked him to remove all the usable parts from that warship and use them as replacement parts.

Even some of the hard metal on the shell was removed by the lame.

"The more of this kind of thing, the better. Our warships will continue to wear out during the voyage, and they will definitely need to be replaced. Basically, when we arrive at the Central Continent, we will have to replace them three or four times." Cyclops told Ye Liuyun.

"It costs so much!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect such a big cost. As a novice in the voyage, he really didn\'t think too much before.

If he hadn\'t met Cyclops, he probably wouldn\'t be halfway there and would have to return!

"Well, if we encounter such a big ship in the future, we will fight as soon as we can, and then snatch the ship!" Ye Liuyun said with emotion.

"Big ship?" One-eyed laughed and said, "You\'ll know when you\'ve seen a big ship! This black shark warship is just the smallest ship that can sail long distances. A real big ship can accommodate tens of thousands of Yin-Yang and Tiangang Martial arts of the realm!"