Lord of All Gods

Chapter 669

The hunchback and the lame also looked at them both with smiles.

Luo Yurou directly shouted: "Master, if you don\'t slow down, you will hit their spaceship! Maybe they are really in trouble and need our help?"

Ye Liuyun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then thought about it.

If he was going to travel through the fog, he would definitely make preparations in advance. At least there will be a map.

And as long as there is a map, you will not get lost. Even if you drive straight ahead, you can drive out of the sea of ​​fog.

He looked at those people again, they were all in the ordinary Tiangang realm, three men and one woman, and a small spaceship.

How much courage does it take to dare to ride this small flying boat across the sea of ​​fog?

Furthermore, they were on a robber\'s warship. How dare these people ask the robbers for help? Still completely inexperienced?

Completely inexperienced and unlikely. Even when Ye Liuyun saw the black shark warship for the first time, he could still think of it as robbers, they couldn\'t have imagined it.

"Then why stop us?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled.

So he opened his golden pupils and looked at those people. The three men were all about thirty years old, and the woman was a little younger, but she was dressed in fancy clothes and posing over there.

The few of them were not surprised when they saw Ye Liuyun\'s flying boat crashing directly towards them, and immediately hid back. Even the spaceship moved sideways, scraping the side of the ship, avoiding their impact.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil watched carefully, only to find that there were a few thin wires connected to the flying boat. It was the thin thread that pulled the flying boat apart. There should be someone in the distance.

Afterwards, those people immediately got on the flying boat cursing and chasing after Ye Liuyun and their warship.

"Robbers?" Ye Liuyun asked suspiciously.

"Smart!" Cyclops praised.

Then I explained to Ye Liuyun and Luo Yurou: "Everyone who travels to and from this sea of ​​mist has important things to do or are doing business. How can there be idlers? They will at least hire the captain and crew, at least they won\'t get lost!

Looking at them again, women are frivolous and men are not prudent enough, they are not worthy of their expensive clothes. And a small airship like theirs would take years and months to cross the sea of ​​fog.

So these people, at a glance, knew they were robbers fishing! "

"But why did the robbers attack us? We are also driving the robber\'s warship!" Ye Liuyun asked his own doubts.

Cyclops continued to explain: "There are two possibilities. One is that the news of Black Shark\'s killing has reached them, and they just tested whether we are laymen.

Another possibility is that we have crossed the line. Robbers also have their own areas of activity. Their behavior just now was a warning. If we don\'t retreat, there will be war. "

Ye Liuyun nodded, admiring the one-eyed old man even more in his heart.

"Then what should we do?" he asked immediately.

"What else can I do? Keep going, if you can\'t go, fight! In this extraterrestrial starry sky, there is no reason to speak. Whoever is stronger has the final say!"

The one-eyed alcoholic said indifferently, as if he was used to these things.

At this time, the hunchback and the lame also left the control room respectively to check the situation of the machinery and formations, ready to fight.

Luo Yurou and One Eye also arranged work for her and let her go to work.

Li Sanniang and the dwarf who were cooking also went to the weapon installation and took their positions.

"We will have to rely on your puppets to fight later. Otherwise, we might not be their opponents!" Cyclops also arranged Ye Liuyun\'s task.

"No problem!" Ye Liuyun agreed, and returned to the Xuankong Stone in the private room, letting everyone come out to prepare for the battle.

It didn\'t take long for everyone to get ready.

The flying boat that followed behind them had long since disappeared. But Cyclops didn\'t care in the slightest, on the contrary, his expression became more serious.

Suddenly, a warship that laughed as much as the black shark appeared on their way forward, and as soon as it appeared, the attack weapons carried on the warship directly bombarded them.

The beam of energy beam hit the defensive cover, shaking the Black Shark warship.

But the warship on the opposite side only attacked once before stopping.

"They want us to stop the boat! Otherwise, the bombardment will continue!" Cyclops slowed down while explaining to Luo Yurou, taking her very seriously.

"Go to the deck and prepare to fight!" Cyclops turned around and said to Ye Liuyun.

"Okay! You are going to snatch their warships!" Ye Liuyun has not forgotten to snatch the resources.

After he finished speaking, he led everyone out of the cabin and stood on the deck.

After the two ships slowed down and approached, some robbers also appeared on the deck of the opposite warship.

One of the middle-aged men, who looked like a bandit leader, shouted directly: "Black Shark, you have crossed the line. Is it easy to bully us when we are lost? Why don\'t you come out and say something, and send some newcomers to fool me?"

Immediately, he saw clearly the faces of Wu Qingcheng and the others, and immediately added: "Or are you planning to use beauty tricks to seduce me?"

As soon as he yelled, Ye Liuyun and the others understood. It turned out that this person thought that the black shark in the battleship was in command.

The formation designed by the hunchback for the battleship can block the detection of the spiritual sense, so people outside, if the realm is not high, can\'t see what\'s going on inside.

This group of robbers, the leader of the bandit is also in the realm of the six levels of yin and yang, and of course he can\'t figure out what\'s going on inside the warship.

The bandit leader had a long conversation, but when no one answered, he said again with some displeasure: "Hei Sha, you are looking down on me, Tuyun..."

"Stop shouting!"

Ye Liuyun interrupted his utterance, fearing that he would say something nasty without covering his mouth.

"Black Shark has already gone to see Hades! Now this boat is mine!"


The bandit leader Tuyun opened his mouth in disbelief, and stared at Ye Liuyun for a long time with a pair of fish eyes.

Then he laughed loudly again: "Little brat, this joke of yours is not funny at all! With your yin and yang triple realm, how dare you challenge me?"

Then he said: "If Hei Sha doesn\'t want to come out, then I will teach you a lesson for him first, so that you know how to talk to me in the future!"

Ye Liuyun jumped out of the battleship, holding the Demon Slayer Saber across his chest.

"Where are so many nonsense, everything is determined by strength!"

"Little brat, you are quite crazy!" Tu Yun\'s face changed, and he was about to make a move.

A robber beside him jumped out first, "Boss, I\'ll clean him up for you. He\'s such a low level, don\'t get your hands dirty!"

The robber was in the realm of yin and yang, and he felt that it was enough to deal with Ye Liuyun.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun thought his level was low.

"too weak!"

Ye Liuyun shouldered the Demon Slayer Saber on his body, stood aside, and called Lei Ming to deal with him instead.