Lord of All Gods

Chapter 667

Ye Liuyun shook his head: "I seem to have heard of it, but I haven\'t seen it. So, we are in the sea of ​​fog?"

"That\'s right! Since you killed the star-eating beast, it stands to reason that you should have a share..."

One of the men was talking, but Ye Liuyun interrupted him directly.

"I don\'t have the time to deal with it, I have to rush back to the sect, maybe the master is still looking for us!"

Speaking of this, he sent a voice transmission to Lei Ming, asking her to release her flying boat.

Lei Ming immediately released Shen Siyuan\'s flying boat. Shen Siyuan\'s flying boat still has the Sanyuanzong mark on it.

"This... that beast, you don\'t want it anymore?" The middle-aged man didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun didn\'t want the treasure on the star-eating beast.

"Meeting is fate, so let\'s give it to a few of you! It\'s just an ordinary beast. If it dares to eat us, it deserves to die. We are still rushing back to the sect, so we bid farewell!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he greeted Lei Ming and Longnu, boarded the flying boat, and rushed back the way they came.

"Is there such a good thing?"

"Did the pie fall from the sky hit us?"

Several men feel incredible when you look at me and I look at you.

But Ye Liuyun really left, and the speed of the flying boat was so fast that he disappeared in an instant.

The middle-aged man looked at the flying boat in the distance, and couldn\'t help but muttered: "Could it be that this brat doesn\'t know the value of this star-eating beast?"

A man said: "Never mind him, this star-eating beast is ours now, hurry up and dig Yuandan, get blood, we\'ll get rich now!"

Another person also echoed: "Haha, this is really a gift of wealth!"

As they said that, several people couldn\'t help but rushed towards the star-eating beast, and jumped into the hole that Ye Liuyun just dug.

Although the middle-aged man who doubted Ye Liuyun still had doubts, he couldn\'t help but be tempted in front of Chongbao, fearing that he would be left behind, he hurried in too.

Ye Liuyun on the flying boat was completely relieved after seeing them all jump in.

"It\'s dangerous, those people are almost going to attack me."

"Ah, they want to attack us? Why?" Lei Ming asked puzzled.

"If I hadn\'t interrupted the man and said I\'d give it to them, they would have started right away. My golden pupils saw that they were accumulating energy!" Ye Liuyun said with some fear.

"As for why? I\'m not afraid that I will share the treasures of the star-eating beast with them!" He analyzed.

Hearing this, Lei Ming pursed his lips and complained: "It\'s unreasonable, how much blood and meat must be in such a big star-eating beast! It\'s not like they killed it, but they still want to take it all by themselves, it\'s just too greedy!"

But Ye Liuyun smiled and told Lei Ming: "Hmph, just wait and see, they are going to be in trouble! There is no such good thing as a pie in the sky! If you don\'t believe me, use your spiritual sense to check it out!"

As he spoke, he gloated and pointed outside.

"What\'s wrong?"

Lei Ming immediately swept over with his divine sense, and found a group of high-ranking star-eating beasts running towards the direction where the star-eating beast fell.

"Do they smell blood?" Lei Ming asked Ye Liuyun with wide eyes.

Ye Liuyun nodded and smiled, "It\'s a little cheap, it\'s not so easy to take advantage of! Those people caught up just in time! Want to kill us? I\'ll give them a surprise!"

"Haha! These unlucky bastards!" Lei Ming and Longnu also laughed.

"Let\'s go quickly, don\'t watch the excitement!"

Ye Liuyun urged Lei Ming, and at the same time, passed the location information that Cyclops gave him to Lei Ming.

Lei Ming immediately controlled the flying boat and rushed to the designated position with all his strength.

The star-eating beast had only been running for more than a day, but even if Ye Liuyun and the others returned by flying boat, they would still have to run for half a month.

"The speed of this high-level powerhouse is really too fast! Fortunately, I found it in time, otherwise we will not be able to come back if we let it run for a few days!"

At this time, those middle-aged men who had just entered the body of the star-eating beast, after searching, found that the most valuable things had been taken away by Ye Liuyun, and they couldn\'t help cursing.

"No wonder that brat ran so fast! So he took all the good things away!"

"We caught up with him and killed him directly!"

"That\'s right, before they go far, we still have time to catch up!"

The more they talked, the more angry they became, mainly because they were still thinking about the valuable things that Ye Liuyun took away.

So they rushed out of the star-eating beast\'s body to chase Ye Liuyun.

But as soon as they came out, they were all dumbfounded. A group of high-ranking star-eating beasts had rushed over, smelling the blood on their bodies, their eyes were red, and they immediately started attacking.

Although they are not the same ethnic group, they are all of the same kind.

It has to be said that this race is quite united.

The coercion of dozens of high-ranking heads was released together. Among those people, several martial artists with six or seven levels of yin and yang vomited blood and fell to the ground on the spot. Don\'t talk about fighting.


The star-eating beasts let out a roar, and directly launched a sonic attack, shaking those middle-aged men until their seven orifices bled, and they fell unconscious to the ground.

These few greedy people thought they had picked up a bargain. Unexpectedly, instead of getting the treasure, he took his own life.

Those star-eating beasts were still not reconciled, so they went up and slapped each of them, and they were slapped into a meat paste, and then circled around the corpse for a few times before slowly dispersing.

"Before you leave the sea of ​​fog, you two, don\'t take out the meat of the star-eating beast! Bear with it, wait until you are away from the sea of ​​fog!"

Ye Liuyun kept telling the two of them along the way, for fear that they would attract the star eater.

They heard the star-eating beast\'s angry roar just now from so far away. So Ye Liuyun felt that it was better to be cautious.

Both Lei Ming and Long Nu heard the beast\'s roar, so they didn\'t dare to touch anything related to the star-eating beast without Ye Liuyun\'s words.

Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t dare to stay to watch the fun, and they were also worried that the star-eating beast would suspect them. At the moment it is rushing back at full speed.

They didn\'t have the smell of star-eating beasts on them, so they weren\'t attacked by star-eating beasts along the way.

Inside the Black Shark battleship, everyone was waiting anxiously.

Especially Wu Qingcheng, Su Miaoyin and others, they couldn\'t continue their cultivation at all, they let go of their spiritual sense every day to explore the surrounding situation, looking forward to the appearance of Ye Liuyun\'s divine seal.

Su Miaoyin even wanted to go out to find Ye Liuyun every day, but was persuaded by Wu Qingcheng.

"If you and Liu Yun go in the wrong direction, when he comes back, where do you tell him to find you!"

No one knew which direction Ye Liuyun went. Surrounded by a vast sea of ​​fog, no one could be seen ten miles away. Once the direction is wrong, it is more difficult to find someone than to find a needle in a haystack.