Lord of All Gods

Chapter 668

"I\'m the one who dragged him down!" Su Miaoyin spent every day in regret.

"Don\'t think so much! You also know that Liu Yun is not the kind of person who dislikes your low level. One family does not talk about two families. If you say that in front of him, it will only make him more sad. Hope now Let him come back safely, and then you should pay close attention to cultivation in the future and improve your realm as soon as possible."

While Wu Qingcheng was worried about Ye Liuyun, she had to comfort Su Miaoyin constantly.

But the two of them can be regarded as having a companion who can accompany each other. Yuer, Ruyue, Baihu and others were all forced by Wu Qingcheng to go back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

With Ye Liuyun not around, they still obeyed what Wu Qingcheng said.

They waited on the flying boat for more than 20 days. On this day, I finally saw the flying boat controlled by Lei Ming appear within the scope of everyone\'s spiritual consciousness.

They returned a few days later than expected.

It was because Lei Ming was not paying attention when driving the airship, and deviated from the course a little bit, resulting in missing the destination, and she didn\'t find out in time.

But when he found out that he was going wrong, Lei Ming didn\'t dare to say anything at first, but wandered around. It wasn\'t until she was completely lost in the sea of ​​fog that she had to speak out. Finally, after turning around for a long time, I found it.

"Look, the Black Shark Warship! We finally found it!" Lei Ming finally cried out with relief after discovering the Black Shark Warship.

"Just come back! I\'ll just say you\'re the smartest!" Ye Liuyun praised her.

In the past few days, Lei Ming has been blaming himself constantly.

"It\'s all my fault, I wasted everyone\'s time! Why am I so stupid, I can\'t do anything well!"

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, kept comforting her: "Who says you\'re stupid? You can already guess that I\'m going to sneak out, are you still stupid? If you were smarter, you could go to heaven!"

You\'re just being playful a little bit. It\'s okay, just take your time! Take your time, don\'t rush. "

Although Ye Liuyun was anxious, she also knew that Wu Qingcheng and the others must be looking forward to his return.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no complaint against Lei Ming. Knowing that Lei Ming was greedy for fun, and let her do such a focused job, it was because he didn\'t arrange it well, and Lei Ming couldn\'t be blamed.

In the past few days of searching for the Black Shark battleship, Ye Liuyun and Longnu were also helping, and they quickly found the right direction.

Seeing Lei Ming\'s flying boat, Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin rushed out immediately, anxiously wanting to see if Ye Liuyun was inside, if he came back, and if he was injured.

Cyclops and the others also found out, and immediately followed them out.

Everyone was waiting for the hatch to open and Ye Liuyun to come out.

The hatch opened, and the moment Ye Liuyun came out, Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin burst into tears. The hanging heart finally let go.

Cyclops and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Got it?" One Eye asked nervously.

"I got it! But I can\'t take it out now, until I get out of the sea of ​​fog!"

Ye Liuyun smiled to reassure them, and then went directly to comfort Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin.

"You are really lucky!" Li Sanniang told Ye Liuyun: "You two beautiful wives worry about you every day!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun saw the grievance of the two of them crying into tears, he knew that they must be living like years!

So he directly hugged the two of them in his arms and wiped away their tears.

"I made you worry! It\'s my fault!" Ye Liuyun softly admitted his mistake to the two of them.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the two of them and entered the warship. Seeing Luo Yurou on the side, she was envious.

Everyone also smiled knowingly. It is estimated that it would be difficult for him to coax these two beauties without spending a little effort!

Cyclops and the others, along with Lei Ming and the others, immediately returned to the warship. Then immediately start the warship.

They didn\'t know the details, and they didn\'t dare to stay here for fear of being retaliated by the star-eating beast. So moving together means opening the defensive cover and sailing at full speed.

Lei Ming told Duoyan and others how they seized the treasure.

Ye Liuyun took Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin back to the private room directly, and apologized to the two beauties for their mistake.

It took a long time for Ye Liuyun to coax Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin into peace, and he promised again and again that he would never sneak out to take risks again. Finally, Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin let him out after telling the two of them about the adventure.

Lei Ming has already finished talking here. Seeing Ye Liuyun come out, he asked carefully: "How is it? Is it easy to coax? Did Sister Qingcheng say anything about me?"

Ye Liuyun deliberately teased her: "I haven\'t coaxed you yet! She asked me to come out and tell you to come in and admit your mistakes!"

"Ah?" Lei Ming stuck out his tongue when he heard the words. "Little brother, you have to save me!"

But Ye Liuyun waved his hands again and again: "Forget it, I can\'t save it myself! I think Qingcheng is really angry this time. After you go in, say more nice things and coax her well!"

"Oh my god! I\'m going to be miserable now!" Lei Ming wailed, and pulled Longnv up again, before he dally prepared to face the tragedy of being trained.

Ye Liuyun said to Cyclops: "This is a big harvest, the blood of a whole star-eating beast. After we go out, we will share it with you, so we don\'t have to worry about our future resources!"

"I\'m going to cook some food, let\'s have a drink to celebrate!" Li Sanniang trotted away and went to the kitchen to prepare food, and the short man followed to help.

Cyclops took out the wine directly and drank it first.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been born from teenagers, that\'s true! I really admire you boy, you dare to do such a whimsical thing, and you actually made it!" One-eyed sighed while drinking.

"Good luck!" Ye Liuyun said modestly. He thought it was the reason why he was blessed with luck when he was in Cangyunwu Competition.

One-eyed shook his head: "Although there is a certain element of luck, but you are not just relying on luck!"

"You observed the star-eating beast before. When I was conducting various trials, I have already paid attention to you. You are bold and careful, and you are destined to accomplish great things!" Cyclops said slowly.

Po Jiao and Tuo Zi also nodded, expressing their appreciation to Ye Liuyun.

Luo Yurou, on the other hand, looked at Ye Liuyun silently with a look of admiration.

Just when Ye Liuyun was feeling embarrassed, his consciousness suddenly discovered that there was a flying boat in the direction they were heading. Near the flying boat, several people were waving to them.

"Huh? What\'s the situation?" Ye Liuyun immediately let the one-eyed look over.

After looking at it with one eye, he was indifferent, didn\'t slow down, didn\'t turn around, and just ran into it.

Ye Liuyun and Luo Yurou looked at Cyclops in surprise at the same time.

"In the fog, what kind of person would stop and ask others for help?" One Eye didn\'t explain, but asked the two of them instead.