Lord of All Gods

Chapter 666

Ye Liuyun was also worried about Zunji\'s soul. If the Ten Thousand Gods Order doesn\'t work, then he\'s dead!

Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Gods Order still protected it as always, directly covering the soul with golden light, and then slowly absorbed it, replenishing it to Ye Liuyun\'s soul.

"Haha! Sure enough, we are seeking wealth and wealth!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that he not only got blood, but also absorbed the soul of a respected and powerful man.

The powerful star-eating beast outside felt its soul being swallowed, and immediately ran away in fright, never daring to approach it again.

The other star-eating beasts also avoided it from a distance, as if this star-eating beast had contracted some terrible infectious disease.

"Woo! Woo!"

The star-eating beast wailed a few times, then slowly got up, left the group, and walked away.

The other star-eating beasts also yelled, as if they were sending it off.

It looked back after walking a few steps, obviously very reluctant!

Ye Liuyun said silently in his heart: "I\'m really sorry, I have no choice but to sacrifice you! Martial arts training is so cruel, you know it, I hope you can understand!"

At this time, Ye Liuyun released Lei Ming and Longnu again.

"It has left the group. Now you can go to collect meat wantonly, and save it as food for future storage. Don\'t dig his Yuandan for now, wait for it to go far away!"

Lei Ming and Long Nu nodded, and then dispersed to dig meat.

This star-eating beast is worthy of being a powerhouse of the respected rank, and within a few breaths, it ran away without a trace.

It lowered its head and didn\'t speak, just running silently.

"I\'m going, I can\'t let it run like this. Otherwise, I won\'t be able to go back."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun speeded up blood collection, and quickly filled nearly half of the star-eating beast\'s blood.

"Lei Ming, come help!"

Seeing that the star-eating beast was still running, Ye Liuyun immediately called Lei Ming back.

"What\'s the matter?" Lei Ming quickly ran back. Neither she nor the dragon girl was too far away.

"Freeze its blood, we can\'t let this guy run any longer. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to come back." Ye Liuyun hurriedly shouted to Lei Ming.

This star-eating beast runs too fast, the attack for a while is enough for him to run for a while!

"Okay!" Lei Ming agreed, and immediately began to freeze its blood.

They freeze inside the heart, from the inside out, and the effect is very fast. After a while, the blood in the star-eating beast couldn\'t flow anymore. It also gradually slowed down, and its flying height also began to drop, falling towards the bottom of the sea of ​​fog.

"Take it!" Ye Liuyun directly put all the frozen blood on Lei Ming into the storage ring.

Those blood, like a hill, was thrown into the Dragon Palace.

Seeing such a large iceberg made of blood, Ye Liuyun felt quite satisfied.

"This storage method is not bad. When it\'s time to use it, melt the blood."

Immediately, he also called Shanglongnv, and together they dug towards Yuan Dan\'s position. While digging, they also stored the meat of the star eater as a food reserve.

The star-eating beast could no longer run, and was walking staggeringly.

I have to say that this guy is really stubborn, since he left the group, he hasn\'t stopped. Even though the blood is dry now, it is still relying on the support of its true essence, and insists on moving forward.

On the way, it also encountered other groups of star-eating beasts.

At the beginning, those ethnic groups also made voices warning it not to approach. But after discovering its state, they all took the initiative to give way to it, and even made a whining sound.

Ye Liuyun watched the group of star-eating beasts vigilantly. It wasn\'t until it passed by that he realized that other groups also sensed that it was about to die, so they whined and sent it off.

And this star-eating beast never made a sound, didn\'t even raise its head, and kept walking persistently.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t bear to watch it suffer anymore, so he immediately speeded up and dug towards its Yuan Dan.

"Wow! This is the first time I\'ve seen such a big Yuan Dan!" Lei Ming and Longnu were shocked by the size of the Yuan Dan when they saw the star-eating beast\'s Yuan Dan.

The Yuan Dan of this star-eating beast is placed in the middle of its air sea like a planet.

Although it is not as big as the heart, it is still as big as several halls!

"Poach away!"

Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming and the others immediately started digging around Yuan Dan.

When Ye Liuyun put its Yuandan into the storage ring, the star-eating beast finally couldn\'t move anymore and collapsed to the ground.

With such a large body, it couldn\'t stand at all without the support of its true essence.

Now it can only breathe.

Ye Liuyun brought Lei Ming and Longnu back and dug at its trachea. It wasn\'t until Ye Liuyun cut its main trachea with a knife that its breathing slowly stopped.

"Let\'s go, lest it will change if it is too late!"

Ye Liuyun continued to dig upwards without stopping.

Now they are going to dig directly into the body of the star-eating beast.

A few people didn\'t even care about storing more meat, and immediately continued digging.

Soon, several of them pierced through the star-eating beast\'s ribs.

When cutting the star-eating beast\'s fur, it was also thanks to the Demon Slaughtering Knife that it was fast enough, otherwise Lei Ming and the dragon girl\'s claws and bites would not be able to break through its skin.

"Be patient, both of you, I\'ll use the Golden Crow Sacred Fire to burn the smell and traces on our bodies!" Ye Liuyun said to the two of them.

The two of them nodded, and Ye Liuyun set a fire, burning all the smells from their bodies.

Lei Ming and Long Nu endured some skin injuries and did not dare to be careless. You can only use your true energy to recover from physical injuries.

After they were all dealt with, they left the corpse of the star-eating beast far away.

"Young master, please stop!"

Several middle-aged men stopped Ye Liuyun and the others.

"What\'s wrong with you?"

Ye Liuyun asked intentionally.

In fact, he had already discovered these people before he came out of the star-eating beast\'s body.

They must also want to fight the star eater\'s idea.

"How did you kill this star-eating beast?"

"I don\'t really know. I only know that we are cultivating in an ice coffin, and our spiritual consciousness has been shielded! When we woke up, we found that we were already inside this big guy. So we dug it out directly!"

Ye Liuyun paused, then looked at the middle-aged people on the opposite side, and then asked: "Is this big guy called a star eater? Where is this place? Is it the boundary of our Sanyuanzong?"

Ye Liuyun deliberately pretended to be stupid.

"Are you a disciple of Sanyuanzong?" Several men looked at each other, obviously communicating with their spiritual sense.

"Don\'t you know it\'s a star eater? Don\'t you know its purpose?" one of the men asked.